GWAS746821_H QTL Report (Homo sapiens) - Rat Genome Database

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QTL: GWAS746821_H (cholesteryl esters to total lipids in small HDL percentage QTL GWAS746821 (human)) Homo sapiens

Symbol: GWAS746821_H
Name: cholesteryl esters to total lipids in small HDL percentage QTL GWAS746821 (human)
RGD ID: 407097845
Trait: cholesteryl esters to total lipids in small HDL percentage
LOD Score: Not Available
P Value: 6.0E-25
Variance: Not Available
Human AssemblyChrPosition (strand)SourceJBrowse
GRCh381543,735,687 - 43,735,688RGD_MAPPER_PIPELINEGRCh38
GRCh371544,027,885 - 44,027,886RGD_MAPPER_PIPELINEGRCh37
Population Stats: Not Available
JBrowse: View Region in Genome Browser (JBrowse)

Experimental Factor Annotations    Click to see Annotation Detail View
Object SymbolSpeciesTermQualifierEvidenceWithReferenceNotesSourceOriginal Reference(s)
GWAS746821_HHumancholesteryl esters to total lipids in small HDL percentage  IAGPrs139974673405850206 GWAS_CATALOGPMID:36764567

References - curated
# Reference Title Reference Citation
1. RGD GWAS Catalog Import Pipeline RGD pipeline to import data from GWAS Catalog and create human variant and QTL records


Position Markers

Peak: (rs139974673)
Human AssemblyChrPosition (strand)Source
GRCh381543,735,687 - 43,735,688RGD_MAPPER_PIPELINE

