RGD Reference Report - Unpublished observations for Iddm QTL - Rat Genome Database

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Unpublished observations for Iddm QTL

Authors: Wallis, ROBERT 
Citation: Personal communication with Dr. Wallis
RGD ID: 2299158

Personal communication between Dr. Wallis and the RGD curators. Iddm25 The Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus QTL 25 (Iddm25) is on rat chromosome 1, spanning the 43.94Mb between D1Mit13 at position 186.47Mb to D1Rat76 at 230.41Mb (December 2004 RGSC 3.4 assembly) `Iddm25¿ was designated by the Rat Genome Nomenclature Committee, using the trait Glucose Level and the subtrait Insulin Dependent. Further information on it can be found on the rat genome database (http://rgd.mcw.edu/). RGD_ID 2293083. Iddm26 The Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus QTL 26 (Iddm26) is on rat chromosome 2, spanning the 40.57Mb between D2Rat44 at position 181.71Mb to D2Rat88 at 222.28Mb (December 2004 RGSC 3.4 assembly) `Iddm26¿ was designated by the Rat Genome Nomenclature Committee, using the trait Glucose Level and the subtrait Insulin Dependent. Further information on it can be found on the rat genome database (http://rgd.mcw.edu/). RGD_ID 2293084. Iddm27 The Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus QTL 27 (Iddm27) is on rat chromosome 3, spanning the 52.99Mb between D3Rat24 at position 96.51Mb to D3Rat114 at 149.50Mb (December 2004 RGSC 3.4 assembly) `Iddm27¿ was designated by the Rat Genome Nomenclature Committee, using the trait Glucose Level and the subtrait Insulin Dependent. Further information on it can be found on the rat genome database (http://rgd.mcw.edu/). RGD_ID 2293087. Iddm28 The Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus QTL 28 (Iddm28) is on rat chromosome 6, spanning the 49.12Mb between D6Rat23 at position 74.44Mb to D6Got169 at 123.56Mb (December 2004 RGSC 3.4 assembly) `Iddm28¿ was designated by the Rat Genome Nomenclature Committee, using the trait Glucose Level and the subtrait Insulin Dependent. Further information on it can be found on the rat genome database (http://rgd.mcw.edu/). RGD_ID 2293088. Iddm29 The Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus QTL 29 (Iddm29) is on rat chromosome 6, spanning the 18.96Mb between D6Mgh3 at position 127.69Mb to D6Got167 at 146.65Mb (December 2004 RGSC 3.4 assembly) `Iddm29¿ was designated by the Rat Genome Nomenclature Committee, using the trait Glucose Level and the subtrait Insulin Dependent. Further information on it can be found on the rat genome database (http://rgd.mcw.edu/). RGD_ID 2293085. Iddm30 The Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus QTL 30 (Iddm30) is on rat chromosome 12, spanning the 20.47Mb between D12Got11 at position 8.9Mb to D12Rat15 at 29.37Mb (December 2004 RGSC 3.4 assembly) `Iddm30¿ was designated by the Rat Genome Nomenclature Committee, using the trait Glucose Level and the subtrait Insulin Dependent. Further information on it can be found on the rat genome database (http://rgd.mcw.edu/). RGD_ID 2293086. Iddm31 The Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus QTL 31 (Iddm31) is on rat chromosome 14, spanning the 14.9Mb between D14Rat1 at position 4.9Mb to D14Mit6 at 19.8Mb (December 2004 RGSC 3.4 assembly) `Iddm31¿ was designated by the Rat Genome Nomenclature Committee, using the trait Glucose Level and the subtrait Insulin Dependent. Further information on it can be found on the rat genome database (http://rgd.mcw.edu/). RGD_ID 2293089. Iddm32 (AOO) The Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus QTL 32 (Iddm32) is on rat chromosome 2, spanning the 68.99Mb between D2Rat75 at position 79.8Mb to D2Mit8 at 148.79Mb (December 2004 RGSC 3.4 assembly) `Iddm32¿ was designated by the Rat Genome Nomenclature Committee, using the trait Glucose Level and the subtrait Insulin Dependent. Further information on it can be found on the rat genome database (http://rgd.mcw.edu/). RGD_ID 2299162. Iddm33 (AOO) The Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus QTL 33 (Iddm33) is on rat chromosome 2, spanning the 32.67Mb between D2Rat82 at position 214.63Mb to D2Rat69 at 247.30Mb (December 2004 RGSC 3.4 assembly) `Iddm33¿ was designated by the Rat Genome Nomenclature Committee, using the trait Glucose Level and the subtrait Insulin Dependent. Further information on it can be found on the rat genome database (http://rgd.mcw.edu/). RGD_ID 2299161. Iddm34 (AOO) The Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus QTL 34 (Iddm34) is on rat chromosome 7, spanning the 41.21Mb between D7Rat21 at position 96.52Mb to D7Rat2 at 137.73Mb (December 2004 RGSC 3.4 assembly) `Iddm34¿ was designated by the Rat Genome Nomenclature Committee, using the trait Glucose Level