GWAS725091_H QTL Report (Homo sapiens) - Rat Genome Database

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QTL: GWAS725091_H (cholesteryl esters to total lipids in chylomicrons and extremely large VLDL percentage QTL GWAS725091 (human)) Homo sapiens

Symbol: GWAS725091_H
Name: cholesteryl esters to total lipids in chylomicrons and extremely large VLDL percentage QTL GWAS725091 (human)
RGD ID: 407076115
Trait: cholesteryl esters to total lipids in chylomicrons and extremely large VLDL percentage
LOD Score: Not Available
P Value: 1.0E-58
Variance: Not Available
Human AssemblyChrPosition (strand)SourceJBrowse
GRCh381558,435,126 - 58,435,127RGD_MAPPER_PIPELINEGRCh38
GRCh371558,727,325 - 58,727,326RGD_MAPPER_PIPELINEGRCh37
Population Stats: Not Available
JBrowse: View Region in Genome Browser (JBrowse)

Experimental Factor Annotations    Click to see Annotation Detail View
Object SymbolSpeciesTermQualifierEvidenceWithReferenceNotesSourceOriginal Reference(s)
GWAS725091_HHumancholesteryl esters to total lipids in chylomicrons and extremely large VLDL percentage  IAGPrs261332405850206 GWAS_CATALOGPMID:36764567

References - curated
# Reference Title Reference Citation
1. RGD GWAS Catalog Import Pipeline RGD pipeline to import data from GWAS Catalog and create human variant and QTL records


Genes in Region
The following Genes overlap with this region.    Full Report CSV TAB Printer Analysis Tools
RGD IDSymbolNameChrStartStopSpecies
736877LIPClipase C, hepatic type155843199158569844Human
11084824LIPC-AS1LIPC antisense RNA 1155843490158498735Human

Position Markers

Peak: (rs261332)
Human AssemblyChrPosition (strand)Source
GRCh381558,435,126 - 58,435,127RGD_MAPPER_PIPELINE

