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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
autophagosome-dependent secretion  
A process of exocytosis that uses the autophagy machinery to facilitate secretion of the cytosolic cargo such as leaderless cytosolic proteins which cannot enter the conventional secretory pathway operating via the endoplasmic reticulum and the Golgi apparatus.
constitutive secretory pathway +   
establishment of centrosome localization  
establishment of chromosome localization +   
establishment of ER localization +   
establishment of Golgi localization  
establishment of mitochondrion localization +   
establishment of plastid localization +  
establishment of spindle localization +   
establishment of vesicle localization +   
exocytic insertion of neurotransmitter receptor to postsynaptic membrane +   
exocytic process +   
exosomal secretion +   
mast cell degranulation +   
negative regulation of exocytosis +   
nuclear migration +   
organelle transport along microtubule +   
positive regulation of exocytosis +   
regulated exocytosis +   
regulation of exocytosis +   
ribosomal subunit export from nucleus +   

Exact Synonyms: autophagy-dependent secretion ;   secretory autophagy
Definition Sources: PMID:25988755, PMID:38534758

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