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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
rat strain +     
advanced intercross line +   
chromosome altered +   
coisogenic strain +   
congenic strain +   
conplastic strain +   
consomic strain +   
hybrid strain +   
inbred strain +   
mutant strain +   
Rat strains carrying mutated alleles, spontaneously occurred, chemical-induced, genome-edited and others, are included in the mutant strain.
outbred strain +   
recombinant inbred strain +   
segregating inbred strain +   
transchromosomal strain +   
transgenic strain +   
Wild +   
 ACI mutants +   
 BDIV mutants +   
 BN mutants +   
 DA mutants +   
 F344 mutants +   
 FHH mutants +   
 HOB/Snk +   
 KFRS mutants +   
 KHR mutants +   
 LE mutants +   
 LEW mutants +   
 LH mutants +   
 PD mutants +   
 SD mutants +   
 SHR mutants +   
 SHRSP mutant +   
 Sl +   
 SS mutants +   
 SS.BN mutants +   
 Taiep +   
 TM/Kyo mutants +   
 W mutants +   
 WDB mutants +   
 Wild mutants +  
 WKY mutants +   
 ZDF mutants +   
 ZI/Kyo +   
 Zucker mutants +   

Definition Sources: "Guidelines_for_Nomenclature_of_Mouse_and_Rat_Strains" "Guidelines_for_Nomenclature_of_Mouse_and_Rat_Strains"

paths to the root