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Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
Sin3-type complex +     
Rpd3L complex  
A histone deacetylase complex which deacetylates histones preferentially in promoter regions. Composed of a two copies of catalytic histone deacetylase subunit (S. pombe Clr6/ S. cerevisiae Rpd3p), an Sds-3 family protein (S. pombe /S. cerevisiae Sds3(p) ), two copies of SIN3 family co-repressor (S. pombe Pst1/ S. cerevisiae Sin3p, a WD repeat protein/ histone chaperone (S. pombe Prw1/ S. cerevisiae Ume1p), and a zf- PHD finger ( S. pombe Png2/ S. cerevisiae Pho23p), plus 4 additional subunits, and associated factors.
Rpd3S complex  

Exact Synonyms: Clr6 histone deacetylase complex I/I' ;   Clr6L complex ;   Rpd3C(L) ;   Sin3L complex
Alternate IDs: GO:0000508
Definition Sources: GOC:vw, PMID:17450151

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