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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
bI3 intron splicing complex 
bI4 intron splicing complex 
box C/D RNP complex +   
box H/ACA RNP complex +   
Ire1 complex  
Las1 complex  
ribonuclease III complex +   
ribonuclease MRP complex  
A ribonucleoprotein complex that contains an RNA molecule of the snoRNA family, and cleaves the rRNA precursor as part of rRNA transcript processing. It also has other roles: In S. cerevisiae it is involved in cell cycle-regulated degradation of daughter cell-specific mRNAs, while in mammalian cells it also enters the mitochondria and processes RNAs to create RNA primers for DNA replication.
ribonuclease P complex +   
RISC-loading complex  
rixosome complex  
small ribosomal subunit processing complex 
tRNA-intron endonuclease complex  

Exact Synonyms: RNase MRP complex ;   ribonuclease mitochondrial RNA processing complex
Definition Sources: GOC:sgd_curators, PMID:10690410, PMID:14729943, PMID:7510714

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