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Term:maturation of LSU-rRNA from tetracistronic rRNA transcript (SSU-rRNA, LSU-rRNA, 4.5S-rRNA, 5S-rRNA)
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Accession:GO:0000488 term browser browse the term
Definition:Any process involved in the maturation of a precursor Large SubUnit (LSU) ribosomal RNA (rRNA) molecule into a mature LSU-rRNA molecule from the pre-rRNA molecule originally produced as a tetracistronic rRNA transcript that contains the Small Subunit (SSU) rRNA, Large Subunit (LSU) the 4.5S rRNA, and the 5S rRNA in that order from 5' to 3' along the primary transcript.

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Path 1
Term Annotations click to browse term
  biological_process 20115
    metabolic process 12288
      primary metabolic process 10923
        RNA processing 962
          rRNA processing 233
            maturation of LSU-rRNA 44
              maturation of LSU-rRNA from tetracistronic rRNA transcript (SSU-rRNA, LSU-rRNA, 4.5S-rRNA, 5S-rRNA) 0
Path 2
Term Annotations click to browse term
  biological_process 20115
    cellular process 18525
      cellular metabolic process 10293
        cellular biosynthetic process 7992
          macromolecule biosynthetic process 7442
            nucleic acid biosynthetic process 4419
              RNA biosynthetic process 4308
                RNA processing 962
                  rRNA processing 233
                    maturation of LSU-rRNA 44
                      maturation of LSU-rRNA from tetracistronic rRNA transcript (SSU-rRNA, LSU-rRNA, 4.5S-rRNA, 5S-rRNA) 0
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