Gene: GULOP (gulonolactone (L-) oxidase, pseudogene) Homo sapiens
gulonolactone (L-) oxidase, pseudogene
Predicted to enable L-gulonolactone oxidase activity and flavin adenine dinucleotide binding activity. Predicted to act upstream of or within L-ascorbic acid biosynthetic process.
pseudo (Ensembl: unitary_pseudogene)
RefSeq Status:
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Latest Assembly:
GRCh38 - Human Genome Assembly GRCh38
Human Assembly Chr Position (strand) Source Genome Browsers JBrowse NCBI UCSC Ensembl GRCh38 8 27,577,611 - 27,589,073 (+) NCBI GRCh38 GRCh38 hg38 GRCh38 GRCh38.p14 Ensembl 8 27,560,274 - 27,589,073 (+) Ensembl GRCh38 hg38 GRCh38 GRCh37 8 27,435,128 - 27,446,590 (+) NCBI GRCh37 GRCh37 hg19 GRCh37 Build 36 8 27,491,045 - 27,502,507 (+) NCBI NCBI36 Build 36 hg18 NCBI36 Celera 8 26,395,229 - 26,406,690 (+) NCBI Celera Cytogenetic Map 8 p21.1 NCBI HuRef 8 25,980,173 - 25,991,634 (+) NCBI HuRef CHM1_1 8 27,637,009 - 27,648,461 (+) NCBI CHM1_1 T2T-CHM13v2.0 8 27,854,954 - 27,866,415 (+) NCBI T2T-CHM13v2.0
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Imported Disease Annotations - CTD
Only show annotations with direct experimental evidence (0 objects hidden)
GULOP Human (1->4)-beta-D-glucan multiple interactions ISO Gulo (Mus musculus) 6480464 [perfluorooctane sulfonic acid co-treated with Cellulose] results in decreased expression of GULO mRNA CTD PMID:36331819 GULOP Human 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzodioxine decreases expression ISO Gulo (Mus musculus) 6480464 Tetrachlorodibenzodioxin results in decreased expression of GULO mRNA CTD PMID:19770486 GULOP Human 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzodioxine increases expression ISO Gulo (Mus musculus) 6480464 Tetrachlorodibenzodioxin results in increased expression of GULO mRNA CTD PMID:27562557 GULOP Human 2,4-dibromophenyl 2,4,5-tribromophenyl ether affects expression ISO Gulo (Mus musculus) 6480464 2 more ... CTD PMID:38648751 GULOP Human 4,4'-diaminodiphenylmethane decreases expression ISO Gulo (Mus musculus) 6480464 4 and 4'-diaminodiphenylmethane results in decreased expression of GULO mRNA CTD PMID:18648102 GULOP Human 4-hydroxyphenyl retinamide increases expression ISO Gulo (Mus musculus) 6480464 Fenretinide results in increased expression of GULO mRNA CTD PMID:28973697 GULOP Human 5,6,7,8-tetrahydrobiopterin multiple interactions ISO Gulo (Mus musculus) 6480464 [gulonolactone co-treated with GULO protein] results in increased abundance of sapropterin CTD PMID:16737683 GULOP Human aflatoxin B1 decreases expression ISO Gulo (Mus musculus) 6480464 Aflatoxin B1 results in decreased expression of GULO mRNA CTD PMID:19770486 GULOP Human aldehydo-D-glucose multiple interactions ISO Gulo (Mus musculus) 6480464 fucoxanthin inhibits the reaction [Glucose results in decreased expression of GULO mRNA] CTD PMID:33448797 GULOP Human aldehydo-D-glucose decreases expression ISO Gulo (Mus musculus) 6480464 Glucose results in decreased expression of GULO mRNA CTD PMID:31525975 and PMID:33448797 GULOP Human aldehydo-D-glucose increases methylation ISO Gulo (Mus musculus) 6480464 Glucose results in increased methylation of GULO promoter CTD PMID:31525975 GULOP Human Azoxymethane multiple interactions ISO Gulo (Mus musculus) 6480464 [titanium dioxide co-treated with Azoxymethane co-treated with Dextran Sulfate] results in decreased expression of GULO mRNA CTD PMID:29950665 GULOP Human benzo[a]pyrene decreases expression ISO Gulo (Mus musculus) 6480464 Benzo(a)pyrene results in decreased expression of GULO mRNA CTD PMID:19770486 GULOP Human benzo[a]pyrene decreases