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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
circadian regulation of translation  
cytoplasmic translational elongation +   
mitochondrial translational elongation +   
negative regulation of translation +   
negative regulation of translational elongation +   
positive regulation of translation +   
positive regulation of translational elongation +   
regulation of cytoplasmic translation +   
regulation of mitochondrial translation +   
regulation of oskar mRNA translation +  
regulation of translation at synapse +   
regulation of translation by machinery localization  
regulation of translation in response to stress +   
regulation of translation involved in anterior/posterior axis specification 
regulation of translation involved in cellular response to UV  
regulation of translation, ncRNA-mediated +  
regulation of translational elongation +   
regulation of translational initiation +   
regulation of translational termination +   
rescue of stalled ribosome +   
translational attenuation  
translational frameshifting +   
translational readthrough +   
The continuation of translation beyond a stop codon by the use of a special tRNA that recognizes the UAG and UGA codons as modified amino acids, rather than as termination codons.

Related Synonyms: natural nonsense suppression
Definition Sources: GOC:jsg, PMID:11179232

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