GWAS972187_H QTL Report (Homo sapiens) - Rat Genome Database

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QTL: GWAS972187_H (body height QTL GWAS972187 (human)) Homo sapiens

Symbol: GWAS972187_H
Name: body height QTL GWAS972187 (human)
RGD ID: 407323211
Trait: body height   (VT:0001253)    
Measurement Type: body height   (CMO:0000106)    
LOD Score: Not Available
P Value: 3E-379
Variance: Not Available
Human AssemblyChrPosition (strand)SourceJBrowse
GRCh382035,437,976 - 35,437,977RGD_MAPPER_PIPELINEGRCh38
GRCh372034,025,756 - 34,025,757RGD_MAPPER_PIPELINEGRCh37
Population Stats: Not Available
JBrowse: View Region in Genome Browser (JBrowse)

Experimental Data Annotations    Click to see Annotation Detail View

Clinical Measurement
Object SymbolSpeciesTermQualifierEvidenceWithReferenceNotesSourceOriginal Reference(s)
GWAS972187_HHumanbody height  IAGPrs143384405850206Based on the EFO term IDGWAS_CATALOGPMID:34594039

Vertebrate Trait
Object SymbolSpeciesTermQualifierEvidenceWithReferenceNotesSourceOriginal Reference(s)
GWAS972187_HHumanbody height  IAGPrs143384405850206Based on the EFO term IDGWAS_CATALOGPMID:34594039

Experimental Factor Annotations    Click to see Annotation Detail View
Object SymbolSpeciesTermQualifierEvidenceWithReferenceNotesSourceOriginal Reference(s)
GWAS972187_HHumanbody height  IAGPrs143384405850206 GWAS_CATALOGPMID:34594039
Experimental Data Annotations     Click to see Annotation Detail View

Clinical Measurement
body height  (IAGP)

Vertebrate Trait
body height  (IAGP)


References - curated
# Reference Title Reference Citation
1. RGD GWAS Catalog Import Pipeline RGD pipeline to import data from GWAS Catalog and create human variant and QTL records


Genes in Region
The following Genes overlap with this region.    Full Report CSV TAB Printer Analysis Tools
RGD IDSymbolNameChrStartStopSpecies
1345266GDF5growth differentiation factor 5203543334735454749Human
38657752LOC109461476GDF5 promoter region203543792935438683Human

Position Markers

Peak: (rs143384)
Human AssemblyChrPosition (strand)Source
GRCh382035,437,976 - 35,437,977RGD_MAPPER_PIPELINE

