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Term:negative regulation of monocyte chemotaxis
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Accession:GO:0090027 term browser browse the term
Definition:Any process that decreases the frequency, rate, or extent of monocyte chemotaxis.

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negative regulation of monocyte chemotaxis term browser
Symbol Object Name Qualifiers Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
G Ccn3 cellular communication network factor 3 involved_in ISO
PMID:21063504 GO_REF:0000024 NCBI chr 7:86,094,000...86,101,022
Ensembl chr 7:86,094,000...86,101,019
JBrowse link
G Dusp1 dual specificity phosphatase 1 involved_in ISO (PMID:22991462) RGD PMID:22991462 NCBI chr10:16,680,478...16,683,275 JBrowse link
G Grem1 gremlin 1, DAN family BMP antagonist involved_in IDA PMID:15528323 BHF-UCL PMID:15528323 RGD:2303400 NCBI chr 3:100,512,317...100,524,001
Ensembl chr 3:100,512,313...100,524,082
JBrowse link
G Nbl1 NBL1, DAN family BMP antagonist involved_in ISO (PMID:15528323) RGD PMID:15528323 NCBI chr 5:151,318,752...151,329,948
Ensembl chr 5:151,318,754...151,338,719
JBrowse link
G Slamf8 SLAM family member 8 acts_upstream_of_or_within ISO MGI:5442794 (PMID:25799045) RGD PMID:25799045 NCBI chr13:85,047,729...85,057,571
Ensembl chr13:85,047,727...85,057,211
JBrowse link
G Slit2 slit guidance ligand 2 involved_in IDA PMID:15528323 BHF-UCL PMID:15528323 RGD:2303400 NCBI chr14:62,616,337...62,955,934
Ensembl chr14:62,617,067...62,955,948
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Term paths to the root
Path 1
Term Annotations click to browse term
  biological_process 20076
    immune system process 3008
      negative regulation of immune system process 580
        negative regulation of leukocyte migration 55
          negative regulation of leukocyte chemotaxis 21
            negative regulation of monocyte chemotaxis 6
Path 2
Term Annotations click to browse term
  biological_process 20076
    biological regulation 13559
      regulation of biological process 13136
        regulation of locomotion 1241
          regulation of cell motility 1189
            regulation of cell migration 1126
              regulation of leukocyte migration 256
                negative regulation of leukocyte migration 55
                  negative regulation of leukocyte chemotaxis 21
                    negative regulation of monocyte chemotaxis 6
paths to the root