QTLs in Region (GRCh38)
The following QTLs overlap with this region.    Full Report CSV TAB Printer Gviewer
RGD IDSymbolNameLODP ValueTraitSub TraitChrStartStopSpecies
596964244GWAS1083763_Htotal cholesterol measurement QTL GWAS1083763 (human)5e-08total cholesterol measurementblood very low density lipoprotein cholesterol level (CMO:0000648)155843512658435127Human
407225028GWAS874004_Htriglyceride measurement QTL GWAS874004 (human)4e-16triglyceride measurementblood triglyceride level (CMO:0000118)155843512658435127Human
596972820GWAS1092339_Hcholesteryl esters to total lipids in chylomicrons and extremely large VLDL percentage QTL GWAS1092339 (human)1e-58cholesteryl esters to total lipids in chylomicrons and extremely large VLDL percentage 155843512658435127Human
406954818GWAS603794_Hlow density lipoprotein triglyceride measurement QTL GWAS603794 (human)7e-12low density lipoprotein triglyceride measurementblood low density lipoprotein triglyceride level (CMO:0002687)155843512658435127Human
597361432GWAS1457506_Htotal cholesterol measurement, diastolic blood pressure, triglyceride measurement, systolic blood pressure, hematocrit, ventricular rate measurement, glucose measurement, body mass index, high density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement QTL GWAS1457506 (human)4e-42total cholesterol measurement, diastolic blood pressure, triglyceride measurement, systolic blood pressure, hematocrit, ventricular rate measurement, glucose measurement, body mass index, high density lipoprotein cholesterol measurementblood high density lipoprotein cholesterol level (CMO:0000052)155843512658435127Human
596964752GWAS1084271_Hfree cholesterol measurement, low density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement QTL GWAS1084271 (human)2e-13free cholesterol measurement, low density lipoprotein cholesterol measurementblood low density lipoprotein cholesterol level (CMO:0000053)155843512658435127Human
597452440GWAS1548514_Hlow density lipoprotein triglyceride measurement QTL GWAS1548514 (human)7e-12low density lipoprotein triglyceride measurementblood low density lipoprotein triglyceride level (CMO:0002687)155843512658435127Human
596964243GWAS1083762_Hhigh density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement QTL GWAS1083762 (human)9e-21high density lipoprotein cholesterol measurementblood high density lipoprotein cholesterol level (CMO:0000052)155843512658435127Human
407167560GWAS816536_Htotal cholesterol measurement, diastolic blood pressure, triglyceride measurement, systolic blood pressure, hematocrit, ventricular rate measurement, glucose measurement, body mass index, high density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement QTL GWAS816536 (human)4e-42total cholesterol measurement, diastolic blood pressure, triglyceride measurement, systolic blood pressure, hematocrit, ventricular rate measurement, glucose measurement, body mass index, high density lipoprotein cholesterol measurementblood high density lipoprotein cholesterol level (CMO:0000052)155843512658435127Human
596970905GWAS1090424_Htotal cholesterol measurement, hematocrit, stroke, ventricular rate measurement, body mass index, atrial fibrillation, high density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement, coronary artery disease, diastolic blood pressure, triglyceride measurement, systolic blood pressure, heart failure, diabetes mellitus, glucose measurement, mortality, cancer QTL GWAS1090424 (human)2e-35pancreas integrity trait (VT:0010560)ratio of deaths to total study population during a period of time (CMO:0001023)155843512658435127Human
407221450GWAS870426_Hlow density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement QTL GWAS870426 (human)2e-310low density lipoprotein cholesterol measurementblood low density lipoprotein cholesterol level (CMO:0000053)155843512658435127Human
597361672GWAS1457746_Hhemoglobin measurement QTL GWAS1457746 (human)7e-09hemoglobin measurementhemoglobin measurement (CMO:0000508)155843512658435127Human
2299958PRSTS330_HProstate tumor susceptibility QTL 330 (human)1.020.0151Prostate tumor susceptibility153479023060790230Human
407194451GWAS843427_Hhigh density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement QTL GWAS843427 (human)3e-25high density lipoprotein cholesterol measurementblood high density lipoprotein cholesterol level (CMO:0000052)155843512658435127Human
597470731GWAS1566805_Hhigh density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement QTL GWAS1566805 (human)3e-25high density lipoprotein cholesterol measurementblood high density lipoprotein cholesterol level (CMO:0000052)155843512658435127Human
406955352GWAS604328_Hhigh density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement QTL GWAS604328 (human)9e-21high density lipoprotein cholesterol measurementblood high density lipoprotein cholesterol level (CMO:0000052)155843512658435127Human
407194456GWAS843432_Htotal cholesterol measurement QTL GWAS843432 (human)2e-10total cholesterol measurementblood total cholesterol level (CMO:0000051)155843512658435127Human