QTLs in Region (GRCh38)
The following QTLs overlap with this region.    Full Report CSV TAB Printer Gviewer
RGD IDSymbolNameLODP ValueTraitSub TraitChrStartStopSpecies
407418952GWAS1067928_Hvery low density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement, phospholipid measurement QTL GWAS1067928 (human)3e-15very low density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement, phospholipid measurementblood very low density lipoprotein cholesterol level (CMO:0000648)154373568743735688Human
407066178GWAS715154_Hhigh density lipoprotein particle size measurement QTL GWAS715154 (human)2e-10leukocyte quantity (VT:0000217)blood very low density lipoprotein cholesterol level (CMO:0000648)154373568743735688Human
407387722GWAS1036698_Hmean corpuscular hemoglobin QTL GWAS1036698 (human)8e-11mean corpuscular hemoglobinmean corpuscular hemoglobin (CMO:0000290)154373568743735688Human
407084615GWAS733591_Hobsolete_red blood cell distribution width QTL GWAS733591 (human)2e-14myeloid white cell countwhite blood cell count (CMO:0000027)154373568743735688Human
407029828GWAS678804_Hphosphoglycerides measurement QTL GWAS678804 (human)7e-11cholesteryl esters to total lipids in small VLDL percentage 154373568743735688Human
407411264GWAS1060240_Hvery low density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement QTL GWAS1060240 (human)1e-08fatty acid amount (VT:0010046)blood free fatty acids level (CMO:0000117)154373568743735688Human
407092042GWAS741018_Hvery low density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement QTL GWAS741018 (human)1e-28fatty acid measurementblood very low density lipoprotein cholesterol level (CMO:0000648)154373568743735688Human
407382849GWAS1031825_Hobsolete_red blood cell distribution width QTL GWAS1031825 (human)2e-17low density lipoprotein cholesterol measurementblood low density lipoprotein cholesterol level (CMO:0000053)154373568743735688Human
407056463GWAS705439_Hvery low density lipoprotein particle size measurement QTL GWAS705439 (human)6e-21serum albumin measurementserum albumin level (CMO:0000550)154373568743735688Human
407083599GWAS732575_Htriglycerides:total lipids ratio, high density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement QTL GWAS732575 (human)1e-14triglycerides:total lipids ratio, high density lipoprotein cholesterol measurementblood high density lipoprotein cholesterol level (CMO:0000052)154373568743735688Human
407121225GWAS770201_Htriglyceride measurement QTL GWAS770201 (human)8e-38triglyceride measurementblood triglyceride level (CMO:0000118)154373568743735688Human
407415622GWAS1064598_Hplatelet count QTL GWAS1064598 (human)1e-45platelet quantity (VT:0003179)platelet count (CMO:0000029)154373568743735688Human
1643273BW330_HBody Weight QTL 330 (human)1.050.014Body weightbody mass index152686671952866719Human
407412824GWAS1061800_Htriglyceride measurement QTL GWAS1061800 (human)2e-203triglyceride measurementblood triglyceride level (CMO:0000118)154373568743735688Human
407069265GWAS718241_Htriglyceride measurement QTL GWAS718241 (human)2e-115triglyceride measurementblood triglyceride level (CMO:0000118)154373568743735688Human
407397978GWAS1046954_Hnon-high density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement QTL GWAS1046954 (human)5e-11non-high density lipoprotein cholesterol measurementblood non-high density lipoprotein cholesterol level (CMO:0003967)154373568743735688Human
2299958PRSTS330_HProstate tumor susceptibility QTL 330 (human)1.020.0151Prostate tumor susceptibility153479023060790230Human
407079254GWAS728230_Hcholesterol esters in large VLDL measurement QTL GWAS728230 (human)4e-26cholesterol esters in large VLDL measurement154373568743735688Human
407060308GWAS709284_Hcitrate measurement QTL GWAS709284 (human)1e-10citrate measurement154373568743735688Human
407219293GWAS868269_Hsex hormone-binding globulin measurement QTL GWAS868269 (human)2e-96sex hormone-binding globulin measurement154373568743735688Human
1643523BW284_HBody Weight QTL 284 (human)1.950.0013Body weight152179288947792889Human
407392852GWAS1041828_Hfamilial hyperlipidemia QTL GWAS1041828 (human)3e-13familial hyperlipidemia154373568743735688Human
407125338GWAS774314_Htriglycerides:total lipids ratio, high density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement QTL GWAS774314 (human)9e-25triglycerides:total lipids ratio, high density lipoprotein cholesterol measurementblood high density lipoprotein cholesterol level (CMO:0000052)154373568743735688Human
407134554GWAS783530_Hfatty acid measurement QTL GWAS783530 (human)3e-30fatty acid measurement154373568743735688Human
2289410BW327_HBody weight QTL 327 (human)3.320.0001Body fat amount151998012945980129Human
407062881GWAS711857_Hglycoprotein measurement QTL GWAS711857 (human)9e-15glycoprotein measurement154373568743735688Human
406944613GWAS593589_Hzinc-alpha-2-glycoprotein measurement QTL GWAS593589 (human)1e-15free cholesterol measurement, very low density lipoprotein cholesterol measurementblood very low density lipoprotein cholesterol level (CMO:0000648)154373568743735688Human
407130979GWAS779955_Htriglyceride:HDL cholesterol ratio QTL GWAS779955 (human)3e-88triglyceride:HDL cholesterol ratio154373568743735688Human