QTLs in Region (GRCh38)
The following QTLs overlap with this region.    Full Report CSV TAB Printer Gviewer
RGD IDSymbolNameLODP ValueTraitSub TraitChrStartStopSpecies
407304646GWAS953622_Hlean body mass QTL GWAS953622 (human)2e-133body lean mass (VT:0010483)total body lean mass (CMO:0003950)203543797635437977Human
406966336GWAS615312_Hinfant body height QTL GWAS615312 (human)3e-10femoral neck sizefemoral neck morphological measurement (CMO:0001672)203543797635437977Human
406949187GWAS598163_HBMI-adjusted hip circumference QTL GWAS598163 (human)3e-16BMI-adjusted hip circumferencehip circumference (CMO:0000014)203543797635437977Human
406900547GWAS549523_Hbody weight QTL GWAS549523 (human)2e-10body mass (VT:0001259)brain morphological measurement (CMO:0000136)203543797635437977Human
407007041GWAS656017_Hdevelopmental dysplasia of the hip QTL GWAS656017 (human)4e-22developmental dysplasia of the hip203543797635437977Human
407030470GWAS679446_Hpeak expiratory flow QTL GWAS679446 (human)6e-31peak expiratory flowmaximum mid-expiratory flow (MMEF) (CMO:0000253)203543797635437977Human
407012935GWAS661911_Htrochanter size QTL GWAS661911 (human)1e-18trochanter sizefemur morphological measurement (CMO:0001377)203543797635437977Human
407046341GWAS695317_Hanterior thigh muscle volume QTL GWAS695317 (human)6e-24anterior thigh muscle volume203543797635437977Human
407059269GWAS708245_Hbody height QTL GWAS708245 (human)1e-58body height (VT:0001253)body height (CMO:0000106)203543797635437977Human
406999498GWAS648474_Hvital capacity QTL GWAS648474 (human)1e-33vital capacity203543797635437977Human
407194313GWAS843289_HBMI-adjusted waist-hip ratio QTL GWAS843289 (human)3e-28BMI-adjusted waist-hip ratio203543797635437977Human
407323211GWAS972187_Hbody height QTL GWAS972187 (human)3e-379body height (VT:0001253)body height (CMO:0000106)203543797635437977Human
407186248GWAS835224_Hbody height QTL GWAS835224 (human)7e-65body height (VT:0001253)body height (CMO:0000106)203543797635437977Human
406947662GWAS596638_Hosteoarthritis, knee QTL GWAS596638 (human)1e-13osteoarthritis, knee203543797635437977Human
407018706GWAS667682_Hbody height QTL GWAS667682 (human)1e-39body height (VT:0001253)body height (CMO:0000106)203543797635437977Human
406926290GWAS575266_Hbody fat distribution QTL GWAS575266 (human)6e-38body fat distributionbody fat morphological measurement (CMO:0000089)203543797635437977Human
407058263GWAS707239_Hbody fat distribution QTL GWAS707239 (human)4e-48body fat distributionbody fat morphological measurement (CMO:0000089)203543797635437977Human
407078614GWAS727590_Hwaist-hip ratio QTL GWAS727590 (human)5e-08waist-hip ratiowaist to hip ratio (WHR) (CMO:0000020)203543797635437977Human
406886742GWAS535718_HBMI-adjusted hip circumference QTL GWAS535718 (human)0.0000003BMI-adjusted hip circumferencehip circumference (CMO:0000014)203543797635437977Human
407060821GWAS709797_Hbody fat distribution QTL GWAS709797 (human)1e-40body fat distributionbody fat morphological measurement (CMO:0000089)203543797635437977Human
407006938GWAS655914_Hbody weights and measures QTL GWAS655914 (human)1e-170body weights and measuresbody morphological measurement (CMO:0000021)203543797635437977Human
407121885GWAS770861_Hvital capacity QTL GWAS770861 (human)2e-38vital capacity203543797635437977Human
