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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
alpha-glucan biosynthetic process +  
beta-glucan biosynthetic process +  
cell wall (1->3)-alpha-glucan biosynthetic process +  
cell wall beta-glucan biosynthetic process +  
cell wall pectin biosynthetic process +  
fungal-type cell wall polysaccharide biosynthetic process +  
glycogen biosynthetic process +   
mannan biosynthetic process +  
negative regulation of xyloglucan metabolic process +  
osmoregulated periplasmic glucan biosynthetic process 
positive regulation of xyloglucan metabolic process +  
pullulan biosynthetic process 
regulation of glucan biosynthetic process +   
regulation of xyloglucan metabolic process +  
rhamnogalacturonan I biosynthetic process 
starch biosynthetic process +  
xylan biosynthetic process +  
xyloglucan biosynthetic process 
The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the formation of xyloglucan, the cross-linking glycan composed of (1->4)-beta-D glucan backbone substituted at regular intervals with beta-D-xylosyl-(1->6) residues, which is present in the primary cell wall of most higher plants.
xyloglucan catabolic process +  

Exact Synonyms: xyloglucan anabolism ;   xyloglucan biosynthesis ;   xyloglucan formation ;   xyloglucan synthesis
Definition Sources: GOC:sm

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