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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
generation of neurons +   
gliogenesis +   
modulation of spore encystment on host +  
negative regulation of cell development +   
negative regulation of nervous system development +   
negative regulation of neurogenesis +   
negative regulation of respiratory burst involved in inflammatory response  
positive regulation of cell development +   
positive regulation of nervous system development +   
positive regulation of neurogenesis +   
regulation of ascospore formation +  
regulation of cardiac muscle fiber development +   
regulation of cardiac myofibril assembly +   
regulation of cell maturation +   
regulation of cerebellar neuron development +  
regulation of chondrocyte development +   
regulation of conidium formation +  
regulation of endothelial cell development +   
regulation of establishment of blood-brain barrier +   
regulation of establishment of Sertoli cell barrier +   
regulation of eye photoreceptor cell development +   
regulation of hemopoiesis +   
regulation of Hulle cell development +  
regulation of intestinal epithelial cell development +   
regulation of metanephric podocyte development +   
regulation of metula development +  
regulation of myelination +   
regulation of neurogenesis +   
Any process that modulates the frequency, rate or extent of neurogenesis, the generation of cells in the nervous system.
regulation of oogenesis +   
regulation of phialide development +  
regulation of planar cell polarity pathway involved in neural tube closure +   
regulation of skeletal muscle fiber development +   
regulation of type B pancreatic cell development +   

Definition Sources: GOC:ai

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