expression EXP 6480464 Benzo(a)pyrene results in decreased expression of GULOP mRNA CTD PMID:32234424 GULOP Human bis(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate decreases expression ISO Gulo (Mus musculus) 6480464 Diethylhexyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of GULO mRNA CTD PMID:19245819 GULOP Human bisphenol A decreases expression ISO Gulo (Mus musculus) 6480464 bisphenol A results in decreased expression of GULO mRNA CTD PMID:26063408 GULOP Human bisphenol A increases expression ISO Gulo (Mus musculus) 6480464 bisphenol A results in increased expression of GULO mRNA CTD PMID:38074096 GULOP Human buta-1,3-diene decreases expression ISO Gulo (Mus musculus) 6480464 1 and 3-butadiene results in decreased expression of GULO mRNA CTD PMID:29038090 GULOP Human clofibrate decreases expression ISO Gulo (Mus musculus) 6480464 Clofibrate results in decreased expression of GULO mRNA CTD PMID:30629241 GULOP Human cyclosporin A decreases expression ISO Gulo (Mus musculus) 6480464 Cyclosporine results in decreased expression of GULO mRNA CTD PMID:19770486 GULOP Human D-(-)-Gulono-gamma-lactone multiple interactions ISO Gulo (Mus musculus) 6480464 [gulonolactone co-treated with GULO protein] results in increased abundance of Ascorbic Acid and [gulonolactone co-treated with GULO protein] results in increased abundance of sapropterin CTD PMID:16737683 GULOP Human D-glucose multiple interactions ISO Gulo (Mus musculus) 6480464 fucoxanthin inhibits the reaction [Glucose results in decreased expression of GULO mRNA] CTD PMID:33448797 GULOP Human D-glucose increases methylation ISO Gulo (Mus musculus) 6480464 Glucose results in increased methylation of GULO promoter CTD PMID:31525975 GULOP Human D-glucose decreases expression ISO Gulo (Mus musculus) 6480464 Glucose results in decreased expression of GULO mRNA CTD PMID:31525975 and PMID:33448797 GULOP Human dextran sulfate multiple interactions ISO Gulo (Mus musculus) 6480464 [titanium dioxide co-treated with Azoxymethane co-treated with Dextran Sulfate] results in decreased expression of GULO mRNA CTD PMID:29950665 GULOP Human epoxiconazole decreases expression ISO Gulo (Mus musculus) 6480464 epoxiconazole results in decreased expression of GULO mRNA CTD PMID:35436446 GULOP Human fenthion increases expression ISO Gulo (Mus musculus) 6480464 Fenthion results in increased expression of GULO mRNA CTD PMID:34813904 GULOP Human fucoxanthin multiple interactions ISO Gulo (Mus musculus) 6480464 fucoxanthin inhibits the reaction [Glucose results in decreased expression of GULO mRNA] CTD PMID:33448797 GULOP Human genistein decreases expression ISO Gulo (Mus musculus) 6480464 Genistein results in decreased expression of GULO mRNA CTD PMID:32186404 GULOP Human glucose multiple interactions ISO Gulo (Mus musculus) 6480464 fucoxanthin inhibits the reaction [Glucose results in decreased expression of GULO mRNA] CTD PMID:33448797 GULOP Human glucose decreases expression ISO Gulo (Mus musculus) 6480464 Glucose results in decreased expression of GULO mRNA CTD PMID:31525975 and PMID:33448797 GULOP Human glucose increases methylation ISO Gulo (Mus musculus) 6480464 Glucose results in increased methylation of GULO promoter CTD PMID:31525975 GULOP Human inulin multiple interactions ISO Gulo (Mus musculus) 6480464 [perfluorooctane sulfonic acid co-treated with Inulin] results in decreased expression of GULO mRNA CTD PMID:36331819 GULOP Human L-ascorbic acid multiple interactions ISO Gulo (Mus musculus) 6480464 [gulonolactone co-treated with GULO protein] results in increased abundance of Ascorbic Acid more ... CTD PMID:16737683 more ... GULOP Human