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Ontology Browser

negative regulation of octadecene biosynthetic process (GO:1900915)
Annotations: Rat: (0) Mouse: (0) Human: (0) Chinchilla: (0) Bonobo: (0) Dog: (0) Squirrel: (0) Pig: (0) Naked Mole-rat: (0) Green Monkey: (0)
Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
negative regulation of (R)-mevalonic acid biosynthetic process  
negative regulation of (Z)-nonadeca-1,14-diene biosynthetic process 
negative regulation of 17-methylnonadec-1-ene biosynthetic process 
negative regulation of 18-methylnonadec-1-ene biosynthetic process 
negative regulation of abscisic acid biosynthetic process 
negative regulation of aflatoxin biosynthetic process 
negative regulation of alkane biosynthetic process +  
negative regulation of androst-4-ene-3,17-dione biosynthetic process 
negative regulation of asperthecin biosynthetic process 
negative regulation of bile acid biosynthetic process  
negative regulation of carotenoid biosynthetic process 
negative regulation of chanoclavine-I aldehyde biosynthetic process 
negative regulation of citrulline biosynthetic process  
negative regulation of diacylglycerol biosynthetic process 
negative regulation of emodin biosynthetic process 
negative regulation of endocrocin biosynthetic process 
negative regulation of ent-pimara-8(14),15-diene biosynthetic process 
negative regulation of ethylene biosynthetic process 
negative regulation of fatty acid biosynthetic process +   
negative regulation of fumagillin biosynthetic process 
negative regulation of fumonisin biosynthetic process 
negative regulation of gerfelin biosynthetic process 
negative regulation of gibberellin biosynthetic process 
negative regulation of gliotoxin biosynthetic process 
negative regulation of gluconeogenesis  
negative regulation of glutathione biosynthetic process 
negative regulation of helvolic acid biosynthetic process 
negative regulation of hexadecanal biosynthetic process 
negative regulation of histidine biosynthetic process 
negative regulation of homoserine biosynthetic process 
negative regulation of hormone biosynthetic process +   
negative regulation of hydrogen peroxide biosynthetic process  
negative regulation of hydrogen sulfide biosynthetic process  
negative regulation of inositol phosphate biosynthetic process +   
negative regulation of isoprene biosynthetic process 
negative regulation of kojic acid biosynthetic process 
negative regulation of L-ascorbic acid biosynthetic process 
negative regulation of L-dopa biosynthetic process 
negative regulation of L-glutamine biosynthetic process 
negative regulation of L-leucine biosynthetic process 
negative regulation of lysine biosynthetic process via aminoadipic acid +  
negative regulation of macromolecule biosynthetic process +   
negative regulation of monodictyphenone biosynthetic process 
negative regulation of naphtho-gamma-pyrone biosynthetic process 
negative regulation of nonadec-1-ene biosynthetic process 
negative regulation of o-orsellinic acid biosynthetic process 
negative regulation of octadecene biosynthetic process 
Any process that stops, prevents or reduces the frequency, rate or extent of octadecene biosynthetic process.
negative regulation of penicillin biosynthetic process 
negative regulation of phosphatidic acid biosynthetic process 
negative regulation of phosphatidylcholine biosynthetic process  
negative regulation of phosphatidylglycerol biosynthetic process 
negative regulation of phosphatidylinositol biosynthetic process +   
negative regulation of phosphatidylserine biosynthetic process 
negative regulation of phytoalexin biosynthetic process 
negative regulation of polyketide biosynthetic process +  
negative regulation of proline biosynthetic process 
negative regulation of quinolinate biosynthetic process  
negative regulation of retinoic acid biosynthetic process  
negative regulation of sarcinapterin biosynthetic process 
negative regulation of sphingolipid biosynthetic process +   
negative regulation of sterigmatocystin biosynthetic process 
negative regulation of tatiopterin biosynthetic process 
negative regulation of tensidol A biosynthetic process 
negative regulation of tensidol B biosynthetic process 
negative regulation of testosterone biosynthetic process  
negative regulation of thiamine biosynthetic process 
negative regulation of thiamine diphosphate biosynthetic process 
negative regulation of triglyceride biosynthetic process +   
negative regulation of trypanothione biosynthetic process 
negative regulation of ubiquinone biosynthetic process 
negative regulation of vitamin D biosynthetic process +   
negative regulation of xanthone-containing compound biosynthetic process +  
positive regulation of octadecene biosynthetic process 
regulation of octadecene biosynthetic process +  

Exact Synonyms: down regulation of octadecene biosynthetic process ;   downregulation of octadecene biosynthetic process
Narrow Synonyms: inhibition of 1-octadecene biosynthetic process ;   inhibition of octadecene anabolism ;   inhibition of octadecene biosynthesis ;   inhibition of octadecene biosynthetic process ;   inhibition of octadecene formation ;   inhibition of octadecene synthesis
Related Synonyms: down regulation of 1-octadecene biosynthetic process ;   down regulation of octadecene anabolism ;   down regulation of octadecene biosynthesis ;   down regulation of octadecene formation ;   down regulation of octadecene synthesis ;   downregulation of 1-octadecene biosynthetic process ;   downregulation of octadecene anabolism ;   downregulation of octadecene biosynthesis ;   downregulation of octadecene formation ;   downregulation of octadecene synthesis ;   negative regulation of 1-octadecene biosynthetic process ;   negative regulation of octadecene anabolism ;   negative regulation of octadecene biosynthesis ;   negative regulation of octadecene formation ;   negative regulation of octadecene synthesis
Definition Sources: GOC:mengo_curators, GOC:TermGenie

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