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Term:pre-B cell receptor expression
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Accession:GO:0002330 term browser browse the term
Definition:The process leading up to expression of the pre-B cell receptor on the surface of pre-B cells, starting with the recombination of an immunuglobulin heavy chain locus, including expression of the surrogate light chain, the association of the surrogate light chain with the heavy chain, and expression of the complete pre-B cell receptor on the cell surface. pre-B cell receptor expression is a key checkpoint in the transition of pro-B cell to pre-B cell.

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Symbol Object Name Qualifiers Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
G Laptm5 lysosomal protein transmembrane 5 involved_in ISO (MGI:5444793|PMID:22949502) RGD PMID:22949502 MGI:5444793 NCBI chr 5:143,087,759...143,109,807
Ensembl chr 5:143,087,759...143,109,807
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Path 1
Term Annotations click to browse term
  biological_process 19870
    developmental process 6996
      cellular developmental process 4723
        pre-B cell receptor expression 1
          negative regulation of pre-B cell receptor expression 1
Path 2
Term Annotations click to browse term
  biological_process 19870
    cellular process 18312
      cellular developmental process 4723
        cell differentiation 4722
          cell development 3287
            hemopoiesis 1067
              leukocyte differentiation 678
                mononuclear cell differentiation 545
                  lymphocyte differentiation 448
                    B cell differentiation 161
                      immature B cell differentiation 24
                        pre-B cell differentiation 14
                          pre-B cell receptor expression 1
                            negative regulation of pre-B cell receptor expression 1
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