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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
(+)-camphor biosynthetic process 
1,5-anhydro-D-fructose biosynthetic process 
11-oxo-beta-amyrin biosynthetic process 
The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the formation of 11-oxo-beta-amyrin.
11-oxo-beta-amyrin catabolic process 
acetoin biosynthetic process 
aldosterone biosynthetic process +   
andrastin A biosynthetic process 
androst-4-ene-3,17-dione biosynthetic process +   
asperfuranone biosynthetic process +  
asperthecin biosynthetic process +  
aurone biosynthetic process 
averantin biosynthetic process 
brexanolone biosynthetic process 
chalcone biosynthetic process 
conidiogenone biosynthetic process 
cortisol biosynthetic process +   
cspyrone B1 biosynthetic process 
daunorubicin biosynthetic process 
DIF-1 biosynthetic process 
ecdysteroid biosynthetic process +  
ecgonone methyl ester biosynthetic process 
emodin biosynthetic process +  
endocrocin biosynthetic process +  
epothilone biosynthetic process 
funalenone biosynthetic process 
glycyrrhetinate biosynthetic process 
granaticin biosynthetic process 
helvolic acid biosynthetic process +  
ilicicolin H biosynthetic process 
kojic acid biosynthetic process +  
menaquinone biosynthetic process  
methylglyoxal biosynthetic process  
mitomycin C biosynthetic process 
monodictyphenone biosynthetic process +  
naphtho-gamma-pyrone biosynthetic process +  
neosartoricin biosynthetic process +  
novofumigatonin biosynthetic process 
paraherquonin biosynthetic process 
paxilline biosynthetic process 
progesterone biosynthetic process +   
pyrroloquinoline quinone biosynthetic process 
quinone biosynthetic process +   
regulation of ketone biosynthetic process +   
shamixanthone biosynthetic process 
tensidol A biosynthetic process +  
tensidol B biosynthetic process +  
testosterone biosynthetic process +   
tetracenomycin C biosynthetic process 
tetracycline biosynthetic process 
undecan-2-one biosynthetic process 
viridicatumtoxin biosynthetic process 
vitamin K biosynthetic process +   
vomitoxin biosynthetic process 
xanthone-containing compound biosynthetic process +  

Exact Synonyms: 11-oxo-beta-amyrin anabolism ;   11-oxo-beta-amyrin biosynthesis ;   11-oxo-beta-amyrin formation ;   11-oxo-beta-amyrin synthesis
Definition Sources: GOC:TermGenie, PMID:22128119

paths to the root