and the subtrait Insulin Dependent. Further information on it can be found on the rat genome database (http://rgd.mcw.edu/). RGD_ID 2299163. Iddm35 (AOO) The Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus QTL 35 (Iddm35) is on rat chromosome 18, spanning the 58.34Mb between D18Rat109 at position 4.32Mb to D18Arb6 at 62.66Mb (December 2004 RGSC 3.4 assembly) `Iddm35¿ was designated by the Rat Genome Nomenclature Committee, using the trait Glucose Level and the subtrait Insulin Dependent. Further information on it can be found on the rat genome database (http://rgd.mcw.edu/). RGD_ID 2299160. Iddm36 The Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus QTL 36 (Iddm36) is on rat chromosome 17, spanning the 31.58Mb between D17Rat6 at position 16.05Mb to D17Rat78 at 47.63Mb (December 2004 RGSC 3.4 assembly) `Iddm36¿ was designated by the Rat Genome Nomenclature Committee, using the trait Glucose Level and the subtrait Insulin Dependent. Further information on it can be found on the rat genome database (http://rgd.mcw.edu/). RGD_ID 2300002. This page contains the coordinates and name of the Iddm25 to Iddm36 loci as well as the raw data used to generate the results related to the paper: TYPE 1 DIABETES IN THE BB RAT: A POLYGENIC DISEASE Robert H. Wallis Ph.D.; KeSheng Wang Ph.D.; Leili Marandi Ph.D.; Eugene Hsieh M.D.; Terri Ning M.D.; Gary Y. C. Chao; Janice Sarmiento; Andrew D. Paterson M.D.; & Philippe Poussier M.D. Diabetes (submitted). ¿ The "AOO-data.csv" is to be used in R/QTL and contains the following information: (1) 104 F2 (BBDP x ACI.BBDP-RT1u,GIMAP5 (ACI.BB1u.lyp) ) double congenic line diabetic animals; (2) 223 markers were used. We recoded the genotype of the parental BB rat as B, of the parental ACI as B and of heterozygous genotypes as H; (3) ¿Age-in-day" refers to the age, in days, of diagnosis in diabetic animals. R/QTL v1.03 was used to identify genotyping errors and check the marker order. This was done by re-estimating the genetic map for each order by calculating LOD scores (log10 likelihood ratios) relative to the initial order. ¿ Both "AOO-data.cro" and "AOO-data.map" generated by R/QTL are input files for QTL Cartographer. QTL Cartographer v2.5 was used for segregation analysis, interval mapping composite interval mapping and permutation tests to determine experimental-wide significance levels for each phenotype. ¿ The "T1D-data.csv" is to be used in R/QTL and contains the following information: (1) 574 F2 (BBDP x BB.WF-double congenic line) animals; (2) 95 markers were used. We recoded the genotype of the parental BB rat as B, of the parental ACI congenic rat as A and of heterozygous genotypes as H; (3) 3 phenotypes were analyzed; "t1d" refers to the development of type 1 diabetes (0=no, 1=yes) while for cellular inflammation: 0 ¿ no inflammation; 1 ¿ mild islet cell inflammation, affecting a few islets; 2 ¿ moderate inflammation, affecting many islets; 3 ¿ moderate to severe inflammation, affecting most islets. For islet integrity: 0 ¿ no islets; 1 ¿ severe islet cell atrophy; 2 ¿ moderate islet cell atrophy; 3 ¿ no or very mild islet cell atrophy. ¿ Both "T1D-data.cro" and "T1D-data.map" generated by R/QTL are input files for QTL Cartographer. QTL Cartographer v2.5 was used for interval mapping composite interval mapping and permutation tests to determine experimental-wide significance levels for each phenotype. ¿ The ¿Iddm25_36.doc¿ file shows the name, RGD ID and coordinates of each locus.

Objects referenced in this article
QTL Iddm24 Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus QTL 24 Rattus norvegicus
QTL Iddm25 Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus QTL 25 Rattus norvegicus
QTL Iddm26 Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus QTL 26 Rattus norvegicus
QTL Iddm27 Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus QTL 27 Rattus norvegicus
QTL Iddm28 Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus QTL 28 Rattus norvegicus
QTL Iddm29 Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus QTL 29 Rattus norvegicus
QTL Iddm30 Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus QTL 30 Rattus norvegicus
QTL Iddm31 Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus QTL 31 Rattus norvegicus
QTL Iddm32 Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus QTL 32 Rattus norvegicus
QTL Iddm33 Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus QTL 33 Rattus norvegicus
QTL Iddm34 Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus QTL 34 Rattus norvegicus
QTL Iddm35 Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus QTL 35 Rattus norvegicus
QTL Iddm36 Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus QTL 36 Rattus norvegicus

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