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RGD ID: 61928
Species: Rattus norvegicus
RGD Object: Gene
Symbol: Hif1a
Name: hypoxia inducible factor 1 subunit alpha
Acc ID: CHEBI:34887
Term: nickel dichloride
Definition: A compound of nickel and chloride in which the ratio of nickel (in the +2 oxidation state) to chloride is 1:2.
Chemical ID: MESH:C022838
Note: Use of the qualifier "multiple interactions" designates that the annotated interaction is comprised of a complex set of reactions and/or regulatory events, possibly involving additional chemicals and/or gene products.
Object SymbolQualifierEvidenceWithReferenceSourceNotesOriginal Reference(s)
Hif1aaffects response to substanceISOHif1a (Mus musculus)6480464CTDHIF1A protein affects the susceptibility to nickel chloridePMID:12839937
Hif1aincreases expressionISOHif1a (Mus musculus)6480464CTDnickel chloride results in increased expression of HIF1A proteinPMID:14729612 PMID:24577088
Hif1aincreases expressionISOHIF1A (Homo sapiens)6480464CTDnickel chloride results in increased expression of HIF1A proteinPMID:10646848 PMID:18792914 PMID:22648416 PMID:28552779 PMID:29355601
Hif1aincreases stabilityISOHIF1A (Homo sapiens)6480464CTDnickel chloride results in increased stability of HIF1A proteinPMID:23566959
Hif1amultiple interactionsISOHif1a (Mus musculus)6480464CTDAKT1 protein affects the reaction [nickel chloride results in increased expression of HIF1A protein]; HIF1A affects the reaction [nickel chloride results in increased expression of AK4 mRNA]; HIF1A affects the reaction [nickel chloride results in increased expression of ALDOA mRNA]; HIF1A affects the reaction [nickel chloride results in increased expression of ARNT mRNA]; HIF1A affects the reaction [nickel chloride results in increased expression of BNIP3 mRNA]; HIF1A affects the reaction [nickel chloride results in increased expression of CCNG2 mRNA]; HIF1A affects the reaction [nickel chloride results in increased expression of E2F1 mRNA]; HIF1A affects the reaction [nickel chloride results in increased expression of EGLN1 mRNA]; HIF1A affects the reaction [nickel chloride results in increased expression of ERO1A mRNA]; HIF1A affects the reaction [nickel chloride results in increased expression of GAPDH mRNA]; HIF1A affects the reaction [nickel chloride results in increased expression of GPI1 mRNA]; HIF1A affects the reaction [nickel chloride results in increased expression of GPR137B mRNA]; HIF1A affects the reaction [nickel chloride results in increased expression of HK2 mRNA]; HIF1A affects the reaction [nickel chloride results in increased expression of IER3 mRNA]; HIF1A affects the reaction [nickel chloride results in increased expression of LDHA mRNA]; HIF1A affects the reaction [nickel chloride results in increased expression of MKNK1 mRNA]; HIF1A affects the reaction [nickel chloride results in increased expression of NDRG1 mRNA]; HIF1A affects the reaction [nickel chloride results in increased expression of P4HA2 mRNA]; HIF1A affects the reaction [nickel chloride results in increased expression of PFKL mRNA]; HIF1A affects the reaction [nickel chloride results in increased expression of PGK1 mRNA]; HIF1A affects the reaction [nickel chloride results in increased expression of PKM mRNA]; HIF1A affects the reaction [nickel chloride results in increased expression of PTK2 mRNA]; HIF1A affects the reaction [nickel chloride results in increased expression of SLC2A1 mRNA]; HIF1A affects the reaction [nickel chloride results in increased expression of TPI1 mRNA]; HIF1A protein affects the reaction [nickel chloride results in increased expression of GAPDH mRNA]; HIF1A protein affects the reaction [nickel chloride results in increased expression of GBE1 mRNA]; HIF1A protein affects the reaction [nickel chloride results in increased expression of NDRG1 mRNA]PMID:10646848 PMID:12426141 PMID:12729255 PMID:14729612 PMID:15094311
Hif1amultiple interactionsISOHIF1A (Homo sapiens)6480464CTD1,2-Dihydroxybenzene-3,5-Disulfonic Acid Disodium Salt inhibits the reaction [nickel chloride results in increased expression of HIF1A protein]; 2-amino-3-(4'-N,N-bis(2-chloroethyl)amino)phenylpropionic acid N-oxide inhibits the reaction [nickel chloride results in increased expression of and results in increased activity of HIF1A protein]; [nickel chloride co-treated with Tretinoin] results in increased expression of HIF1A protein; [nickel chloride results in increased abundance of Nickel] which results in increased expression of and results in decreased hydroxylation of HIF1A protein; Acetylcysteine inhibits the reaction [nickel chloride results in increased expression of HIF1A protein]; Cycloheximide promotes the reaction [nickel chloride results in increased expression of HIF1A protein]; HIF1A mutant form inhibits the reaction [nickel chloride results in decreased expression of CDH1 protein]; HIF1A mutant form inhibits the reaction [nickel chloride results in increased expression of FN1 protein]; HIF1A protein affects the reaction [nickel chloride results in increased secretion of IL6 protein]; HIF1A protein promotes the reaction [nickel chloride results in increased expression of BNIP3 protein]; HIF1A protein promotes the reaction [nickel chloride results in increased expression of CA9 protein]; HIF1A protein promotes the reaction [nickel chloride results in increased expression of CDKN1A protein]; HIF1A protein promotes the reaction [nickel chloride results in increased expression of CDKN1B protein]; nickel chloride inhibits the reaction [HIF1A protein binds to HSP90AB1 protein]; nickel chloride inhibits the reaction [VHL protein binds to HIF1A protein]; nickel chloride promotes the reaction [HIF1A protein binds to ARNT protein]; nickel chloride promotes the reaction [HIF1A protein binds to CDH1 promoter]; nickel chloride results in increased expression of and affects the localization of HIF1A protein; nickel chloride results in increased expression of and results in increased activity of HIF1A protein; nickel chloride results in increased expression of and results in increased stability of HIF1A protein; nickel chloride results in increased stability of and affects the localization of HIF1A protein; nickel chloride results in increased stability of and results in increased expression of HIF1A protein; Rotenone inhibits the reaction [nickel chloride results in increased expression of HIF1A protein]PMID:16649251 PMID:17312168 PMID:21828359 PMID:22648416 PMID:24497960 PMID:25614230 PMID:28552779 PMID:29355601 PMID:33596451 PMID:35504338
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