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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
exocytic process +     
vesicle docking +     
dense core granule priming  
exocyst assembly +   
Golgi vesicle docking  
histamine secretion by basophil 
histamine secretion by mast cell +   
histamine secretion by platelet 
negative regulation of vesicle docking 
phagosome-lysosome docking +   
pore formation during contractile vacuole discharge 
positive regulation of vesicle docking  
protein secretion by platelet  
regulation of vesicle docking +   
serotonin secretion by basophil 
serotonin secretion by mast cell  
serotonin secretion by platelet  
synaptic vesicle priming +   
synaptic vesicle targeting  
vesicle docking involved in exocytosis +   
The initial attachment of a vesicle membrane to a target membrane, mediated by proteins protruding from the membrane of the vesicle and the target membrane, that contributes to exocytosis.
vesicle fusion to plasma membrane +   
vesicle tethering involved in exocytosis +   

Related Synonyms: vesicle docking during exocytosis
Definition Sources: GOC:aruk, GOC:bc, GOC:jid, PMID:22438915

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