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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
actin cortical patch organization +   
blood microparticle formation +   
cell junction organization +   
cell projection organization +   
cellular anatomical entity morphogenesis +   
cellular component assembly +   
cellular component disassembly +   
cellular component maintenance +   
chromatin organization +   
cilium attachment to cell body 
cytoplasm organization +   
endomembrane system organization +   
external encapsulating structure organization +   
extracellular structure organization +   
membrane organization +   
microtubule organizing center attachment site organization 
microtubule organizing center organization +   
mitochondrion-endoplasmic reticulum membrane tethering  
negative regulation of cellular component organization +   
nucleoid organization +   
A process that is carried out at the cellular level which results in the assembly, arrangement of constituent parts, or disassembly of the nucleoid. The nucleoid is the region of a bacterial cell, virion, mitochondrion or chloroplast to which the DNA is confined.
oral apparatus organization 
organelle organization +   
periplasmic space organization 
photoreceptor cell outer segment organization  
plastoglobule organization 
positive regulation of cellular component organization +   
post-anaphase microtubule array organization 
postsynapse organization +   
presynapse organization +   
presynaptic active zone organization +   
protein-containing complex organization +   
regulation of cellular component organization +   
regulation of cellular component size +   
stereocilium bundle organization  
supramolecular fiber organization +   
vacuole-ER tethering 
vesicle tethering +   

Exact Synonyms: nucleoid organisation
Definition Sources: GOC:ascb_2009, GOC:dph, GOC:tb

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