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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
androgen biosynthetic process +   
auxin biosynthetic process +  
C21-steroid hormone biosynthetic process +   
cytokinin biosynthetic process +   
ecdysteroid biosynthetic process +  
estrogen biosynthetic process +   
The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the formation of estrogens, C18 steroid hormones that can stimulate the development of female sexual characteristics. Also found in plants.
estrogen catabolic process  
glucocorticoid biosynthetic process +   
juvenile hormone biosynthetic process +  
melatonin biosynthetic process  
mineralocorticoid biosynthetic process +   
negative regulation of hormone biosynthetic process +   
pheromone biosynthetic process 
positive regulation of hormone biosynthetic process +   
regulation of hormone biosynthetic process +   
vitamin D3 biosynthetic process 

Exact Synonyms: estrogen anabolism ;   estrogen biosynthesis ;   estrogen formation ;   estrogen synthesis ;   oestrogen biosynthesis ;   oestrogen biosynthetic process
Definition Sources: ISBN:0198506732

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