L-ascorbic acid affects chemical synthesis ISO Gulo (Mus musculus) 6480464 GULO protein affects the chemical synthesis of Ascorbic Acid CTD PMID:22306178 GULOP Human L-ascorbic acid 2-phosphate affects response to substance ISO Gulo (Mus musculus) 6480464 GULO affects the susceptibility to ascorbate-2-phosphate CTD PMID:17510056 GULOP Human L-ascorbic acid 2-phosphate multiple interactions ISO Gulo (Mus musculus) 6480464 [ascorbate-2-phosphate co-treated with GULO protein] affects the expression of and affects the localization of NFE2L1 protein CTD PMID:17510056 GULOP Human nickel subsulfide affects abundance ISO Gulo (Mus musculus) 6480464 GULO affects the abundance of nickel subsulfide CTD PMID:21878346 GULOP Human nickel subsulfide multiple interactions ISO Gulo (Mus musculus) 6480464 Ascorbic Acid deficiency affects the reaction [GULO affects the susceptibility to nickel subsulfide] CTD PMID:21878346 GULOP Human nickel subsulfide affects response to substance ISO Gulo (Mus musculus) 6480464 GULO affects the susceptibility to nickel subsulfide CTD PMID:21878346 GULOP Human nitric oxide multiple interactions ISO Gulo (Mus musculus) 6480464 [GULO protein co-treated with NOS3 protein] results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide CTD PMID:16737683 GULOP Human ozone multiple interactions ISO Gulo (Mus musculus) 6480464 [Air Pollutants results in increased abundance of Ozone] which results in decreased expression of GULO mRNA CTD PMID:27106289 GULOP Human paracetamol affects expression ISO Gulo (Mus musculus) 6480464 Acetaminophen affects the expression of GULO mRNA CTD PMID:17562736 GULOP Human perfluorohexanesulfonic acid decreases expression ISO Gulo (Mus musculus) 6480464 perfluorohexanesulfonic acid results in decreased expression of GULO mRNA CTD PMID:37995155 GULOP Human perfluorooctane-1-sulfonic acid multiple interactions ISO Gulo (Mus musculus) 6480464 [perfluorooctane sulfonic acid co-treated with Cellulose] results in decreased expression of GULO mRNA more ... CTD PMID:36331819 GULOP Human permethrin decreases expression ISO Gulo (Mus musculus) 6480464 Permethrin results in decreased expression of GULO mRNA CTD PMID:30629241 GULOP Human phenobarbital multiple interactions ISO Gulo (Mus musculus) 6480464 NR1I3 protein affects the reaction [Phenobarbital results in increased expression of GULO mRNA] CTD PMID:19482888 GULOP Human phenobarbital affects expression ISO Gulo (Mus musculus) 6480464 Phenobarbital affects the expression of GULO mRNA CTD PMID:23091169 GULOP Human phenobarbital increases expression ISO Gulo (Mus musculus) 6480464 Phenobarbital results in increased expression of GULO mRNA CTD PMID:19482888 GULOP Human pirinixic acid multiple interactions ISO Gulo (Mus musculus) 6480464 [pirinixic acid co-treated with PPARA] results in decreased expression of GULO mRNA CTD PMID:20813756 GULOP Human pirinixic acid decreases expression ISO Gulo (Mus musculus) 6480464 pirinixic acid results in decreased expression of GULO mRNA CTD PMID:17950772 more ... GULOP Human potassium dichromate increases expression ISO Gulo (Mus musculus) 6480464 Potassium Dichromate results in increased expression of GULO mRNA CTD PMID:23608068 GULOP Human pregnenolone 16alpha-carbonitrile decreases expression ISO Gulo (Mus musculus) 6480464 Pregnenolone Carbonitrile results in decreased expression of GULO mRNA CTD PMID:28903501 GULOP Human sapropterin multiple interactions ISO Gulo (Mus musculus) 6480464 [gulonolactone co-treated with GULO protein] results in increased abundance of sapropterin CTD PMID:16737683 GULOP Human sodium arsenite increases expression ISO Gulo (Mus musculus) 