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Ontology Browser

all-trans-retinol 13,14-reductase activity (GO:0051786)
Annotations: Rat: (1) Mouse: (1) Human: (1) Chinchilla: (1) Bonobo: (1) Dog: (1) Squirrel: (1) Pig: (1) Naked Mole-rat: (1) Green Monkey: (1)
Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
2-furoyl-CoA dehydrogenase activity 
24-methyldesmosterol reductase activity 
all-trans-retinol 13,14-reductase activity  
Catalysis of the reaction: all-trans-13,14-dihydroretinol + A = all-trans-retinol + AH(2). Note that this reaction has only been observed to occur in the opposite direction.
carvone reductase activity 
coproporphyrinogen dehydrogenase activity 
cyclohexanone dehydrogenase activity 
dihydroorotate dehydrogenase activity +   
isoquinoline 1-oxidoreductase activity 
oxidoreductase activity, acting on the CH-CH group of donors, cytochrome as acceptor +  
oxidoreductase activity, acting on the CH-CH group of donors, iron-sulfur protein as acceptor +  
oxidoreductase activity, acting on the CH-CH group of donors, NAD or NADP as acceptor +   
oxidoreductase activity, acting on the CH-CH group of donors, oxygen as acceptor +   
oxidoreductase activity, acting on the CH-CH group of donors, quinone or related compound as acceptor +   
oxidoreductase activity, acting on the CH-CH group of donors, with a flavin as acceptor +   
peptidyl-oxazoline dehydrogenase activity 
peptidyl-thiazoline dehydrogenase activity 
phytoene dehydrogenase activity 
protoporphyrinogen oxidase activity +   
quinaldate 4-oxidoreductase activity 
quinoline 2-oxidoreductase activity 
quinoline-4-carboxylate 2-oxidoreductase activity 
steroid dehydrogenase activity, acting on the CH-CH group of donors +   
succinate dehydrogenase activity +   

Exact Synonyms: (13,14)-all-trans-retinol saturase activity ;   all-trans-13,14-dihydroretinol:acceptor 13,14-oxidoreductase activity ;   all-trans-retinol:all-trans-13,14-dihydroretinol saturase activity
Related Synonyms: RetSat activity ;   retinol saturase activity
Xrefs: EC: ;   KEGG_REACTION:R07163 ;   MetaCyc: ;   RHEA:19193 ;   reactome:R-HSA-8956427 "RETSAT reduces atROL to at-13,14-dhROL"
Definition Sources: EC:, RHEA:19193

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