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The Mouse Adult Gross Anatomy Ontology and Mammalian Phenotype Ontology are downloaded weekly from the Mouse Genome Informatics databases at Jackson Laboratories ( For more information about these ontologies, see the MGI Publications Page at

Term:abnormal tendon collagen fibril morphology
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Accession:MP:0011643 term browser browse the term
Definition:any structural anomaly of the connective tissue bundles in the extracellular matrix of tendon tissue that are composed of collagen, and play a role in tissue strength and elasticity

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abnormal tendon collagen fibril morphology term browser
Symbol Object Name Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
G Adamts14 ADAM metallopeptidase with thrombospondin type 1 motif 14 IAGP MGI PMID:29649548 NCBI chr10:61,032,886...61,109,447
Ensembl chr10:61,032,891...61,109,217
JBrowse link
G Adamts2 ADAM metallopeptidase with thrombospondin type 1 motif 2 IAGP MGI PMID:29649548 NCBI chr11:50,492,912...50,698,400
Ensembl chr11:50,492,911...50,698,400
JBrowse link
G Adamtsl2 ADAMTS-like 2 IAGP MGI PMID:30738849 NCBI chr 2:26,969,348...26,998,993
Ensembl chr 2:26,969,391...26,998,993
JBrowse link
G Bgn biglycan IAGP MGI PMID:11978731 PMID:12102052 NCBI chr  X:72,527,207...72,539,542
Ensembl chr  X:72,527,208...72,539,539
JBrowse link
G Bmp1 bone morphogenetic protein 1 IAGP MGI PMID:24419319 NCBI chr14:70,711,998...70,758,280
Ensembl chr14:70,711,998...70,757,674
JBrowse link
G Col6a3 collagen, type VI, alpha 3 IAGP MGI PMID:23564457 PMID:24563484 NCBI chr 1:90,694,582...90,771,710
Ensembl chr 1:90,693,645...90,771,693
JBrowse link
G Efemp2 epidermal growth factor-containing fibulin-like extracellular matrix protein 2 IAGP MGI PMID:26178373 NCBI chr19:5,523,974...5,532,548
Ensembl chr19:5,523,982...5,532,545
JBrowse link
G Fmod fibromodulin IAGP MGI PMID:11978731 NCBI chr 1:133,964,992...133,976,018
Ensembl chr 1:133,964,992...133,976,015
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G Gt(ROSA)26Sor gene trap ROSA 26, Philippe Soriano IAGP MGI PMID:27435297 NCBI chr 6:113,044,389...113,054,205
Ensembl chr 6:113,043,843...113,055,336
JBrowse link
G Mecom MDS1 and EVI1 complex locus IAGP MGI PMID:24316420 NCBI chr 3:30,005,445...30,563,937
Ensembl chr 3:30,005,445...30,602,157
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G Ndor1 NADPH dependent diflavin oxidoreductase 1 IAGP MGI PMID:24419319 NCBI chr 2:25,134,825...25,145,458
Ensembl chr 2:25,134,833...25,146,034
Ensembl chr 2:25,134,833...25,146,034
Ensembl chr 2:25,134,833...25,146,034
JBrowse link
G Ndst1 N-deacetylase/N-sulfotransferase (heparan glucosaminyl) 1 IAGP MGI PMID:24355925 NCBI chr18:60,817,566...60,907,465
Ensembl chr18:60,817,566...60,881,722
JBrowse link
G Thbs2 thrombospondin 2 IAGP MGI PMID:9442117 NCBI chr17:14,885,762...14,914,524
Ensembl chr17:14,885,762...14,914,497
JBrowse link
G Tll1 tolloid-like IAGP MGI PMID:24419319 NCBI chr 8:64,466,132...64,659,043
Ensembl chr 8:64,467,965...64,659,305
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G Vipas39 VPS33B interacting protein, apical-basolateral polarity regulator, spe-39 homolog IAGP MGI PMID:27435297 NCBI chr12:87,285,647...87,313,426
Ensembl chr12:87,285,642...87,313,030
JBrowse link
G Vps33b vacuolar protein sorting 33B IAGP MGI PMID:27435297 NCBI chr 7:79,919,369...79,941,323
Ensembl chr 7:79,919,397...79,941,502
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Path 1
Term Annotations click to browse term
  mammalian phenotype 17088
    skeleton phenotype 3397
      abnormal skeleton morphology 3204
        abnormal tendon morphology 45
          abnormal tendon collagen fibril morphology 16
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