6480464 sodium arsenite results in increased expression of GULO mRNA and sodium arsenite results in increased expression of GULO protein CTD PMID:29044176 and PMID:37682722 GULOP Human tetrachloromethane decreases expression ISO Gulo (Mus musculus) 6480464 Carbon Tetrachloride results in decreased expression of GULO mRNA CTD PMID:27339419 and PMID:31919559 GULOP Human titanium dioxide multiple interactions ISO Gulo (Mus musculus) 6480464 [titanium dioxide co-treated with Azoxymethane co-treated with Dextran Sulfate] results in decreased expression of GULO mRNA CTD PMID:29950665
(1->4)-beta-D-glucan (ISO) 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzodioxine (ISO) 2,4-dibromophenyl 2,4,5-tribromophenyl ether (ISO) 4,4'-diaminodiphenylmethane (ISO) 4-hydroxyphenyl retinamide (ISO) 5,6,7,8-tetrahydrobiopterin (ISO) aflatoxin B1 (ISO) aldehydo-D-glucose (ISO) Azoxymethane (ISO) benzo[a]pyrene (EXP,ISO) bis(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (ISO) bisphenol A (ISO) buta-1,3-diene (ISO) clofibrate (ISO) cyclosporin A (ISO) D-(-)-Gulono-gamma-lactone (ISO) D-glucose (ISO) dextran sulfate (ISO) epoxiconazole (ISO) fenthion (ISO) fucoxanthin (ISO) genistein (ISO) glucose (ISO) inulin (ISO) L-ascorbic acid (ISO) L-ascorbic acid 2-phosphate (ISO) nickel subsulfide (ISO) nitric oxide (ISO) ozone (ISO) paracetamol (ISO) perfluorohexanesulfonic acid (ISO) perfluorooctane-1-sulfonic acid (ISO) permethrin (ISO) phenobarbital (ISO) pirinixic acid (ISO) potassium dichromate (ISO) pregnenolone 16alpha-carbonitrile (ISO) sapropterin (ISO) sodium arsenite (ISO) tetrachloromethane (ISO) titanium dioxide (ISO)
Additional References at PubMed
Comparative Map Data
GULOP (Homo sapiens - human)
Human Assembly Chr Position (strand) Source Genome Browsers JBrowse NCBI UCSC Ensembl GRCh38 8 27,577,611 - 27,589,073 (+) NCBI GRCh38 GRCh38 hg38 GRCh38 GRCh38.p14 Ensembl 8 27,560,274 - 27,589,073 (+) Ensembl GRCh38 hg38 GRCh38 GRCh37 8 27,435,128 - 27,446,590 (+) NCBI GRCh37 GRCh37 hg19 GRCh37 Build 36 8 27,491,045 - 27,502,507 (+) NCBI NCBI36 Build 36 hg18 NCBI36 Celera 8 26,395,229 - 26,406,690 (+) NCBI Celera Cytogenetic Map 8 p21.1 NCBI HuRef 8 25,980,173 - 25,991,634 (+) NCBI HuRef CHM1_1 8 27,637,009 - 27,648,461 (+) NCBI CHM1_1 T2T-CHM13v2.0 8 27,854,954 - 27,866,415 (+) NCBI T2T-CHM13v2.0
Gulo (Mus musculus - house mouse)
Mouse Assembly Chr Position (strand) Source Genome Browsers JBrowse NCBI UCSC Ensembl GRCm39 14 66,224,235 - 66,246,703 (-) NCBI GRCm39 GRCm39 mm39 GRCm39 Ensembl 14 66,224,235 - 66,246,656 (-) Ensembl GRCm39 Ensembl GRCm38 14 65,986,786 - 66,009,254 (-) NCBI GRCm38 GRCm38 mm10 GRCm38 GRCm38.p6 Ensembl 14 65,986,786 - 66,009,207 (-) Ensembl GRCm38 mm10 GRCm38 MGSCv37 14 66,605,624 - 66,628,047 (-) NCBI GRCm37 MGSCv37 mm9 NCBIm37 MGSCv36 14 64,940,897 - 64,963,320 (-) NCBI MGSCv36 mm8 Celera 14 51,257,847 - 51,259,334 (+) NCBI Celera Cytogenetic Map 14 D1 NCBI cM Map 14 34.36 NCBI
Clinical Variants
GRCh38/hg38 8p23.1-11.1(chr8:12609975-43255410)x3
copy number gain
Developmental Delay and additional significant developmental and morphological phenotypes referred for genetic testing [RCV000053631 ]|Developmental delay and additional significant developmental and morphological phenotypes referred for genetic testing [RCV000053631 ]|See cases [RCV000053631 ]
Chr8:12609975..43255410 [GRCh38] Chr8:12467484..43110553 [GRCh37] Chr8:12511855..43229710 [NCBI36] Chr8:8p23.1-11.1
GRCh38/hg38 8p23.3-q24.3(chr8:244417-145054775)x3
copy number gain