597516035GWAS1612109_Hcholesteryl esters to total lipids in chylomicrons and extremely large VLDL percentage QTL GWAS1612109 (human)1e-58cholesteryl esters to total lipids in chylomicrons and extremely large VLDL percentage 155843512658435127Human
597490690GWAS1586764_Hlow density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement QTL GWAS1586764 (human)2e-310low density lipoprotein cholesterol measurementblood low density lipoprotein cholesterol level (CMO:0000053)155843512658435127Human
597425338GWAS1521412_Hphosphatidylethanolamine measurement QTL GWAS1521412 (human)7e-13phosphatidylethanolamine measurement155843512658435127Human
407211233GWAS860209_Htotal cholesterol measurement, very low density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement QTL GWAS860209 (human)1e-16total cholesterol measurement, very low density lipoprotein cholesterol measurementblood very low density lipoprotein cholesterol level (CMO:0000648)155843512658435127Human
406939366GWAS588342_Htriglyceride measurement, very low density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement QTL GWAS588342 (human)5e-08total cholesterol measurementblood total cholesterol level (CMO:0000051)155843512658435127Human
407181037GWAS830013_Hphosphatidylcholine measurement QTL GWAS830013 (human)7e-13phosphatidylethanolamine measurement155843512658435127Human
1559354LDLPS4_HLow density lipoprotein particle size QTL 4 (human)2.20.019LDL particle size153479023060790230Human
596971064GWAS1090583_Htotal cholesterol measurement, diastolic blood pressure, triglyceride measurement, systolic blood pressure, hematocrit, ventricular rate measurement, glucose measurement, body mass index, high density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement QTL GWAS1090583 (human)4e-42total cholesterol measurement, diastolic blood pressure, triglyceride measurement, systolic blood pressure, hematocrit, ventricular rate measurement, glucose measurement, body mass index, high density lipoprotein cholesterol measurementblood high density lipoprotein cholesterol level (CMO:0000052)155843512658435127Human
597454385GWAS1550459_Hlow density lipoprotein triglyceride measurement QTL GWAS1550459 (human)1e-13low density lipoprotein triglyceride measurementblood low density lipoprotein triglyceride level (CMO:0002687)155843512658435127Human
597487660GWAS1583734_Hphosphatidylcholine measurement QTL GWAS1583734 (human)3e-12phosphatidylcholine measurement155843512658435127Human
596969775GWAS1089294_Htriglyceride measurement, intermediate density lipoprotein measurement QTL GWAS1089294 (human)2e-22triglyceride measurement, intermediate density lipoprotein measurementblood intermediate density lipoprotein cholesterol level (CMO:0001562)155843512658435127Human
407159163GWAS808139_Hfree cholesterol measurement, low density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement QTL GWAS808139 (human)2e-13free cholesterol measurement, low density lipoprotein cholesterol measurementblood low density lipoprotein cholesterol level (CMO:0000053)155843512658435127Human
597443037GWAS1539111_Hcholesteryl ester measurement, very low density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement QTL GWAS1539111 (human)2e-16blood lipid amount (VT:0003949)blood very low density lipoprotein cholesterol level (CMO:0000648)155843512658435127Human
597361501GWAS1457575_Htotal cholesterol measurement, hematocrit, stroke, ventricular rate measurement, body mass index, atrial fibrillation, high density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement, coronary artery disease, diastolic blood pressure, triglyceride measurement, systolic blood pressure, heart failure, diabetes mellitus, glucose measurement, mortality, cancer QTL GWAS1457575 (human)2e-35pancreas integrity trait (VT:0010560)ratio of deaths to total study population during a period of time (CMO:0001023)155843512658435127Human
596973023GWAS1092542_Htotal cholesterol measurement, very low density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement QTL GWAS1092542 (human)1e-16total cholesterol measurement, very low density lipoprotein cholesterol measurementblood very low density lipoprotein cholesterol level (CMO:0000648)155843512658435127Human
597471063GWAS1567137_Htotal cholesterol measurement QTL GWAS1567137 (human)2e-10total cholesterol measurementblood total cholesterol level (CMO:0000051)155843512658435127Human
407123976GWAS772952_Hlow density lipoprotein triglyceride measurement QTL GWAS772952 (human)1e-13low density lipoprotein triglyceride measurementblood low density lipoprotein triglyceride level (CMO:0002687)155843512658435127Human
406959119GWAS608095_Htriglyceride measurement, intermediate density lipoprotein measurement QTL GWAS608095 (human)2e-22triglyceride measurement, intermediate density lipoprotein measurementblood intermediate density lipoprotein cholesterol level (CMO:0001562)155843512658435127Human
407196821GWAS845797_Hphosphatidylcholine measurement QTL GWAS845797 (human)3e-12phosphatidylcholine measurement155843512658435127Human
