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The Rat Strain Ontology (RS) is currently being developed at the Rat Genome Database. For more information about this vocabulary or to request additions or changes, please contact us (

Term:chromosome 17
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Accession:RS:0002714 term browser browse the term

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DA.PVG.1AV1-(D17Rat8-D17Rat37)/Kini term browser
Symbol Object Name Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
Q Eae33 Experimental allergic encephalomyelitis QTL 33 IEA RGD PMID:20856809 RGD:4889889 NCBI chr17:50,909,099...86,022,412 JBrowse link
LEW.SS-(D17Rat15-D17Rat51)/Ayd term browser
Symbol Object Name Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
Q Bp386 Blood pressure QTL 386 IEA RGD PMID:25963546 RGD:10402053 NCBI chr17:31,368,391...62,109,574 JBrowse link
SS.LEW-(D17Chm131-D17Chm93)/Ayd term browser
Symbol Object Name Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
Q Bp369 Blood pressure QTL 369 IEA RGD PMID:23814039 RGD:7421500 NCBI chr17:59,005,649...77,910,000 JBrowse link
SS.LEW-(D17Chm14-D17Rat181)/Ayd term browser
Symbol Object Name Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
Q Am17 Aortic mass QTL 17 IEA RGD PMID:17143582 RGD:1599557 NCBI chr17:23,653,184...68,653,184 JBrowse link
Q Bp278 Blood pressure QTL 278 IEA RGD PMID:17143582 RGD:1599557 NCBI chr17:23,653,184...68,653,184 JBrowse link
Q Cm118 Cardiac mass QTL 118 IEA RGD PMID:17143582 RGD:1599557 NCBI chr17:23,653,184...68,653,184 JBrowse link
Q Cm119 Cardiac mass QTL 119 IEA RGD PMID:17143582 RGD:1599557 NCBI chr17:23,653,184...68,653,184 JBrowse link
Q Cm120 Cardiac mass QTL 120 IEA RGD PMID:17143582 RGD:1599557 NCBI chr17:23,653,184...68,653,184 JBrowse link
Q Kidm70 Kidney mass QTL 70 IEA RGD PMID:17143582 RGD:1599557 NCBI chr17:23,653,184...70,974,005 JBrowse link
SS.LEW-(D17Chm9-D17Rat97)/Ayd term browser
Symbol Object Name Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
Q Kidm40 Kidney mass QTL 40 IEA RGD PMID:17143582 RGD:1599557 NCBI chr17:37,479,847...82,479,847 JBrowse link
SS.LEW-(D17Rat65-D17Chm2)/Ayd term browser
Symbol Object Name Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
Q Cm121 Cardiac mass QTL 121 IEA RGD PMID:17143582 RGD:1599557 NCBI chr17:71,774,621...82,479,847 JBrowse link
Q Kidm40 Kidney mass QTL 40 IEA RGD PMID:17143582 RGD:1599557 NCBI chr17:37,479,847...82,479,847 JBrowse link
SS.LEW-(D17Rat65-Prl)/Ayd term browser
Symbol Object Name Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
Q Bp278 Blood pressure QTL 278 IEA RGD PMID:17143582 RGD:1599557 NCBI chr17:23,653,184...68,653,184 JBrowse link
SS.LEW-(D17Rat84-D17Chm17)/Ayd term browser
Symbol Object Name Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
Q Bp370 Blood pressure QTL 370 IEA RGD PMID:23814039 RGD:7421500 NCBI chr17:23,653,184...57,246,843 JBrowse link
WKY.F344-(D17Got91-D17Rat51)/Tja term browser
Symbol Object Name Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
Q Cm15 Cardiac mass QTL 15 IEA RGD PMID:11157698 RGD:69699 NCBI chr17:57,246,723...70,156,904 JBrowse link

Term paths to the root
Path 1
Term Annotations click to browse term
  rat strain 6713
    chromosome altered 2418
      chromosome 17 67
        chromosome 17 coisogenic + 1
        chromosome 17 congenic + 41
        chromosome 17 consomic + 7
        chromosome 17 mutant + 18
paths to the root