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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
B-WICH complex  
bBAF complex  
brahma complex  
CHD-type complex +   
esBAF complex 
GBAF complex  
INO80-type complex +   
ISWI-type complex +   
mBAF complex 
nBAF complex  
A SWI/SNF-type complex that is found in post-mitotic neurons, and in human contains actin and proteins encoded by the ARID1A/BAF250A or ARID1B/BAF250B, SMARCD1/BAF60A, SMARCD3/BAF60C, SMARCA2/BRM/BAF190B, SMARCA4/BRG1/BAF190A, SMARCB1/BAF47, SMARCC1/BAF155, SMARCE1/BAF57, SMARCC2/BAF170, DPF1/BAF45B, DPF3/BAF45C, ACTL6B/BAF53B genes. The nBAF complex along with CREST plays a role regulating the activity of genes essential for dendrite growth.
npBAF complex  
RSC-type complex  
SWI/SNF complex  

Definition Sources: GOC:mah, GOC:ss, PMID:17640523

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