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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
cellular process involved in reproduction in multicellular organism +   
circadian rhythm +   
dehiscence +  
egg deposition 
embryonic process involved in female pregnancy  
fetal process involved in parturition  
gamete generation +   
genital disc sexually dimorphic development 
insemination +   
mammalian oogenesis stage +   
maternal process involved in female pregnancy +   
maternal process involved in parturition +   
mucilage extrusion from seed coat 
ovulation +   
ovulation cycle +   
The type of sexual cycle seen in females, often with physiologic changes in the endometrium that recur at regular intervals during the reproductive years.
ovulation cycle process +   
penetration of cumulus oophorus  
penetration of zona pellucida  
penile erection +   
plantlet formation on parent plant 
regulation of brood size  
reproductive behavior +   
seed dehydration 
seed dormancy process +  
seed maturation +  
seminal clot liquefaction  
sperm competition +   
sperm ejaculation  
sperm migration through the uterotubal junction 
ultradian rhythm +   

Only In Taxon: NCBITaxon:2759 ! Eukaryota
Definition Sources: ISBN:0721662544

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