407017438GWAS666414_Hbody height QTL GWAS666414 (human)6e-285body height (VT:0001253)body height (CMO:0000106)203543797635437977Human
406986333GWAS635309_Hosteoarthritis, knee QTL GWAS635309 (human)5e-23osteoarthritis, knee203543797635437977Human
406971233GWAS620209_Hpain QTL GWAS620209 (human)3e-17pain203543797635437977Human
406927456GWAS576432_Hbody fat distribution QTL GWAS576432 (human)3e-09body fat distributionbody fat morphological measurement (CMO:0000089)203543797635437977Human
407044834GWAS693810_Hbody composition measurement QTL GWAS693810 (human)3e-31body composition measurement203543797635437977Human
407216227GWAS865203_Hbody height QTL GWAS865203 (human)7e-18body height (VT:0001253)body height (CMO:0000106)203543797635437977Human
407039973GWAS688949_Hhip circumference QTL GWAS688949 (human)4e-11hip circumferencehip circumference (CMO:0000014)203543797635437977Human
407355118GWAS1004094_HBMI-adjusted waist circumference QTL GWAS1004094 (human)5e-09BMI-adjusted waist circumference203543797635437977Human
407046376GWAS695352_Hsexual dimorphism measurement QTL GWAS695352 (human)3e-65sexual dimorphism measurement203543797635437977Human
407008236GWAS657212_Hfemoral neck size QTL GWAS657212 (human)2e-47femoral neck sizefemoral neck morphological measurement (CMO:0001672)203543797635437977Human
407290473GWAS939449_Hbody weight QTL GWAS939449 (human)3e-57body mass (VT:0001259)body weight (CMO:0000012)203543797635437977Human
407130356GWAS779332_HBack pain QTL GWAS779332 (human)1e-10Back pain203543797635437977Human
406942323GWAS591299_Hforced expiratory volume QTL GWAS591299 (human)4e-12hip circumferencehip circumference (CMO:0000014)203543797635437977Human
407140720GWAS789696_Hsexual dimorphism measurement QTL GWAS789696 (human)5e-59sexual dimorphism measurement203543797635437977Human
406916603GWAS565579_Hlean body mass QTL GWAS565579 (human)7e-21body lean mass (VT:0010483)total body lean mass (CMO:0003950)203543797635437977Human
407058552GWAS707528_Hbody fat distribution QTL GWAS707528 (human)3e-43body fat distributionbody fat morphological measurement (CMO:0000089)203543797635437977Human
406909308GWAS558284_Hbody height QTL GWAS558284 (human)4e-36body height (VT:0001253)body height (CMO:0000106)203543797635437977Human
407116537GWAS765513_Hlean body mass QTL GWAS765513 (human)6e-68body lean mass (VT:0010483)total body lean mass (CMO:0003950)203543797635437977Human
406893697GWAS542673_Hpain QTL GWAS542673 (human)0.0000009pain203543797635437977Human
407009152GWAS658128_HBMI-adjusted waist circumference QTL GWAS658128 (human)2e-13BMI-adjusted waist circumference203543797635437977Human
407012996GWAS661972_Hintertrochanteric region size QTL GWAS661972 (human)1e-09peak expiratory flowmaximum mid-expiratory flow (MMEF) (CMO:0000253)203543797635437977Human
406946438GWAS595414_Hosteoarthritis, knee QTL GWAS595414 (human)1e-17osteoarthritis, knee203543797635437977Human
406941833GWAS590809_Hvital capacity QTL GWAS590809 (human)1e-23osteoarthritis, knee203543797635437977Human
407358221GWAS1007197_HBMI-adjusted hip circumference QTL GWAS1007197 (human)9e-43BMI-adjusted hip circumferencehip circumference (CMO:0000014)203543797635437977Human
407013007GWAS661983_Hspine bone size QTL GWAS661983 (human)4e-21spine bone sizevertebra morphological measurement (CMO:0001679)203543797635437977Human
407021967GWAS670943_Hbody height QTL GWAS670943 (human)5e-33body height (VT:0001253)body height (CMO:0000106)203543797635437977Human
