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Term:prostaglandin secretion involved in immune response
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Accession:GO:0090323 term browser browse the term
Definition:The regulated release of a prostaglandin that contributes to the immune response. Prostaglandins are a group of biologically active metabolites which contain a cyclopentane ring.
Comment:Note that this term is in the subset of terms that should not be used for direct gene product annotation. Instead, select one of the 'regulation' children terms.

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positive regulation of prostaglandin secretion involved in immune response term browser
Symbol Object Name Qualifiers Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
G Mif macrophage migration inhibitory factor involved_in ISO (MGI:2156302|PMID:11756671) RGD PMID:11756671 MGI:2156302 NCBI chr20:12,790,919...12,791,784
Ensembl chr20:12,790,902...12,799,504
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Term paths to the root
Path 1
Term Annotations click to browse term
  biological_process 19870
    immune system process 2843
      immune response 1947
        prostaglandin secretion involved in immune response 1
          positive regulation of prostaglandin secretion involved in immune response 1
Path 2
Term Annotations click to browse term
  biological_process 19870
    localization 5634
      establishment of localization 4940
        transport 4626
          organic anion transport 495
            carboxylic acid transport 392
              monocarboxylic acid transport 201
                fatty acid transport 131
                  prostaglandin transport 34
                    prostaglandin secretion 23
                      prostaglandin secretion involved in immune response 1
                        positive regulation of prostaglandin secretion involved in immune response 1
paths to the root