Note: Use of the qualifier "multiple interactions" designates that the annotated interaction
is comprised of a complex set of reactions and/or regulatory events, possibly involving
additional chemicals and/or gene products.
Chrna3 multiple interactions EXP 2303195 RGD nicotine affects binding [Epibatidine binds to Chrna3 protein] Chrna2 multiple interactions EXP 2303195 RGD nicotine affects binding to Chrna2 protein; nicotine inhibits the reaction [epibatidine affects binding to Chrna2 protein] in rat retina Chrna4 multiple interactions EXP 2303195 RGD nicotine affects binding to Chrna4 protein; nicotine inhibits the reaction [epibatidine affects binding to Chrna4 protein] in rat retina Chrnb2 multiple interactions EXP 2303195 RGD nicotine affects binding to Chrnb2 protein; nicotine inhibits the reaction [epibatidine affects binding to Chrnb2 protein] in rat retina Chrnb3 multiple interactions EXP 2303195 RGD nicotine affects binding to Chrnb3 protein; nicotine inhibits the reaction [epibatidine affects binding to Chrnb3 protein] in rat retina CHRNA3 multiple interactions ISO Chrna3 (Rattus norvegicus) 2303195 RGD nicotine affects binding [Epibatidine binds to Chrna3 protein] Chrna3 multiple interactions ISO Chrna3 (Rattus norvegicus) 2303195 RGD nicotine affects binding [Epibatidine binds to Chrna3 protein] CHRNA4 multiple interactions ISO Chrna4 (Rattus norvegicus) 2303195 RGD nicotine affects binding to Chrna4 protein; nicotine inhibits the reaction [epibatidine affects binding to Chrna4 protein] in rat retina Chrna4 multiple interactions ISO Chrna4 (Rattus norvegicus) 2303195 RGD nicotine affects binding to Chrna4 protein; nicotine inhibits the reaction [epibatidine affects binding to Chrna4 protein] in rat retina CHRNB2 multiple interactions ISO Chrnb2 (Rattus norvegicus) 2303195 RGD nicotine affects binding to Chrnb2 protein; nicotine inhibits the reaction [epibatidine affects binding to Chrnb2 protein] in rat retina Chrnb2 multiple interactions ISO Chrnb2 (Rattus norvegicus) 2303195 RGD nicotine affects binding to Chrnb2 protein; nicotine inhibits the reaction [epibatidine affects binding to Chrnb2 protein] in rat retina CHRNA2 multiple interactions ISO Chrna2 (Rattus norvegicus) 2303195 RGD nicotine affects binding to Chrna2 protein; nicotine inhibits the reaction [epibatidine affects binding to Chrna2 protein] in rat retina Chrna2 multiple interactions ISO Chrna2 (Rattus norvegicus) 2303195 RGD nicotine affects binding to Chrna2 protein; nicotine inhibits the reaction [epibatidine affects binding to Chrna2 protein] in rat retina CHRNB3 multiple interactions ISO Chrnb3 (Rattus norvegicus) 2303195 RGD nicotine affects binding to Chrnb3 protein; nicotine inhibits the reaction [epibatidine affects binding to Chrnb3 protein] in rat retina Chrnb3 multiple interactions ISO Chrnb3 (Rattus norvegicus) 2303195 RGD nicotine affects binding to Chrnb3 protein; nicotine inhibits the reaction [epibatidine affects binding to Chrnb3 protein] in rat retina