RGD Reference Report - Strain differences in neointimal hyperplasia in the rat. - Rat Genome Database

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Strain differences in neointimal hyperplasia in the rat.

Authors: Assadnia, S  Rapp, J P  Nestor, A L  Pringle, T  Cerilli, G J  Gunning, W T  Webb, T H  Kligman, M  Allison, D C 
Citation: Assadnia S, etal., Circ Res. 1999 Jun 11;84(11):1252-7. doi: 10.1161/01.res.84.11.1252.
RGD ID: 39456133
Pubmed: PMID:10364562   (View Abstract at PubMed)
DOI: DOI:10.1161/01.res.84.11.1252   (Journal Full-text)

We performed an initial screen of 11 rat strains by use of a standard balloon injury to the left iliac artery to observe whether genetically determined differences existed in the development of neointimal hyperplasia. Neointimal hyperplasia was assayed 8 weeks after the vascular injury on coded microscopic sections. Statistically significant differences in the percentages of the vascular wall cross-sectional areas composed of intima (percentage intima) secondary to neointimal hyperplasia were noted among the different rat strains (P<0.02), with the Brown-Norway (BN), Dark Agouti, and Milan normotensive strain rats having the highest and the spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR) having the lowest percentages of intima. In a separate experiment, F1 hybrids of SHRxBN strains and parental BN and SHR underwent the vascular injury, and the parental strains again showed a statistically significant difference from one another in the mean percentage of intima (P<0. 0001). The F1 hybrids showed an average percentage of intima intermediate between those of the parental strains. The average lumen size of the injured BN vessels were significantly smaller than that of the noninjured control vessels (P=0.044), but this significance disappeared when the circular areas of these vessels were calculated without taking neointimal growth into consideration (P=0.649). These results provide the groundwork for a genetic linkage analysis to identify the genes that influence the development of neointimal hyperplasia after vascular injury.

Object Symbol
Original Reference(s)
BN/SsNHsdRatIntimal Hyperplasia inducesIAGPballoon angioplastycompared to SHRRGD 
DA/OlaHsdRatIntimal Hyperplasia inducesIAGPballoon angioplastycompared to SHR and SDRGD 
MNS/NMcoRatIntimal Hyperplasia inducesIAGPballoon angioplastycompared to SHRRGD 

BN/SsNHsd  (NA) DA/OlaHsd  (NA) MNS/NMco  (Milan normotensive strain)