406949388GWAS598364_HBMI-adjusted hip circumference QTL GWAS598364 (human)1e-31BMI-adjusted hip circumferencehip circumference (CMO:0000014)203543797635437977Human
406916627GWAS565603_Hlean body mass QTL GWAS565603 (human)2e-49body lean mass (VT:0010483)total body lean mass (CMO:0003950)203543797635437977Human
406929299GWAS578275_Hbrain volume measurement QTL GWAS578275 (human)2e-08complex traitbrain morphological measurement (CMO:0000136)203543797635437977Human
407082646GWAS731622_Hbody height QTL GWAS731622 (human)1e-121body height (VT:0001253)body height (CMO:0000106)203543797635437977Human
406935444GWAS584420_Happendicular lean mass QTL GWAS584420 (human)4e-47appendicular lean mass203543797635437977Human
406990100GWAS639076_Hbody weights and measures, body height QTL GWAS639076 (human)9e-292body height (VT:0001253)body height (CMO:0000106)203543797635437977Human
407045396GWAS694372_Hbase metabolic rate measurement QTL GWAS694372 (human)1e-08base metabolic rate measurement203543797635437977Human
407090843GWAS739819_Hosteoarthritis, knee QTL GWAS739819 (human)1e-19osteoarthritis, knee203543797635437977Human
406894748GWAS543724_Hbody surface area QTL GWAS543724 (human)5e-134body surface area203543797635437977Human
407079964GWAS728940_HBMI-adjusted waist-hip ratio QTL GWAS728940 (human)2e-27BMI-adjusted waist-hip ratio203543797635437977Human
406925473GWAS574449_Hbody height QTL GWAS574449 (human)1e-300body height (VT:0001253)body height (CMO:0000106)203543797635437977Human
406949409GWAS598385_HBMI-adjusted hip circumference QTL GWAS598385 (human)5e-21body height (VT:0001253)body height (CMO:0000106)203543797635437977Human
406935968GWAS584944_Hchronic musculoskeletal pain QTL GWAS584944 (human)5e-13chronic musculoskeletal pain203543797635437977Human
407350689GWAS999665_HBMI-adjusted hip circumference QTL GWAS999665 (human)1e-92BMI-adjusted hip circumferencehip circumference (CMO:0000014)203543797635437977Human
406988715GWAS637691_Hgait measurement QTL GWAS637691 (human)2e-09gait measurement203543797635437977Human
407110958GWAS759934_Hwaist-hip ratio QTL GWAS759934 (human)3e-21waist-hip ratiowaist to hip ratio (WHR) (CMO:0000020)203543797635437977Human
407298220GWAS947196_Hbody height QTL GWAS947196 (human)4e-40body height (VT:0001253)body height (CMO:0000106)203543797635437977Human
407018031GWAS667007_Hbody height QTL GWAS667007 (human)7e-122body height (VT:0001253)body height (CMO:0000106)203543797635437977Human
406957999GWAS606975_Hjoint hypermobility measurement QTL GWAS606975 (human)1e-12Knee painjoint mobility measurement (CMO:0001489)203543797635437977Human
406914737GWAS563713_Hbody height QTL GWAS563713 (human)5e-48body height (VT:0001253)body height (CMO:0000106)203543797635437977Human
407013173GWAS662149_Hhip bone size QTL GWAS662149 (human)2e-22hip bone size203543797635437977Human
407045562GWAS694538_Hgrip strength measurement QTL GWAS694538 (human)6e-13grip strength measurement203543797635437977Human
407045561GWAS694537_Hgrip strength measurement QTL GWAS694537 (human)4e-13grip strength measurement203543797635437977Human
406930746GWAS579722_Happendicular lean mass QTL GWAS579722 (human)6e-23BMI-adjusted waist-hip ratio203543797635437977Human
407174202GWAS823178_Happendicular lean mass QTL GWAS823178 (human)7e-319appendicular lean mass203543797635437977Human

