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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
vacuolar transport +     
endocytosed protein transport to vacuole 
Golgi to vacuole transport +   
late endosome to vacuole transport +   
lysosomal transport +   
negative regulation of vacuolar transport +   
plastid to vacuole vesicle-mediated transport 
positive regulation of vacuolar transport +   
protein targeting to vacuole +   
regulation of vacuolar transport +   
retrograde transport, vacuole to Golgi 
The directed movement of substances from the vacuole to the trans-Golgi network; this occurs in yeast via the prevacuolar/endosomal compartment.

Exact Synonyms: retrograde transport from the vacuole
Definition Sources: PMID:9700156

paths to the root