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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
childhood leukemia +     
acute basophilic leukemia 
Acute Eosinophilic Leukemia 
acute erythroid leukemia +   
acute megakaryocytic leukemia +   
acute monocytic leukemia +   
Acute Myelocytic Leukemia with Polyposis Coli and Colon Cancer 
acute myeloid leukemia with BCR-ABL1 
acute myeloid leukemia with biallelic mutation of CEBPA 
acute myeloid leukemia with inv(16)(p13.1q22) or t(16;16)(p13.1;q22) 
acute myeloid leukemia with inv(3) (q21.3;q26.2) or t(3;3) (q21.3;q26.2)  
acute myeloid leukemia with maturation  
acute myeloid leukemia with minimal differentiation  
acute myeloid leukemia with MLL rearrangement 
acute myeloid leukemia with mutated CEBPA 
acute myeloid leukemia with mutated NPM1 
acute myeloid leukemia with mutated RUNX1 
acute myeloid leukemia with myelodysplasia-related changes  
acute myeloid leukemia with t(1;22)(p13;q13) 
acute myeloid leukemia with t(6;9) (p23;q34.1) 
acute myeloid leukemia with t(8;21); (q22; q22.1) 
acute myeloid leukemia without maturation 
acute myelomonocytic leukemia  
acute promyelocytic leukemia +   
childhood acute myeloid leukemia  
A childhood leukemia that is characterized by the rapid growth of abnormal white blood cells that accumulate in the bone marrow and interfere with the production of normal blood cells. (DO)
core binding factor acute myeloid leukemia 
Dohle Bodies and Leukemia 
Familial Acute Myeloid Leukemia with Mutated Cebpa 
Familial Erythroleukemia  
Familial Platelet Disorder with Associated Myeloid Malignancy  
mast-cell leukemia  
Monosomy 7 Myelodysplasia and Leukemia Syndrome +   
neonatal leukemia 
Therapy-related Acute Myeloid Leukemia  

Exact Synonyms: childhood acute myeloid leukaemia ;   paediatric acute myeloid leukaemia ;   pediatric acute myeloid leukemia
Narrow Synonyms: childhood acute myeloid leukemia with maturation
Xrefs: EFO:0000330 ;   EFO:1001945 ;   ICD-O:M9861/3 ;   NCI:C9160
Definition Sources: "DO" "DO", "DO" "DO", "DO" "DO"

paths to the root