Additional Information

GWAS QTLs Related by Peak Marker
Data has come from the GWAS Catalog   
The highlighted row represents the current QTL
QTL GWAS Catalog Study Disease Trait Study Size Risk Allele Risk Allele Frequency P Value P Value MLOG Peak Marker Reported Odds Ratio or Beta-coefficient Ontology Accession PubMed
GWAS535718_H GCST008156 Hip circumference adjusted for BMI 1,247 whole genome sequenced European ancestry individuals, 3,052 whole genome sequenced individuals, 29,518 European ancestry individuals, 400 Carlantino (founder/genetic isolate) individuals, 831 Friuli Venezia Giulia (founder/genetic isolate) individuals, 998 Mylopotamos (founder/genetic isolate) individuals, 871 Pomak (founder/genetic isolate) individuals A 0.5714 3E-7 6.523 rs143384 0.0422 BMI-adjusted hip circumference (EFO:0008039)
GWAS542673_H GCST90104574 Pain (pleiotropy) 167,020 European ancestry individuals ? NR 9E-7 6.046 rs143384 N/A pain (EFO:0003843)
GWAS543724_H GCST90245995 Body surface area 337,198 British ancestry individuals ? NR 5E-134 133.302 rs143384 0.0100667 body surface area (EFO:0022196)
GWAS549523_H GCST008152 Weight 1,249 whole genome sequenced European ancestry individuals, 3,559 whole genome sequenced individuals, 46,819 European ancestry individuals, 472 Carlantino (founder/genetic isolate) individuals, 1,172 Friuli Venezia Giulia (founder/genetic isolate) individuals, 1,051 Mylopotamos (founder/genetic isolate) individuals, 942 Pomak (founder/genetic isolate) individuals, 1,779 Val Borbera (founder/genetic isolate) individuals A 0.5721 2E-10 9.699 rs143384 0.0414 body weight (EFO:0004338)
GWAS558284_H GCST008163 Height 1,249 whole genome sequenced European ancestry individuals, 3,541 whole genome sequenced individuals, 46,910 European ancestry individuals, 471 Carlantino (founder/genetic isolate) individuals, 1,197 Friuli Venezia Giulia (founder/genetic isolate) individuals, 1,043 Mylopotamos (founder/genetic isolate) individuals, 933 Pomak (founder/genetic isolate) individuals, 1,785 Val Borbera (founder/genetic isolate) individuals A 0.5722 4E-36 35.398 rs143384 0.0816 body height (EFO:0004339)
GWAS563713_H GCST90278637 Height 92,615 Taiwanese ancestry individuals ? NR 5E-48 47.302 rs143384 N/A body height (EFO:0004339)
GWAS565579_H GCST007063 Fat-free mass 70,700 European ancestry female individuals, 85,261 European ancestry male individuals ? NR 7E-21 20.155 rs143384 0.22962 lean body mass (EFO:0004995)
GWAS565603_H GCST007063 Fat-free mass 70,700 European ancestry female individuals, 85,261 European ancestry male individuals ? NR 2E-49 48.699 rs143384 0.52142 lean body mass (EFO:0004995)
GWAS574449_H GCST90245843 Height 4,080,687 European ancestry individuals A 0.5795 1E-300 300 rs143384 0.0796 body height (EFO:0004339)
GWAS575266_H GCST007294 Body fat distribution (trunk fat ratio) 55,006 British ancestry males, 61,132 British ancestry females G 0.417618 6E-38 37.222 rs143384 0.02963 body fat distribution (EFO:0004341)
GWAS576432_H GCST007295 Body fat distribution (leg fat ratio) 55,006 British ancestry males, 61,132 British ancestry females G 0.417618 3E-9 8.523 rs143384 0.01716 body fat distribution (EFO:0004341)
GWAS578275_H GCST009518 Brain region volumes 19,629 British ancestry individuals ? NR 2E-8 7.699 rs143384 N/A brain volume measurement (EFO:0006930)
GWAS579722_H GCST009576 Appendicular lean mass 85,750 European ancestry middle-aged adult individuals G 0.401718 6E-23 22.222 rs143384 0.0972387 appendicular lean mass (EFO:0004980)
GWAS584420_H GCST009577 Appendicular lean mass 181,862 European ancestry elderly individuals G 0.404718 4E-47 46.398 rs143384 0.0988636 appendicular lean mass (EFO:0004980)
GWAS584944_H GCST90245880 Genetically independent pain phenotypes (GIP2) 265,000 European ancestry individuals A 0.00598 5E-13 12.302 rs143384 0.02023217 chronic musculoskeletal pain (EFO:0022195)
GWAS590809_H GCST007429 Lung function (FVC) 321,047 European ancestry individuals A 0.5964 1E-23 23 rs143384 0.0239 vital capacity (EFO:0004312)
