mesenchymal cell proliferation involved in lung development +
mesenchymal cell proliferation involved in prostate gland development +
mesenchymal cell proliferation involved in ureter development +
mesenchymal cell proliferation involved in ureteric bud development
metanephric cap mesenchymal cell proliferation involved in metanephros development +
negative regulation of cell population proliferation +
negative regulation of mesenchymal cell proliferation +
positive regulation of cell population proliferation +
positive regulation of mesenchymal cell proliferation +
regulation of cardiac muscle cell proliferation +
regulation of cell proliferation in bone marrow +
regulation of cell proliferation involved in compound eye morphogenesis +
regulation of cell proliferation involved in embryonic placenta development +
regulation of cell proliferation involved in heart morphogenesis +
regulation of cell proliferation involved in imaginal disc-derived wing morphogenesis
regulation of cell proliferation involved in kidney development +
regulation of cell proliferation involved in kidney morphogenesis
regulation of cell proliferation involved in tissue homeostasis
regulation of chorionic trophoblast cell proliferation +
regulation of epithelial cell proliferation +
regulation of fat cell proliferation +
regulation of fibroblast proliferation +
regulation of germ cell proliferation +
regulation of glial cell proliferation +
regulation of growth plate cartilage chondrocyte proliferation +
regulation of hair follicle cell proliferation +
regulation of hemocyte proliferation +
regulation of leukocyte proliferation +
regulation of mammary stem cell proliferation +
regulation of mesenchymal cell proliferation +
Any process that modulates the frequency, rate or extent of mesenchymal cell proliferation. A mesenchymal cell is a cell that normally gives rise to other cells that are organized as three-dimensional masses, rather than sheets.
regulation of myoblast proliferation +
regulation of neural precursor cell proliferation +
regulation of osteoblast proliferation +
regulation of skeletal muscle cell proliferation +
regulation of smooth muscle cell proliferation +
regulation of stem cell proliferation +
regulation of trophectodermal cell proliferation +