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RGD ID: 2630
Species: Rattus norvegicus
RGD Object: Gene
Symbol: Fshb
Name: follicle stimulating hormone subunit beta
Acc ID: CHEBI:29678
Term: sodium arsenite
Definition: An inoganic sodium salt with formula with formula NaAsO2.
Chemical ID: MESH:C017947
Note: Use of the qualifier "multiple interactions" designates that the annotated interaction is comprised of a complex set of reactions and/or regulatory events, possibly involving additional chemicals and/or gene products.
Object SymbolQualifierEvidenceWithReferenceSourceNotesOriginal Reference(s)
Fshbdecreases expressionEXP 6480464CTDsodium arsenite results in decreased expression of FSHB proteinPMID:12883085 PMID:16483355 PMID:20146381 PMID:20580664 PMID:20598115 PMID:21964460 PMID:31163222 PMID:31199764
Fshbmultiple interactionsEXP 6480464CTDCurcumin inhibits the reaction [sodium arsenite results in decreased expression of FSHB protein]; Glutathione inhibits the reaction [sodium arsenite results in decreased expression of FSHB protein]; Polysaccharides inhibits the reaction [sodium arsenite results in decreased expression of FSHB protein]; Sodium Selenite inhibits the reaction [sodium arsenite results in decreased expression of FSHB protein]; Succimer inhibits the reaction [sodium arsenite results in decreased expression of FSHB protein]; Tretinoin inhibits the reaction [sodium arsenite results in decreased expression of FSHB protein]PMID:12883085 PMID:20580664 PMID:21964460 PMID:31163222 PMID:31199764
Fshbaffects methylationISOFSHB (Homo sapiens)6480464CTDsodium arsenite affects the methylation of FSHB genePMID:28589171
Fshbdecreases expressionISOFshb (Mus musculus)6480464CTDsodium arsenite results in decreased expression of FSHB proteinPMID:32991915 PMID:33242462
Fshbmultiple interactionsISOFshb (Mus musculus)6480464CTDChlorogenic Acid inhibits the reaction [sodium arsenite results in decreased expression of FSHB protein]PMID:33242462
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