GWAS591299_H GCST007432 FEV1 321,047 European ancestry individuals A 0.5964 4E-12 11.398 rs143384 0.0165 forced expiratory volume (EFO:0004314)
GWAS595414_H GCST90264170 Surgical knee osteoarthritis 22,525 European ancestry cases, 638,618 European ancestry controls G 0.463 1E-17 17 rs143384 0.91 osteoarthritis, knee (EFO:0004616)
GWAS596638_H GCST90264171 Non-surgical knee osteoarthritis 38,626 European ancestry cases, 625,232 European ancestry controls G 0.463 1E-13 13 rs143384 0.94 osteoarthritis, knee (EFO:0004616)
GWAS598163_H GCST004067 Hip circumference adjusted for BMI up to 56,910 European ancestry men, up to 86,570 European ancestry women A 0.5668 3E-16 15.523 rs143384 0.0396 BMI-adjusted hip circumference (EFO:0008039)
GWAS598364_H GCST004067 Hip circumference adjusted for BMI up to 56,910 European ancestry men, up to 86,570 European ancestry women A 0.5668 1E-31 31 rs143384 0.0439 BMI-adjusted hip circumference (EFO:0008039)
GWAS598385_H GCST004067 Hip circumference adjusted for BMI up to 56,910 European ancestry men, up to 86,570 European ancestry women A 0.5668 5E-21 20.302 rs143384 0.0505 BMI-adjusted hip circumference (EFO:0008039)
GWAS606975_H GCST003998 Joint mobility (Beighton score) 64,143 European ancestry individuals ? NR 1E-12 12 rs143384 0.079 joint hypermobility measurement (EFO:0007905)
GWAS615312_H GCST002646 Infant length 28,238 European ancestry individuals G 0.44 3E-10 9.523 rs143384 0.058 infant body height (EFO:0006785)
GWAS620209_H GCST90104572 Pain (pleiotropy) 361,194 European ancestry individuals ? NR 3E-17 16.523 rs143384 0.02 pain (EFO:0003843)
None Available GCST010702 Subcortical volume (MOSTest) 26,502 European ancestry individuals ? NR 2E-10 9.699 rs143384 N/A neuroimaging measurement (EFO:0004346)
brain volume measurement (EFO:0006930)
GWAS635309_H GCST007090 Knee osteoarthritis 24,955 European ancestry cases, 378,169 European ancestry controls A 0.6 5E-23 22.302 rs143384 1.1 osteoarthritis, knee (EFO:0004616)
GWAS637691_H GCST011122 Walking pace 450,967 European ancestry individuals A NR 2E-9 8.699 rs143384 0.0075925 gait measurement (EFO:0007680)
GWAS639076_H GCST007485 Anthropometric traits 4,988 Spanish ancestry individuals G 0.403 9E-292 291.046 rs143384 0.06411 body weights and measures (EFO:0004324)
body height (EFO:0004339)
None Available GCST008053 Height 17,286 African American individuals, 22,192 Hispanic/Latino individuals, 4,680 Asian ancestry individuals, 3,939 Native Hawaiian ancestry individuals, 647 Native American ancestry individuals, 1,052 individuals ? NR 5E-21 20.302 rs143384 0.06231587 body height (EFO:0004339)
GWAS648474_H GCST90244093 Lung function (forced vital capacity) 475,645 European ancestry individuals, 8,590 African ancestry individuals, 85,279 East Asian ancestry individuals, 4,270 South Asian ancestry individuals, 14,668 Hispanic or Latin American individuals A 0.599 1E-33 33 rs143384 12.101 vital capacity (EFO:0004312)
GWAS655914_H GCST007490 Anthropometric traits (multi-trait analysis) 4,988 Spanish ancestry individuals ? NR 1E-170 170 rs143384 N/A body weights and measures (EFO:0004324)
GWAS656017_H GCST006566 Developmental dysplasia of the hip 770 European ancestry cases, 3,364 European ancestry controls A 0.60 4E-22 21.398 rs143384 1.44 developmental dysplasia of the hip (EFO:1000648)
GWAS657212_H GCST90399549 Femoral neck width 38,150 European ancestry individuals G 0.405321 2E-47 46.699 rs143384 0.101673 femoral neck size (EFO:0010076)
GWAS658128_H GCST012231 A body shape index 186,825 British ancestry men G NR 2E-13 12.699 rs143384 0.0231 BMI-adjusted waist circumference (EFO:0007789)
None Available GCST008278 Femoral neck size 28,954 European ancestry individuals G 0.36977 3E-10 9.523 rs143384 0.046 femoral neck size (EFO:0010076)
GWAS661911_H GCST008279 Trochanter size 28,944 European ancestry individuals G 0.37 1E-18 18 rs143384 0.071 trochanter size (EFO:0010074)
GWAS661972_H GCST008280 Intertrochanteric region size 28,936 European ancestry individuals G 0.36977 1E-9 9 rs143384 0.05 intertrochanteric region size (EFO:0010075)