407076115GWAS725091_Hcholesteryl esters to total lipids in chylomicrons and extremely large VLDL percentage QTL GWAS725091 (human)1e-58cholesteryl esters to total lipids in chylomicrons and extremely large VLDL percentage 155843512658435127Human
407165461GWAS814437_Hhemoglobin measurement QTL GWAS814437 (human)7e-09hemoglobin measurementhemoglobin measurement (CMO:0000508)155843512658435127Human
596971073GWAS1090592_Hhemoglobin measurement QTL GWAS1090592 (human)7e-09hemoglobin measurementhemoglobin measurement (CMO:0000508)155843512658435127Human
597449792GWAS1545866_Hfree cholesterol measurement, low density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement QTL GWAS1545866 (human)2e-13free cholesterol measurement, low density lipoprotein cholesterol measurementblood low density lipoprotein cholesterol level (CMO:0000053)155843512658435127Human
597413880GWAS1509954_Htotal cholesterol measurement QTL GWAS1509954 (human)5e-08total cholesterol measurementblood very low density lipoprotein cholesterol level (CMO:0000648)155843512658435127Human
596972913GWAS1092432_Hphosphatidylethanolamine measurement QTL GWAS1092432 (human)7e-13phosphatidylethanolamine measurement155843512658435127Human
596973817GWAS1093336_Hlow density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement QTL GWAS1093336 (human)2e-310low density lipoprotein cholesterol measurementblood low density lipoprotein cholesterol level (CMO:0000053)155843512658435127Human
596974329GWAS1093848_Hphosphatidylcholine measurement QTL GWAS1093848 (human)3e-12phosphatidylcholine measurement155843512658435127Human
597446128GWAS1542202_Htotal cholesterol measurement, very low density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement QTL GWAS1542202 (human)1e-16total cholesterol measurement, very low density lipoprotein cholesterol measurementblood very low density lipoprotein cholesterol level (CMO:0000648)155843512658435127Human
596973819GWAS1093338_Htriglyceride measurement QTL GWAS1093338 (human)4e-16triglyceride measurementblood triglyceride level (CMO:0000118)155843512658435127Human
597413877GWAS1509951_Hhigh density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement QTL GWAS1509951 (human)9e-21high density lipoprotein cholesterol measurementblood high density lipoprotein cholesterol level (CMO:0000052)155843512658435127Human
407167285GWAS816261_Htotal cholesterol measurement, hematocrit, stroke, ventricular rate measurement, body mass index, atrial fibrillation, high density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement, coronary artery disease, diastolic blood pressure, triglyceride measurement, systolic blood pressure, heart failure, diabetes mellitus, glucose measurement, mortality, cancer QTL GWAS816261 (human)2e-35total cholesterol measurement, hematocrit, stroke, ventricular rate measurement, body mass index, atrial fibrillation, high density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement, coronary artery disease, diastolic blood pressure, triglyceride measurement, systolic blood pressure, heart failure, diabetes mellitus, glucose measurement, mortality, cancerratio of deaths to total study population during a period of time (CMO:0001023)155843512658435127Human
407210167GWAS859143_Hcholesteryl ester measurement, very low density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement QTL GWAS859143 (human)2e-16blood lipid amount (VT:0003949)blood very low density lipoprotein cholesterol level (CMO:0000648)155843512658435127Human
596969696GWAS1089215_Hlow density lipoprotein triglyceride measurement QTL GWAS1089215 (human)1e-13low density lipoprotein triglyceride measurementblood low density lipoprotein triglyceride level (CMO:0002687)155843512658435127Human
596973024GWAS1092543_Hcholesteryl ester measurement, very low density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement QTL GWAS1092543 (human)2e-16blood lipid amount (VT:0003949)blood very low density lipoprotein cholesterol level (CMO:0000648)155843512658435127Human
597451753GWAS1547827_Htriglyceride measurement, intermediate density lipoprotein measurement QTL GWAS1547827 (human)2e-22triglyceride measurement, intermediate density lipoprotein measurementblood intermediate density lipoprotein cholesterol level (CMO:0001562)155843512658435127Human
596972899GWAS1092418_Htotal cholesterol measurement QTL GWAS1092418 (human)2e-10total cholesterol measurementblood total cholesterol level (CMO:0000051)155843512658435127Human
596969314GWAS1088833_Hlow density lipoprotein triglyceride measurement QTL GWAS1088833 (human)7e-12low density lipoprotein triglyceride measurementblood low density lipoprotein triglyceride level (CMO:0002687)155843512658435127Human
596972898GWAS1092417_Hhigh density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement QTL GWAS1092417 (human)3e-25high density lipoprotein cholesterol measurementblood high density lipoprotein cholesterol level (CMO:0000052)155843512658435127Human
597503461GWAS1599535_Htriglyceride measurement QTL GWAS1599535 (human)4e-16triglyceride measurementblood triglyceride level (CMO:0000118)155843512658435127Human

