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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
air capillary of parabronchus 
air sac +  
anatomical conduit +  
angle of oral opening 
arthropod sternum 
brain ventricle/choroid plexus +  
cell cluster +  
common crus of semicircular duct 
cornea +  
ductal plate 
external ear margin 
external soft tissue zone +  
glomus coccygeum 
humeral diverticulum of clavicular air sac 
insect anterior ectoderm +  
insect basiproboscis +  
insect dorsal ectoderm +  
insect mouthpart +  
kidney outer medulla inner stripe +  
kidney outer medulla outer stripe +  
multi organ part structure +  
multi-tissue structure +  
multicellular organism +  
Anatomical structure that is an individual member of a species and consists of more than one cell.
olivary body +  
organ +  
organ part +  
organ system subdivision +  
organism subdivision +  
primary nerve cord +  
reproductive structure +  
secondary palatal shelf +  
semicircular canal ampulla +  
sensory dissociation area 
somatic motor system 
spleen perifollicular zone 
tissue +  

Exact Synonyms: multi-cellular organism ;   organism
Related Synonyms: Koerper ;   body ;   whole body ;   whole organism
Xrefs: AAO:0010026 ;   AEO:0000191 ;   BILA:0000012 ;   BSA:0000038 ;   BTO:0000042 ;   CARO:0000012 ;   EFO:0002906 ;   EHDAA2:0003103 ;   EHDAA2:0003191 ;   EHDAA:1 ;   EMAPA:25765 ;   EV:0100016 ;   FBbt:00000001 ;   FMA:256135 ;   HAO:0000012 ;   NCI:C13041 ;   SCTID:243928005 ;   TADS:0000001 ;   TAO:0001094 ;   TGMA:0001832 ;   VHOG:0000671 ;   WBbt:0007833 ;   Wikipedia:Multi-cellular_organism ;   XAO:0003004 ;   ZFA:0001094 ;   birnlex:18 ;   galen:Organism ;   ncithesaurus:Whole_Organism
relational_adjective: organismal
External Ontologys: present_in_taxon NCBITaxon:33090 ;   present_in_taxon NCBITaxon:33208 ;   present_in_taxon NCBITaxon:4751
Definition Sources: CARO:0000012,, Wikipedia:Multi-cellular_organism

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