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The Clinical Measurement Ontology (CMO), Measurement Methods Ontology (MMO), and Experimental Condition Ontology (XCO) are currently being developed at the Rat Genome Database. For more information about these vocabularies please see Shimoyama et al. Three ontologies to define phenotype measurement data. Front Genet. 2012;3:87. Epub 2012 May 28 or contact us (

Term:malignant colorectal tumor surface area measurement
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Accession:CMO:0001798 term browser browse the term
Definition:A measurement of the two-dimensional extent of a planar region comprising the superficial or external aspect of one or more malignant colorectal tumors, abnormal growths of tissue resulting from uncontrolled, progressive multiplication of cells and serving no physiological function, which display the properties of anaplasia, invasiveness and metastasis, and which occur in the large intestine, the distal portion of the alimentary canal, especially in the colon and/or rectum, the segment of the large intestine between the cecum and the anal canal.
Synonyms:related_synonym: colorectal adenocarcinoma surface area measurement;   malignant colorectal neoplasm surface area measurement
 xref: MESH:D015179;   RDO:9000031

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poorly differentiated malignant colorectal tumor surface area measurement term browser
Symbol Object Name Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
Q Colcr3 Colorectal carcinoma resistance QTL 3 IDA RGD PMID:17510081 RGD:1625309 NCBI chr18:2,249,477...22,066,430 JBrowse link
well differentiated malignant colorectal tumor surface area measurement term browser
Symbol Object Name Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
Q Colcr4 Colorectal carcinoma resistance QTL4 IDA RGD PMID:17510081 RGD:1625309 NCBI chr 6:20,338,777...62,613,667 JBrowse link

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Term Annotations click to browse term
  clinical measurement 2369
    tumor measurement 88
      colorectal tumor measurement 10
        colorectal tumor surface area measurement 6
          malignant colorectal tumor surface area measurement 2
            poorly differentiated malignant colorectal tumor surface area measurement 1
            well differentiated malignant colorectal tumor surface area measurement 1
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