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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
abnormal autonomic nervous system physiology +   
abnormal blood-brain barrier function +   
abnormal blood-cerebrospinal fluid barrier function  
abnormal blood-retina barrier function  
abnormal central pattern generator function +   
abnormal cerebrospinal fluid physiology +   
abnormal embryonic neuroepithelial cell proliferation +   
abnormal endoneurial fluid pressure +  
abnormal ependyma motile cilium physiology +   
abnormal glial cell physiology +   
abnormal glymphatic system physiology  
abnormal hippocampus physiology  
abnormal hypothalamus physiology +   
abnormal myelination +   
abnormal nervous system electrophysiology +   
abnormal nervous system regeneration +   
abnormal neuroendocrine gland physiology +   
abnormal neuron physiology +   
abnormal neuronal stem cell physiology +   
abnormal response of heart to induced stress +   
abnormal response to cardiac infarction +   
abnormal response to CNS ischemic injury +   
altered response to lack of adequate blood flow, due to trauma or disease, to support the normal functioning of a tissue in the central nervous system
abnormal response to retina ischemic injury +   
abnormal sensorimotor gating +   
abnormal somatic nervous system physiology +   
abnormal somatosensory cortex physiology +   
abnormal susceptibility to injury induced morbidity/mortality  
abnormal susceptibility to kidney reperfusion injury +   
abnormal synaptic physiology +   
abnormal tau protein phosphorylation +  
abnormal Wallerian degeneration +   
abnormal wound healing +   
brain ischemia  
CNS inflammation +   
decreased hindbrain apoptosis  
decreased susceptibility to injury +   
endoneurial edema 
increased brain apoptosis +   
increased neural tube apoptosis +   
increased spinal cord apoptosis  
increased susceptibility to injury +   
intracranial hemorrhage +   
nerve inflammation +   
seizures +   
spinal hemorrhage  

Exact Synonyms: abnormal response to CNS ischaemic injury ;   altered response to CNS ischaemic injury ;   altered response to CNS ischemic injury
Narrow Synonyms: altered response to stroke
Definition Sources:

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