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The Mouse Adult Gross Anatomy Ontology and Mammalian Phenotype Ontology are downloaded weekly from the Mouse Genome Informatics databases at Jackson Laboratories ( For more information about these ontologies, see the MGI Publications Page at

Term:abnormal trophoblast glycogen cell morphology
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Accession:MP:0008958 term browser browse the term
Definition:any structural anomaly of a glycogen-accumulating trophoblast cell that arises in the junctional zone of the placenta
Synonyms:exact_synonym: abnormal GC morphology;   abnormal glycogen cell morphology

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abnormal trophoblast glycogen cell morphology term browser
Symbol Object Name Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
G Adgrg6 adhesion G protein-coupled receptor G6 IAGP MGI PMID:34767447 NCBI chr10:14,278,327...14,421,467
Ensembl chr10:14,278,327...14,421,403
JBrowse link
G Eif2ak2 eukaryotic translation initiation factor 2-alpha kinase 2 IAGP MGI PMID:32800293 NCBI chr17:79,157,933...79,190,001
Ensembl chr17:79,159,993...79,190,002
JBrowse link
G Nipbl NIPBL cohesin loading factor IAGP MGI PMID:32800293 NCBI chr15:8,319,308...8,494,799
Ensembl chr15:8,320,101...8,473,947
JBrowse link
G Sp3 trans-acting transcription factor 3 IAGP MGI PMID:17584888 NCBI chr 2:72,766,774...72,810,790
Ensembl chr 2:72,766,771...72,810,790
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decreased trophoblast glycogen cell number term browser
Symbol Object Name Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
G Akt1 thymoma viral proto-oncogene 1 IAGP MGI PMID:12783884 NCBI chr12:112,620,260...112,641,266
Ensembl chr12:112,620,255...112,641,318
JBrowse link
G Alkbh1 alkB homolog 1, histone H2A dioxygenase IAGP MGI PMID:18163532 NCBI chr12:87,474,847...87,490,609
Ensembl chr12:87,472,610...87,490,787
JBrowse link
G Csf2 colony stimulating factor 2 (granulocyte-macrophage) IAGP MGI PMID:9915988 NCBI chr11:54,138,096...54,140,725
Ensembl chr11:54,138,097...54,140,493
JBrowse link
G Dlk1 delta like non-canonical Notch ligand 1 IAGP MGI PMID:23059197 NCBI chr12:109,418,411...109,429,262
Ensembl chr12:109,418,749...109,429,262
JBrowse link
G Ptp4a2 protein tyrosine phosphatase 4a2 IAGP MGI PMID:22791713 NCBI chr 4:129,704,982...129,743,800
Ensembl chr 4:129,705,012...129,743,796
JBrowse link
G Slc38a4 solute carrier family 38, member 4 IAGP MGI PMID:31570606 NCBI chr15:96,892,701...96,953,837
Ensembl chr15:96,892,701...96,953,837
JBrowse link
G Sp1 trans-acting transcription factor 1 IAGP MGI PMID:17584888 NCBI chr15:102,314,751...102,344,839
Ensembl chr15:102,314,578...102,344,839
JBrowse link
G Sp3 trans-acting transcription factor 3 IAGP MGI PMID:17584888 NCBI chr 2:72,766,774...72,810,790
Ensembl chr 2:72,766,771...72,810,790
JBrowse link
increased trophoblast glycogen cell number term browser
Symbol Object Name Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
G Esx1 extraembryonic, spermatogenesis, homeobox 1 IAGP MGI PMID:9806555 NCBI chr  X:136,016,146...136,022,880
Ensembl chr  X:136,016,146...136,022,832
JBrowse link
G Phlda2 pleckstrin homology like domain, family A, member 2 IAGP MGI PMID:12032310 NCBI chr 7:143,055,282...143,056,882
Ensembl chr 7:143,055,282...143,056,887
JBrowse link
G Prl7d1 prolactin family 7, subfamily d, member 1 IAGP MGI PMID:31012985 NCBI chr13:27,892,981...27,900,720
Ensembl chr13:27,890,320...27,900,719
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Term paths to the root
Path 1
Term Annotations click to browse term
  mammalian phenotype 16965
    embryo phenotype 2436
      abnormal extraembryonic tissue morphology 959
        abnormal placenta morphology 560
          abnormal placenta junctional zone morphology 94
            abnormal spongiotrophoblast layer morphology 86
              abnormal trophoblast glycogen cell morphology 14
                decreased trophoblast glycogen cell number 8
                increased trophoblast glycogen cell number 3
paths to the root