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positive regulation of acetate catabolic process (GO:0045754)
Annotations: Rat: (0) Mouse: (0) Human: (0) Chinchilla: (0) Bonobo: (0) Dog: (0) Squirrel: (0) Pig: (0) Naked Mole-rat: (0) Green Monkey: (0)
Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
negative regulation of acetate catabolic process 
positive regulation of (R)-mevalonic acid biosynthetic process 
positive regulation of acetate catabolic process +  
Any process that activates or increases the frequency, rate or extent of the chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the breakdown of acetate.
positive regulation of aflatoxin biosynthetic process 
positive regulation of alcohol biosynthetic process +   
positive regulation of aldosterone metabolic process +   
positive regulation of all-trans-retinyl-ester hydrolase, 11-cis retinol forming activity 
positive regulation of androst-4-ene-3,17-dione biosynthetic process 
positive regulation of arginine biosynthetic process 
positive regulation of asperthecin biosynthetic process 
positive regulation of autophagy +   
positive regulation of bile acid metabolic process +   
positive regulation of butyryl-CoA catabolic process to butanol 
positive regulation of butyryl-CoA catabolic process to butyrate 
positive regulation of cellular alcohol catabolic process +  
positive regulation of cellular glucuronidation  
positive regulation of cholesterol metabolic process +   
positive regulation of citrulline biosynthetic process 
positive regulation of cordyol C biosynthetic process 
positive regulation of diorcinol biosynthetic process 
positive regulation of ecdysteroid metabolic process +  
positive regulation of emericellamide biosynthetic process +  
positive regulation of emodin biosynthetic process 
positive regulation of endocrocin biosynthetic process 
positive regulation of fatty acid beta-oxidation +   
positive regulation of fatty acid metabolic process +   
positive regulation of ferulate catabolic process 
positive regulation of fumagillin biosynthetic process 
positive regulation of fumonisin biosynthetic process 
positive regulation of gamma-aminobutyric acid catabolic process 
positive regulation of gerfelin biosynthetic process 
positive regulation of gibberellin biosynthetic process 
positive regulation of glucocorticoid catabolic process 
positive regulation of glucose metabolic process +   
positive regulation of glucosylceramide catabolic process  
positive regulation of glutamate metabolic process +   
positive regulation of glycogen catabolic process  
positive regulation of glycolytic process +   
positive regulation of glyoxylate cycle 
positive regulation of helvolic acid biosynthetic process 
positive regulation of histidine biosynthetic process 
positive regulation of homoserine biosynthetic process 
positive regulation of hydrogen peroxide catabolic process  
positive regulation of juvenile hormone catabolic process 
positive regulation of L-dopa biosynthetic process  
positive regulation of L-glutamine biosynthetic process 
positive regulation of L-leucine biosynthetic process 
positive regulation of lysine biosynthetic process via alpha-aminoadipate and saccharopine 
positive regulation of membrane protein ectodomain proteolysis  
positive regulation of methane biosynthetic process from formic acid 
positive regulation of monodictyphenone biosynthetic process 
positive regulation of N-acetylmuramic acid catabolic process 
positive regulation of naphtho-gamma-pyrone biosynthetic process 
positive regulation of nucleoside metabolic process 
positive regulation of nucleotide metabolic process +   
positive regulation of o-orsellinic acid biosynthetic process 
positive regulation of ornithine catabolic process 
positive regulation of palmitic acid catabolic process 
positive regulation of penicillin catabolic process 
positive regulation of penicillin metabolic process +  
positive regulation of phospholipid catabolic process +   
positive regulation of progesterone biosynthetic process  
positive regulation of proline catabolic process to glutamate 
positive regulation of proline metabolic process +  
positive regulation of proteolysis associated with antigen processing and presentation 
positive regulation of pseurotin A biosynthetic process 
positive regulation of purine nucleobase metabolic process 
positive regulation of pyrimidine nucleobase metabolic process 
positive regulation of quinolinate biosynthetic process 
positive regulation of receptor catabolic process +   
positive regulation of sarcinapterin metabolic process +  
positive regulation of selenocysteine metabolic process 
positive regulation of sulfur amino acid metabolic process +   
positive regulation of tatiopterin metabolic process +  
positive regulation of taurine biosynthetic process 
positive regulation of tensidol A biosynthetic process 
positive regulation of tensidol B biosynthetic process 
positive regulation of terrequinone A biosynthetic process 
positive regulation of toluene catabolic process 
positive regulation of triglyceride catabolic process  
positive regulation of tryptophan metabolic process +  
positive regulation of ubiquinone biosynthetic process 
positive regulation of UDP-N-acetylglucosamine biosynthetic process 
positive regulation of urea catabolic process 
positive regulation of violaceol I biosynthetic process 
positive regulation of violaceol II biosynthetic process 
positive regulation of vitamin metabolic process +   
positive regulation of xanthone-containing compound biosynthetic process +  
positive regulation of xylose catabolic process to ethanol 
regulation of acetate catabolic process +  
regulation of initiation of acetate catabolic process by acetate +  

Exact Synonyms: positive regulation of acetate breakdown ;   positive regulation of acetate catabolism ;   positive regulation of acetate degradation ;   up regulation of acetate catabolic process ;   upregulation of acetate catabolic process
Narrow Synonyms: activation of acetate catabolic process ;   stimulation of acetate catabolic process
Definition Sources: GOC:go_curators

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