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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
3-methylglutaconic aciduria with cataracts, neurologic involvement and neutropenia +   
Abnormal Reflexes +   
Bilateral Vestibulopathy +   
Cerebral Cortical Thinning 
Cerebrospinal Fluid Leak +  
Decerebrate State 
Dyskinesias +   
immunodeficiency 26  
Neurobehavioral Manifestations +   
Signs and symptoms of higher cortical dysfunction caused by organic conditions. These include certain behavioral alterations and impairments of skills involved in the acquisition, processing, and utilization of knowledge or information.
neurogenic bladder +   
Neurogenic Inflammation  
Neurologic Gait Disorders +   
Neuromuscular Manifestations +   
Orthostatic Intolerance +   
Pain +   
Paralysis +   
Paresis +   
Permanent Neonatal Diabetes Mellitus, with Neurologic Features 
pupil disease +   
sensory system disease +   
sleep disorder +   
somatoform disorder +   
Susac Syndrome 
Vertigo +   
visual epilepsy +   
Voice Disorders +   

Exact Synonyms: Cognitive Manifestation ;   Cognitive Manifestations ;   Cognitive Symptom ;   Cognitive Symptoms ;   Neurobehavioral Manifestation ;   Neurobehavioral Signs and Symptoms
Primary IDs: MESH:D019954
Xrefs: EFO:0004364
Definition Sources: MESH:D019954

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