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Term:mycotoxin biosynthetic process
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Accession:GO:0043386 term browser browse the term
Definition:The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the formation of a mycotoxin, any poisonous substance produced by a fungus.
Synonyms:exact_synonym: mycotoxin anabolism;   mycotoxin biosynthesis;   mycotoxin formation;   mycotoxin synthesis
 only_in_taxon: NCBITaxon:4751 ! Fungi

GViewer not supported for the selected species.

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Term Annotations click to browse term
  biological_process 17093
    metabolic process 11175
      secondary metabolic process 66
        toxin metabolic process 21
          toxin biosynthetic process 1
            mycotoxin biosynthetic process 0
              (M)-viriditoxin biosynthetic process 0
              PR-toxin biosynthetic process 0
              aflatoxin biosynthetic process + 0
              andrastin A biosynthetic process 0
              conidiogenone biosynthetic process 0
              culmorin biosynthetic process 0
              gliotoxin biosynthetic process + 0
              griseofulvin biosynthetic process 0
              ilicicolin H biosynthetic process 0
              lovastatin biosynthetic process + 0
              mevastatin biosynthetic process 0
              mycophenolic acid biosynthetic process 0
              patulin biosynthetic process + 0
              paxilline biosynthetic process 0
              psilocybin biosynthetic process 0
              terrein biosynthetic process + 0
              viridicatumtoxin biosynthetic process 0
              vomitoxin biosynthetic process 0
              zearalenone biosynthetic process 0
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