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RGD ID: 3853
Species: Rattus norvegicus
RGD Object: Gene
Symbol: Th
Name: tyrosine hydroxylase
Acc ID: CHEBI:78741
Term: oxidopamine
Definition: A benzenetriol that is phenethylamine in which the hydrogens at positions 2, 4, and 5 on the phenyl ring are replaced by hydroxy groups. It occurs naturally in human urine, but is also produced as a metabolite of the drug DOPA (used for the treatment of Parkinson's disease).
Chemical ID: MESH:D016627
Note: Use of the qualifier "multiple interactions" designates that the annotated interaction is comprised of a complex set of reactions and/or regulatory events, possibly involving additional chemicals and/or gene products.
Object SymbolQualifierEvidenceWithReferenceSourceNotesOriginal Reference(s)
Thdecreases expressionEXP 6480464CTDOxidopamine results in decreased expression of TH mRNA; Oxidopamine results in decreased expression of TH proteinPMID:11730701 PMID:12585172 PMID:14696016 PMID:15703272 PMID:16480889 PMID:17222394 PMID:17933546 PMID:20232137 PMID:20623773 PMID:21088802 PMID:22842585 PMID:24486959 PMID:25129099 PMID:25446857 PMID:28802652 PMID:33571554 PMID:34302886 PMID:9460767
Thmultiple interactionsEXP 6480464CTD2-chloro-5-hydroxyphenylglycine affects the reaction [[GOPC protein affects the susceptibility to Oxidopamine] which affects the expression of TH protein]; 3-methyladenine inhibits the reaction [Oxidopamine results in decreased expression of TH protein]; 6-methyl-2-(phenylethynyl)pyridine affects the reaction [[GOPC protein affects the susceptibility to Oxidopamine] which affects the expression of TH protein]; [GOPC protein affects the susceptibility to Oxidopamine] which affects the expression of TH protein; [TH co-treated with GCH1] inhibits the reaction [[Oxidopamine co-treated with Levodopa] results in increased expression of FOSB protein]; [TH co-treated with GCH1] inhibits the reaction [[Oxidopamine co-treated with Levodopa] results in increased expression of PDYN mRNA]; [TH co-treated with GCH1] inhibits the reaction [Levodopa promotes the reaction [Oxidopamine results in increased expression of PENK mRNA]]; Drugs, Chinese Herbal inhibits the reaction [Levodopa promotes the reaction [Oxidopamine results in decreased expression of TH mRNA]]; isoquercitrin promotes the reaction [Oxidopamine results in decreased expression of TH mRNA]; Levodopa inhibits the reaction [Oxidopamine results in decreased expression of TH mRNA]; Levodopa promotes the reaction [Oxidopamine results in decreased expression of TH mRNA]; MDL 201053 inhibits the reaction [Oxidopamine results in decreased expression of TH protein]; Resveratrol inhibits the reaction [Oxidopamine results in decreased expression of TH protein]; Rosiglitazone inhibits the reaction [Oxidopamine results in decreased expression of TH protein]; Rutin inhibits the reaction [Oxidopamine results in decreased expression of TH mRNA]; salvin inhibits the reaction [Oxidopamine results in decreased expression of TH protein]; Tea inhibits the reaction [Oxidopamine results in decreased expression of TH mRNA]; Tea inhibits the reaction [Oxidopamine results in decreased expression of TH protein]PMID:12585172 PMID:15659429 PMID:16480889 PMID:22842585 PMID:25129099 PMID:25446857 PMID:28802652 PMID:33571554 PMID:34302886
Thaffects response to substanceISOTH (Homo sapiens)6480464CTDTH protein affects the susceptibility to OxidopaminePMID:19815691
Thdecreases expressionISOTh (Mus musculus)6480464CTDOxidopamine results in decreased expression of TH mRNA; Oxidopamine results in decreased expression of TH proteinPMID:15899244 PMID:16914382 PMID:17803225 PMID:23518299 PMID:29057453
Thmultiple interactionsISOTh (Mus musculus)6480464CTDLY 344864 inhibits the reaction [Oxidopamine results in decreased expression of TH protein]; PRKN protein inhibits the reaction [Oxidopamine results in decreased expression of TH protein]; sulforaphane inhibits the reaction [Oxidopamine results in decreased expression of TH protein]PMID:16914382 PMID:23518299 PMID:29057453
Thmultiple interactionsISOTH (Homo sapiens)6480464CTDTH protein inhibits the reaction [Oxidopamine results in increased cleavage of PARP1 protein]PMID:19815691
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