Additional Information

GWAS QTLs Related by Peak Marker
Data has come from the GWAS Catalog   
The highlighted row represents the current QTL
QTL GWAS Catalog Study Disease Trait Study Size Risk Allele Risk Allele Frequency P Value P Value MLOG Peak Marker Reported Odds Ratio or Beta-coefficient Ontology Accession PubMed
GWAS1457506_H GCST004046 Age-related disease endophenotypes 9,618 European ancestry individuals ? NR 4E-42 41.398 rs261332 N/A total cholesterol measurement (EFO:0004574)
diastolic blood pressure (EFO:0006336)
triglyceride measurement (EFO:0004530)
systolic blood pressure (EFO:0006335)
GWAS1457575_H GCST004045 Age-related diseases, mortality and associated endophenotypes 9,618 European ancestry individuals ? NR 2E-35 34.699 rs261332 N/A total cholesterol measurement (EFO:0004574)
hematocrit (EFO:0004348)
stroke (EFO:0000712)
ventricular rate measurement (EFO:0007928)
GWAS1457746_H GCST004615 Hemoglobin concentration 172,925 European ancestry individuals G 0.792 7E-9 8.155 rs261332 0.02541862 hemoglobin measurement (EFO:0004509)
GWAS1509951_H GCST005776 High density lipoprotein cholesterol levels up to 33,431 European ancestry individuals T 0.1955 9E-21 20.046 rs261332 2.5879784 high density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement (EFO:0004612)
GWAS1509954_H GCST005781 Total cholesterol levels up to 33,431 European ancestry individuals T 0.1955 5E-8 7.302 rs261332 0.96994877 total cholesterol measurement (EFO:0004574)
GWAS1521412_H GCST90060690 Phosphatidylethanolamine(36:4)_[M+H]1+ levels 5,662 Pakistani ancestry individuals G NR 7E-13 12.155 rs261332 0.1872 phosphatidylethanolamine measurement (EFO:0010228)
None Available GCST90060689 Phosphatidylethanolamine(36:4)_[M-H]1- levels 5,662 Pakistani ancestry individuals T NR 7E-13 12.155 rs261332 0.0493 phosphatidylethanolamine measurement (EFO:0010228)
None Available GCST90060696 Phosphatidylcholine(33:2)_[M+H]1+/Phosphatidylethanolamine(36:2)_[M+H]1+/Phosphatidate(38:3)_[M+NH4]1+ levels 5,662 Pakistani ancestry individuals A NR 7E-13 12.155 rs261332 0.1867 phosphatidylcholine measurement (EFO:0010226)
None Available GCST90060790 Phosphatidylcholine(37:6)_[M+H]1+/Phosphatidylethanolamine(40:6)_[M+H]1+/Phosphatidate(42:7)_[M+NH4]1+ levels 5,662 Pakistani ancestry individuals G NR 7E-13 12.155 rs261332 0.187 phosphatidylcholine measurement (EFO:0010226)
None Available GCST90060665 Phosphatidylethanolamine(34:2)_[M+H]1+ levels 5,662 Pakistani ancestry individuals C NR 7E-13 12.155 rs261332 0.0491 phosphatidylethanolamine measurement (EFO:0010228)
None Available GCST90060692 Phosphatidylcholine(33:3)_[M+H]1+/Phosphatidylethanolamine(36:3)_[M+H]1+/Phosphatidate(38:4)_[M+NH4]1+ levels 5,662 Pakistani ancestry individuals C NR 7E-13 12.155 rs261332 0.1874 phosphatidylcholine measurement (EFO:0010226)
None Available GCST90060777 Phosphatidylethanolamine(40:7)_[M-H]1- levels 5,662 Pakistani ancestry individuals T NR 7E-13 12.155 rs261332 0.0851 phosphatidylethanolamine measurement (EFO:0010228)
None Available GCST90060733 Phosphatidylethanolamine(38:5)_[M-H]1- levels 5,662 Pakistani ancestry individuals G NR 7E-13 12.155 rs261332 0.0802 phosphatidylethanolamine measurement (EFO:0010228)
