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Ontology Browser

protein localization to phagophore assembly site (GO:0034497)
Annotations: Rat: (16) Mouse: (16) Human: (16) Chinchilla: (10) Bonobo: (13) Dog: (10) Squirrel: (13) Pig: (16) Naked Mole-rat: (13) Green Monkey: (14)
Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
apical protein localization  
asymmetric protein localization involved in cell fate determination +   
basal protein localization  
engulfment of target by autophagosome  
establishment of protein localization +   
intracellular protein transport +   
lipoprotein localization +   
maintenance of protein location +   
negative regulation of autophagosome assembly  
negative regulation of protein localization +   
negative regulation of transcription by transcription factor localization  
pole plasm protein localization 
positive regulation of autophagosome assembly  
positive regulation of protein localization +   
positive regulation of transcription by transcription factor localization  
protein import into peroxisome matrix, docking  
protein insertion into membrane +   
protein lipidation involved in autophagosome assembly  
protein localization involved in acrosome reaction  
protein localization involved in auxin polar transport 
protein localization involved in establishment of planar polarity  
protein localization to axon +   
protein localization to bud neck 
protein localization to cell division site +   
protein localization to cell junction +   
protein localization to cell leading edge +   
protein localization to cell periphery +   
protein localization to cell surface +   
protein localization to cell tip +  
protein localization to cytosolic proteasome complex  
protein localization to extracellular region +   
protein localization to membrane +   
protein localization to microvillus +   
protein localization to myelin sheath abaxonal region  
protein localization to organelle +   
protein localization to perinuclear region of cytoplasm  
protein localization to phagophore assembly site  
Any process in which a protein is transported to, or maintained at, the phagophore assembly site (PAS).
protein localization to rhabdomere 
protein localization to somatodendritic compartment  
protein localization to trailing edge +  
regulation of autophagosome assembly +   
regulation of protein localization +   
regulation of translation by machinery localization  
substrate localization to autophagosome  

Exact Synonyms: protein localisation to phagophore assembly site ;   protein localization to PAS
Narrow Synonyms: protein localization to pre-autophagosomal structure
Definition Sources: GOC:rb

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