GWAS661983_H GCST008282 Spine bone size 29,059 European ancestry individuals G 0.37 4E-21 20.398 rs143384 0.063 spine bone size (EFO:0004508)
GWAS662149_H GCST008281 Hip bone size 28,900 European ancestry individuals G 0.37 2E-22 21.699 rs143384 0.071 hip bone size (EFO:0004844)
GWAS666414_H GCST90245844 Height 455,180 Hispanic or Latin American individuals A 0.5954 6E-285 284.222 rs143384 0.082 body height (EFO:0004339)
GWAS667007_H GCST90245845 Height 472,730 East Asian ancestry individuals A 0.734 7E-122 121.155 rs143384 0.0671 body height (EFO:0004339)
GWAS667682_H GCST90245846 Height 293,593 African ancestry individuals A 0.15586 1E-39 39 rs143384 0.05989 body height (EFO:0004339)
GWAS670943_H GCST90245847 Height 77,890 South Asian ancestry individuals A 0.4201 5E-33 32.302 rs143384 0.0727 body height (EFO:0004339)
GWAS679446_H GCST90270085 Peak expiratory flow 383,471 European ancestry individuals ? NR 6E-31 30.222 rs143384 N/A peak expiratory flow (EFO:0009718)
None Available GCST004066 Hip circumference up to 56,910 European ancestry men, up to 86,570 European ancestry women A 0.5666 4E-12 11.398 rs143384 0.0262 hip circumference (EFO:0005093)
GWAS688949_H GCST004066 Hip circumference up to 56,910 European ancestry men, up to 86,570 European ancestry women A 0.5666 4E-11 10.398 rs143384 0.0339 hip circumference (EFO:0005093)
GWAS693810_H GCST90267367 Body composition (MOSTest) 33,588 European ancestry individuals ? NR 3E-31 30.523 rs143384 11.63 body composition measurement (EFO:0005106)
GWAS694372_H GCST90271638 Basal metabolic rate in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease 32,426 European ancestry individuals G NR 1E-8 8 rs143384 66.413 base metabolic rate measurement (EFO:0007777)
GWAS694537_H GCST90007526 Low hand grip strength (60 years and older) (EWGSOP) 48,596 European ancestry cases, 207,927 European ancestry controls A 0.5912 4E-13 12.398 rs143384 0.0545 grip strength measurement (EFO:0006941)
GWAS694538_H GCST90007527 Low hand grip strength (60 years and older) (EWGSOP) 34,589 European ancestry female cases, 100,879 European ancestry female controls A 0.59 6E-13 12.222 rs143384 0.0657 grip strength measurement (EFO:0006941)
None Available GCST90267353 Posterior thigh muscle volume 33,022 European ancestry individuals G 0.41 6E-23 22.222 rs143384 9.87 posterior thigh muscle volume (EFO:0020931)
GWAS695317_H GCST90267349 Anterior thigh muscle volume 32,978 European ancestry individuals G 0.41 6E-24 23.222 rs143384 10.1 anterior thigh muscle volume (EFO:0020935)
GWAS695352_H GCST90270116 Multi-trait sex score 161,906 European ancestry females ? NR 3E-65 64.523 rs143384 N/A sexual dimorphism measurement (EFO:0021796)
None Available GCST007430 Peak expiratory flow 321,047 European ancestry individuals A 0.5964 1E-9 9 rs143384 0.0156 peak expiratory flow (EFO:0009718)
GWAS707239_H GCST007294 Body fat distribution (trunk fat ratio) 55,006 British ancestry males, 61,132 British ancestry females G 0.417618 4E-48 47.398 rs143384 0.04729 body fat distribution (EFO:0004341)
GWAS707528_H GCST007295 Body fat distribution (leg fat ratio) 55,006 British ancestry males, 61,132 British ancestry females G 0.417618 3E-43 42.523 rs143384 0.03139 body fat distribution (EFO:0004341)
GWAS708245_H GCST000817 Height 133,653 European ancestry individuals A 0.58 1E-58 58 rs143384 0.063 body height (EFO:0004339)
GWAS709797_H GCST007295 Body fat distribution (leg fat ratio) 55,006 British ancestry males, 61,132 British ancestry females G 0.417618 1E-40 40 rs143384 0.04352 body fat distribution (EFO:0004341)
None Available GCST90309355 Body size (confirmatory factor analysis Factor 21) 329,172 European ancestry individuals ? NR 1E-136 136 rs143384 N/A size (EFO:0001695)
GWAS727590_H GCST008734 Waist-hip ratio 663,598 European ancestry individuals A 0.6 5E-8 7.302 rs143384 N/A waist-hip ratio (EFO:0004343)
GWAS728940_H GCST008733 Waist-to-hip ratio adjusted for BMI 660,648 European ancestry individuals A 0.6 2E-27 26.699 rs143384 0.02 BMI-adjusted waist-hip ratio (EFO:0007788)
