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Strain: F344-Tg(Dct-lacZ)9Kyo

Symbol: F344-Tg(Dct-lacZ)9Kyo
Strain: F344-Tg(Dct-lacZ)9
Substrain: Kyo
RGD ID: 11041139
Citation ID: RRID:RGD_11041139
Ontology ID: RS:0004173
Alleles: Dct
Also Known As: Dct-LacZ; NBRP Rat No: 0809
Type: transgenic
Available Source: National BioResource Project for the Rat in Japan
Origination: National BioResource Project for the Rat in Japan
Description: The construct was made by connecting a 3,659 bp DNA fragment of rat Dct (dopachrome tautomerase) gene (5'-3237 to 422) with the upstream of lacZ gene. Dct gene was derived from F344/Stm. Background strain: F344/NSlc, plasmid: pLacZ-Basic (Clontech Laboratories)
Coat Color: Albino
Inbred Generations: N2
Last Known Status: Cryopreserved Sperm
Research Usage Development


References - curated
# Reference Title Reference Citation
1. Strains registered by the National Bio Resource Project for the Rat in Japan Personal Communication with NBRP
2. RGD Strain RSO annotation pipeline RGD Automated Pipelines


Additional Information

RGD Curation Notes
Note Type Note Reference
strain_characteristics Dct gene is considered to be expressed specifically in melanocytes. The expression pattern of Dct gene in this strain is under analysis. 1302502
strain_reproduction Good breeding performance. Maintained by mating between hemizygous (+/-) and wild-type rats. 1302502

Nomenclature History
Date Current Symbol Current Name Previous Symbol Previous Name Description Reference Status
2016-03-22 F344-Tg(Dct-lacZ)9Kyo    F344-Tg(Dct-lacZ)9Kyo    Name updated 68913 APPROVED
2016-03-22 F344-Tg(Dct-lacZ)9Kyo    F344-Tg(Dct-lacZ)9Kyo    Name updated 68913 APPROVED