None Available GCST90060738 Phosphatidylcholine(35:4)_[M+H]1+/Phosphatidylethanolamine(38:4)_[M+H]1+/Phosphatidate(40:5)_[M+NH4]1+ levels 5,662 Pakistani ancestry individuals G NR 7E-13 12.155 rs261332 0.0574 phosphatidylcholine measurement (EFO:0010226)
GWAS1539111_H GCST90092918 Cholesteryl ester levels in medium VLDL 115,082 European ancestry individuals A 0.209008 2E-16 15.699 rs261332 0.0414943 cholesteryl ester measurement (EFO:0010351)
obsolete_vldl cholesterol measurement (EFO:0008317)
GWAS1542202_H GCST90092916 Cholesterol levels in medium VLDL 115,082 European ancestry individuals A 0.209008 1E-16 16 rs261332 0.042031 total cholesterol measurement (EFO:0004574)
obsolete_vldl cholesterol measurement (EFO:0008317)
GWAS1545866_H GCST90092860 Free cholesterol levels in large LDL 115,082 European ancestry individuals A 0.209008 2E-13 12.699 rs261332 0.0366397 free cholesterol measurement (EFO:0008591)
low density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement (EFO:0004611)
None Available GCST90091641 Fasting triglycerides levels in very small VLDL null G 0.79840448 5E-8 7.302 rs261332 0.140891 triglyceride measurement (EFO:0004530)
obsolete_vldl cholesterol measurement (EFO:0008317)
GWAS1547827_H GCST90091673 Postprandial triglycerides levels in IDL null G 0.798003912 2E-22 21.699 rs261332 0.260961 triglyceride measurement (EFO:0004530)
intermediate density lipoprotein measurement (EFO:0008595)
GWAS1548514_H GCST90091743 Postprandial triglycerides levels in small LDL null G 0.797935358 7E-12 11.155 rs261332 0.184467 low density lipoprotein triglyceride measurement (EFO:0009946)
GWAS1550459_H GCST90091603 Fasting triglycerides levels in small LDL null G 0.798485938 1E-13 13 rs261332 0.191671 low density lipoprotein triglyceride measurement (EFO:0009946)
GWAS1566805_H GCST90010361 High density lipoprotein cholesterol levels 29,902 European ancestry individuals A 0.2 3E-25 24.523 rs261332 1.58 high density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement (EFO:0004612)
GWAS1567137_H GCST90010363 Total cholesterol levels 29,902 European ancestry individuals A 0.2 2E-10 9.699 rs261332 2.39 total cholesterol measurement (EFO:0004574)
GWAS1583734_H GCST90010824 Phosphatidylcholine acyl-alkyl C32:2 levels 16,839 Caucasian ancestry individuals A 0.1986 3E-12 11.523 rs261332 6.961 phosphatidylcholine measurement (EFO:0010226)
GWAS1586764_H GCST90179148 Low-density lipoprotein levels (MTAG) 361,194 European ancestry individuals A NR 2E-310 309.699 rs261332 0.063942 low density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement (EFO:0004611)
GWAS1599535_H GCST90179149 Triglyceride levels (MTAG) 361,194 European ancestry individuals A NR 4E-16 15.398 rs261332 0.024689 triglyceride measurement (EFO:0004530)
GWAS1612109_H GCST90269678 Cholesteryl esters to total lipids in chylomicrons and extremely large VLDL percentage (UKB data field 23581) 85,701 European ancestry individuals A 0.208215 1E-58 58 rs261332 0.0950629 cholesteryl esters to total lipids in chylomicrons and extremely large VLDL percentage (EFO:0022246)
Database Acc Id Source(s)
GWAS Catalog GCST90269678 GWAS Catalog

RGD Curation Notes
Note Type Note Reference