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Ontology Browser

integrin mediated signaling pathway (PW:0000286)
1 pathway diagrams for this term and its child terms. (View Interactive Pathway Diagram)     Standard Pathway Browser
Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
auditory mechanotransduction pathway  
cell-cell signaling pathway +  
integrin mediated signaling pathway  
Integrins signal bi-directionally across the plasma membrane and provide an example of mechanotransduction. Inside-out signaling modulates their interaction with ligands to regulate cell adhesion and ECM organization. Ligand binding initiates and shapes many signaling events and links to the cytoskeleton. Via protein clustering and ECM organization integrins synergize with and/or modulate various growth factor pathways. Integrin signaling regulates multiple processes including gene expression, cell proliferation, differentiation and survival.

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Related Synonyms: Integrin signaling ;   integrin-mediated signaling pathway
Definition Sources: GO:0007229, KEGG:map04510, PMID:11842240, PMID:14570568, PMID:15009204, PMID:15276463, Reactome:R-HSA-9006921

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