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RGD ID: 2325598
Species: Rattus norvegicus
RGD Object: Gene
Symbol: Mir21
Name: microRNA 21
Acc ID: GO:0035195
Term: miRNA-mediated post-transcriptional gene silencing
Definition: A post-transcriptional gene silencing pathway in which regulatory microRNAs (miRNAs) elicit silencing of specific target genes. miRNAs are endogenous 21-24 nucleotide small RNAs processed from stem-loop RNA precursors (pre-miRNAs). Once incorporated into a RNA-induced silencing complex (RISC), miRNAs can downregulate protein production by either of two posttranscriptional mechanisms: endonucleolytic cleavage of the RNA (often mRNA) or mRNA translational repression, usually accompanied by poly-A tail shortening and subsequent degradation of the mRNA. miRNAs are present in all the animals and in plants, whereas siRNAs are present in lower animals and in plants.
Definition Source(s): GOC:aruk, GOC:bc, GOC:rl, PMID:14744438, PMID:15066275, PMID:15066283, PMID:23209154, PMID:23985560, PMID:28379604
Note: Use of the qualifier "multiple interactions" designates that the annotated interaction is comprised of a complex set of reactions and/or regulatory events, possibly involving additional chemicals and/or gene products.
Object SymbolQualifierEvidenceWithReferenceSourceNotesOriginal Reference(s)
Mir21acts_upstream_of_or_withinISOMir21a (Mus musculus)1624291RGD PMID:19147652

Mir21involved_inISOMIR21 (Homo sapiens)1624291RGD PMID:16762633 PMID:17968323 PMID:18270520 PMID:18548003 PMID:18556655 PMID:18591254 PMID:18829576 PMID:19013014 PMID:19136465 PMID:19253296 PMID:19302977 PMID:19546886 PMID:19559015 PMID:19578724 PMID:19816956 PMID:19826040 PMID:20371612 PMID:20460403 PMID:20483747 PMID:20533548 PMID:20693317 PMID:21131358 PMID:21170291 PMID:21219636 PMID:21317927 PMID:21347332 PMID:21820586 PMID:22001440 PMID:22158624 PMID:22286305 PMID:22316494 PMID:22387553 PMID:22573493 PMID:22618231 PMID:22836756 PMID:22879939 PMID:23239100 PMID:23441172 PMID:23442323 PMID:23496142 PMID:23633945 PMID:23657402 PMID:24012640 PMID:24098708 PMID:24112539 PMID:24155920 PMID:24237305 PMID:24327270 PMID:24577233 PMID:24699315 PMID:24887517 PMID:24895913 PMID:25107449 PMID:25118289 PMID:25327529 PMID:26208095 PMID:27571873 PMID:27708252 PMID:28522568 PMID:28798470 PMID:29039542 PMID:29696468 PMID:30106099 PMID:31611175

PMID:16762633 PMID:17968323 PMID:18270520 PMID:18548003 PMID:18556655 PMID:18591254 PMID:18829576 PMID:19013014 PMID:19136465 PMID:19253296 PMID:19302977 PMID:19546886 PMID:19559015 PMID:19578724 PMID:19816956 PMID:19826040 PMID:20371612 PMID:20460403 PMID:20483747 PMID:20533548 PMID:20693317 PMID:21131358 PMID:21170291 PMID:21219636 PMID:21317927 PMID:21347332 PMID:21820586 PMID:22001440 PMID:22158624 PMID:22286305 PMID:22316494 PMID:22387553 PMID:22573493 PMID:22618231 PMID:22836756 PMID:22879939 PMID:23239100 PMID:23441172 PMID:23442323 PMID:23496142 PMID:23633945 PMID:23657402 PMID:24012640 PMID:24098708 PMID:24112539 PMID:24155920 PMID:24237305 PMID:24327270 PMID:24577233 PMID:24699315 PMID:24887517 PMID:24895913 PMID:25107449 PMID:25118289 PMID:25327529 PMID:26208095 PMID:27571873 PMID:27708252 PMID:28522568 PMID:28798470 PMID:29039542 PMID:29696468 PMID:30106099 PMID:31611175
Mir21involved_inISOMir21a (Mus musculus)1624291RGD PMID:29925839

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