GWAS731622_H GCST002647 Height 253,288 European ancestry individuals A 0.576 1E-121 121 rs143384 0.075 body height (EFO:0004339)
GWAS739819_H GCST006925 Knee osteoarthritis 23,877 European ancestry cases, 562,153 European ancestry controls A NR 1E-19 19 rs143384 1.1 osteoarthritis, knee (EFO:0004616)
GWAS759934_H GCST007067 Waist-hip ratio approximately 458,000 European ancestry individuals ? NR 3E-21 20.523 rs143384 N/A waist-hip ratio (EFO:0004343)
None Available GCST008672 Knee pain 22,204 British ancestry cases, 149,312 British ancestry controls A 0.6 1E-12 12 rs143384 0.008 Knee pain (HP:0030839)
GWAS765513_H GCST007063 Fat-free mass 70,700 European ancestry female individuals, 85,261 European ancestry male individuals ? NR 6E-68 67.222 rs143384 0.38971 lean body mass (EFO:0004995)
GWAS770861_H GCST007081 Lung function (FVC) approximately 372,000 European ancestry individuals ? NR 2E-38 37.699 rs143384 N/A vital capacity (EFO:0004312)
None Available GCST90270117 Multi-trait sum score 161,906 European ancestry females ? NR 2E-8 7.699 rs143384 N/A complex trait (EFO:0010578)
GWAS779332_H GCST90103483 ICD10 M51: Intervertebral disc disorder 58,854 European ancestry cases, 922,958 European ancestry controls G 0.457 1E-10 10 rs143384 1.04 Back pain (HP:0003418)
GWAS789696_H GCST90270118 Multi-trait sex score 141,980 European ancestry males ? NR 5E-59 58.302 rs143384 N/A sexual dimorphism measurement (EFO:0021796)
GWAS823178_H GCST90000025 Appendicular lean mass 450,243 European ancestry individuals A 0.5962 7E-319 318.155 rs143384 0.0725 appendicular lean mass (EFO:0004980)
GWAS835224_H GCST90018739 Height 165,056 East Asian ancestry individuals G 0.226816 7E-65 64.155 rs143384 0.0408189 body height (EFO:0004339)
GWAS843289_H GCST012230 Waist-to-hip ratio adjusted for BMI 186,825 British ancestry men G NR 3E-28 27.523 rs143384 0.0350107 BMI-adjusted waist-hip ratio (EFO:0007788)
None Available GCST012228 Waist-hip index 186,825 British ancestry men G NR 6E-23 22.222 rs143384 0.0313206 BMI-adjusted waist-hip ratio (EFO:0007788)
None Available GCST90034523 Knee osteoarthritis 61,588 European ancestry cases, 330,161 European ancestry controls, 899 Japanese ancestry cases, 3,396 Japanese ancestry controls A 0.5908 1E-23 23 rs143384 1.0748703 osteoarthritis, knee (EFO:0004616)
GWAS865203_H GCST90095033 Height 59,771 Hispanic or Latin American individuals A 0.6095 7E-18 17.155 rs143384 0.0502 body height (EFO:0004339)
None Available GCST90245848 Height 5,314,291 European ancestry, Hispanic or Latin American, East Asian ancestry, African ancestry, South Asian ancestry individuals A 0.5719 1E-300 300 rs143384 0.0787 body height (EFO:0004339)
GWAS939449_H GCST90018949 Weight 360,116 European ancestry individuals, 165,419 East Asian ancestry individuals G NR 3E-57 56.523 rs143384 0.0281 body weight (EFO:0004338)
GWAS947196_H GCST90131910 Height 67,452 Han Chinese ancestry individuals G NR 4E-40 39.398 rs143384 0.074 body height (EFO:0004339)
GWAS953622_H GCST90428120 Whole body fat free mass (UKB data field 23101) 337,739 European ancestry individuals G NR 2E-133 132.699 rs143384 0.0329873 lean body mass (EFO:0004995)
GWAS972187_H GCST90018959 Height 360,388 European ancestry individuals, 165,056 East Asian ancestry individuals G NR 3E-379 378.523 rs143384 0.0573 body height (EFO:0004339)
GWAS999665_H GCST012227 Hip circumference adjusted for BMI 186,825 British ancestry men G NR 1E-92 92 rs143384 0.0637104 BMI-adjusted hip circumference (EFO:0008039)
GWAS1004094_H GCST90020029 Waist circumference adjusted for body mass index 219,872 British ancestry women G NR 5E-9 8.302 rs143384 0.0170498 BMI-adjusted waist circumference (EFO:0007789)
GWAS1007197_H GCST90020028 Hip circumference adjusted for BMI 219,872 British ancestry women G NR 9E-43 42.046 rs143384 0.0395206 BMI-adjusted hip circumference (EFO:0008039)
None Available GCST90435412 Height 404,900 European ancestry individuals ? NR 3E-452 451.523 rs143384 0.080037 body height (EFO:0004339)
Database Acc Id Source(s)
GWAS Catalog GCST90018959 GWAS Catalog

RGD Curation Notes
Note Type Note Reference