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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
ovulation cycle +     
rhythmic process +     
acrosome reaction +   
asexual reproduction +  
circadian rhythm +   
developmental process involved in reproduction +   
embryo implantation +   
estrous cycle  
fertilization +   
mating plug formation  
meiotic cell cycle +   
meiotic cell cycle process +   
meiotic drive 
menstrual cycle 
multi-organism reproductive process +   
multicellular organismal reproductive process +   
negative regulation of reproductive process +   
ovulation cycle +   
ovulation cycle process +   
A process involved in the sexual cycle seen in females, often with physiologic changes in the endometrium that recur at regular intervals during the reproductive years.
parasexual reproduction with cellular fusion 
pollination +  
positive regulation of flagellated sperm motility involved in capacitation  
positive regulation of reproductive process +   
premature acrosome loss +  
regulation of reproductive process +   
reproductive process in single-celled organism +  
sexual reproduction +   
sperm motility +   
spore dispersal 
ultradian rhythm +   

Related Synonyms: estrous cycle process ;   menstrual cycle process
Only In Taxon: NCBITaxon:33208 ! Metazoa
Definition Sources: GOC:isa_complete

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