Developmental Delay and additional significant developmental and morphological phenotypes referred for genetic testing [RCV000053604 ]|Developmental delay and additional significant developmental and morphological phenotypes referred for genetic testing [RCV000053604 ]|See cases [RCV000053604 ]
Chr8:244417..145054775 [GRCh38] Chr8:194417..146280161 [GRCh37] Chr8:184417..146250965 [NCBI36] Chr8:8p23.3-q24.3
GRCh38/hg38 8p23.3-q24.3(chr8:241530-145054634)x3
copy number gain
See cases [RCV000148092 ]
Chr8:241530..145054634 [GRCh38] Chr8:191530..146280020 [GRCh37] Chr8:181530..146250824 [NCBI36] Chr8:8p23.3-q24.3
miRNA Target Status
Predicted Target Of
Count of predictions: 355 Count of miRNA genes: 328 Interacting mature miRNAs: 345 Transcripts: ENST00000454030 Prediction methods: Miranda, Rnahybrid Result types: miRGate_prediction
QTLs in Region (GRCh38)
407079459 GWAS728435_H parental longevity QTL GWAS728435 (human) 0.000009 parental longevity 8 27584547 27584548 Human 1298482 BP2_H Blood pressure QTL 2 (human) 1.8 Blood pressure diastolic 8 6953256 32953256 Human 406905347 GWAS554323_H S-6-hydroxywarfarin measurement QTL GWAS554323 (human) 0.000007 S-6-hydroxywarfarin measurement 8 27588994 27588995 Human 407149152 GWAS798128_H schizophrenia QTL GWAS798128 (human) 1e-08 schizophrenia 8 27584610 27584611 Human 407009895 GWAS658871_H parental longevity QTL GWAS658871 (human) 6e-10 parental longevity 8 27584547 27584548 Human 406989543 GWAS638519_H cigarettes per day measurement QTL GWAS638519 (human) 3e-09 cigarettes per day measurement 8 27584610 27584611 Human 407138668 GWAS787644_H cannabis dependence QTL GWAS787644 (human) 7e-14 cannabis dependence 8 27578983 27578984 Human 407141290 GWAS790266_H Alzheimer disease, family history of Alzheimer’s disease QTL GWAS790266 (human) 5e-08 Alzheimer disease, family history of Alzheimer’s disease 8 27584004 27584005 Human 407115339 GWAS764315_H cannabis dependence, substance abuse QTL GWAS764315 (human) 9e-12 cannabis dependence, substance abuse 8 27578983 27578984 Human 407067282 GWAS716258_H parental longevity QTL GWAS716258 (human) 0.0000002 parental longevity 8 27584547 27584548 Human 407120848 GWAS769824_H cigarettes per day measurement QTL GWAS769824 (human) 1e-11 cigarettes per day measurement 8 27584610 27584611 Human 407260787 GWAS909763_H schizophrenia QTL GWAS909763 (human) 2e-12 schizophrenia 8 27584610 27584611 Human 406898902 GWAS547878_H smoking initiation QTL GWAS547878 (human) 4e-120 smoking initiation 8 27584610 27584611 Human 1558703 SCL6_H Serum cholesterol level QTL 1 (human) 1.2 Lipid level HDL cholesterol 8 12468635 38468635 Human 407067033 GWAS716009_H parental longevity QTL GWAS716009 (human) 8e-09 parental longevity 8 27584547 27584548 Human 407138431 GWAS787407_H schizophrenia QTL GWAS787407 (human) 2e-08 schizophrenia 8 27584610 27584611 Human 407323899 GWAS972875_H smoking initiation QTL GWAS972875 (human) 3e-135 smoking initiation 8 27578983 27578984 Human
Markers in Region
Human Assembly Chr Position (strand) Source JBrowse GRCh37 8 27,443,659 - 27,443,977 UniSTS GRCh37 Build 36 8 27,499,576 - 27,499,894 RGD NCBI36 Celera 8 26,403,759 - 26,404,077 RGD Cytogenetic Map 8 p21.1 UniSTS HuRef 8 25,988,703 - 25,989,021 UniSTS TNG Radiation Hybrid Map 8 14067.0 UniSTS
RNA-SEQ Expression
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alimentary part of gastrointestinal system
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Ensembl Acc Id:
Human Assembly Chr Position (strand) Source GRCh38.p14 Ensembl 8 27,560,274 - 27,589,073 (+) Ensembl
Additional Information
Nomenclature History
Current Symbol
Current Name
Previous Symbol
Previous Name
gulonolactone (L-) oxidase, pseudogene
gulonolactone (L-) oxidase pseudogene
Symbol and/or name change