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The Basic subset of the UBERON integrated, cross-species anatomy ontology is downloaded weekly from For more information about this ontology see the "About" page on the UBERON website at

Term:muscular coat
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Accession:UBERON:0006660 term browser browse the term
Definition:A region of muscle in many organs in the vertebrate body, adjacent to the submucosa membrane. It is responsible for gut movement such as peristalsis.
Comment:[taxon-note] "typically smooth muscle, but there may be exceptions - in the upper esophagus, part of the externa is skeletal muscle, rather than smooth muscle."
Synonyms:exact_synonym: muscular layer;   muscularis layer
 related_synonym: muscularis;   muscularis externa;   muscularis propria;   transverse muscular fibers;   tunica externa;   tunica muscularis
 xref: BTO:0004838;   SCTID:86915006;   UMLS:C0225358;   Wikipedia:Muscular_layer
 cyclic_relationship: mutually_spatially_disjoint_with mutually_spatially_disjoint_with UBERON:0000009;   mutually_spatially_disjoint_with mutually_spatially_disjoint_with UBERON:0006676

GViewer not supported for the selected species.

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Path 1
Term Annotations click to browse term
  UBERON ontology 0
    anatomical entity 0
      material anatomical entity 0
        anatomical structure 0
          multicellular anatomical structure 0
            organ part 0
              organ component layer 0
                layer of muscle tissue 0
                  muscular coat 0
                    circular muscle layer of muscular coat + 0
                    esophagogastric junction muscularis propria 0
                    longitudinal muscle layer of muscular coat + 0
                    muscle layer of epididymis 0
                    muscle layer of infundibulum of uterine tube 0
                    muscle layer of oviduct 0
                    muscle layer of spongiose part of urethra 0
                    muscle layer of urinary bladder + 0
                    muscular coat of digestive tract + 0
                    muscular coat of seminal vesicle 0
                    muscular coat of ureter + 0
                    muscular coat of vas deferens 0
                    muscular layer of prostatic urethra 0
                    muscular layer of vagina 0
Path 2
Term Annotations click to browse term
  UBERON ontology 0
    anatomical entity 0
      material anatomical entity 0
        anatomical structure 0
          multicellular anatomical structure 0
            multicellular organism 0
              anatomical system 0
                organ 0
                  organ part 0
                    anatomical wall 0
                      organ component layer 0
                        layer of muscle tissue 0
                          muscular coat 0
                            circular muscle layer of muscular coat + 0
                            esophagogastric junction muscularis propria 0
                            longitudinal muscle layer of muscular coat + 0
                            muscle layer of epididymis 0
                            muscle layer of infundibulum of uterine tube 0
                            muscle layer of oviduct 0
                            muscle layer of spongiose part of urethra 0
                            muscle layer of urinary bladder + 0
                            muscular coat of digestive tract + 0
                            muscular coat of seminal vesicle 0
                            muscular coat of ureter + 0
                            muscular coat of vas deferens 0
                            muscular layer of prostatic urethra 0
                            muscular layer of vagina 0
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