407027562GWAS676538_Htestosterone measurement QTL GWAS676538 (human)5e-35testosterone measurementserum testosterone level (CMO:0000568)154373568743735688Human
407067498GWAS716474_Hhistidine measurement QTL GWAS716474 (human)6e-17lymphocyte countblood lymphocyte count (CMO:0000031)154373568743735688Human
407137390GWAS786366_Htotal lipids in medium VLDL QTL GWAS786366 (human)8e-32total lipids in medium VLDL154373568743735688Human
407084905GWAS733881_Hsex hormone-binding globulin measurement QTL GWAS733881 (human)3e-84sex hormone-binding globulin measurement154373568743735688Human
407397986GWAS1046962_Htriglyceride measurement QTL GWAS1046962 (human)3e-67triglyceride measurementblood triglyceride level (CMO:0000118)154373568743735688Human
407089768GWAS738744_Hfree cholesterol:total lipids ratio, intermediate density lipoprotein measurement QTL GWAS738744 (human)5e-18free cholesterol:total lipids ratio, intermediate density lipoprotein measurementblood intermediate density lipoprotein cholesterol level (CMO:0001562)154373568743735688Human
1559354LDLPS4_HLow density lipoprotein particle size QTL 4 (human)2.20.019LDL particle size153479023060790230Human
2289420BW314_HBody weight QTL 314 (human)2.720.0003Body weightlean mass151998012945980129Human
407036268GWAS685244_Homega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acid measurement QTL GWAS685244 (human)4e-23very low density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement, esterified cholesterol measurementblood very low density lipoprotein cholesterol level (CMO:0000648)154373568743735688Human
407034227GWAS683203_Hfatty acid measurement QTL GWAS683203 (human)1e-23free cholesterol in chylomicrons and extremely large VLDL measurement 154373568743735688Human
2289430BMD7_HBone mineral density QTL 7 (human)3.320.0001Bone mineral density151998012945980129Human
407079031GWAS728007_Hvery low density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement, free cholesterol:total lipids ratio QTL GWAS728007 (human)2e-11very low density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement, lipid measurementblood lipid measurement (CMO:0000050)154373568743735688Human
407060600GWAS709576_Hchylomicron measurement, very low density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement QTL GWAS709576 (human)7e-20chylomicron measurement, very low density lipoprotein cholesterol measurementblood very low density lipoprotein cholesterol level (CMO:0000648)154373568743735688Human
407417971GWAS1066947_Hfree cholesterol measurement, chylomicron measurement, very low density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement QTL GWAS1066947 (human)3e-29free cholesterol measurement, chylomicron measurement, very low density lipoprotein cholesterol measurementblood very low density lipoprotein cholesterol level (CMO:0000648)154373568743735688Human
407057277GWAS706253_Hdiglyceride measurement QTL GWAS706253 (human)1e-13diglyceride measurement154373568743735688Human
407090045GWAS739021_Hfatty acid measurement, linoleic acid measurement QTL GWAS739021 (human)6e-29fatty acid measurement, linoleic acid measurementblood free fatty acids level (CMO:0000117)154373568743735688Human
407023997GWAS672973_Htriglycerides to total lipids in very large VLDL percentage QTL GWAS672973 (human)4e-12myeloid white cell countwhite blood cell count (CMO:0000027)154373568743735688Human
407040002GWAS688978_Htriglycerides in chylomicrons and extremely large VLDL measurement QTL GWAS688978 (human)3e-17blood lipid amount (VT:0003949)blood very low density lipoprotein cholesterol level (CMO:0000648)154373568743735688Human
407067906GWAS716882_Htriglycerides in very small VLDL measurement QTL GWAS716882 (human)1e-47triglycerides in very small VLDL measurementblood very low density lipoprotein triglyceride level (CMO:0002688)154373568743735688Human
407093255GWAS742231_Hlow density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement, free cholesterol:total lipids ratio QTL GWAS742231 (human)3e-32phospholipids in VLDL measurement blood very low density lipoprotein triglyceride level (CMO:0002688)154373568743735688Human
407129347GWAS778323_Htriglycerides in small HDL measurement QTL GWAS778323 (human)1e-30triglycerides in small HDL measurementblood high density lipoprotein triglyceride level (CMO:0002686)154373568743735688Human
407053577GWAS702553_Htotal lipids in very small VLDL measurement QTL GWAS702553 (human)5e-21liver volumeliver volume (CMO:0001468)154373568743735688Human
407411972GWAS1060948_Homega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid measurement QTL GWAS1060948 (human)3e-20omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid measurement154373568743735688Human
407221002GWAS869978_Hsex hormone-binding globulin measurement QTL GWAS869978 (human)5e-147sex hormone-binding globulin measurement154373568743735688Human
407100691GWAS749667_Hcholesterol to total lipids in small LDL percentage QTL GWAS749667 (human)1e-12cholesterol to total lipids in small LDL percentage 154373568743735688Human
407077906GWAS726882_HX-24309 measurement QTL GWAS726882 (human)6e-13X-24309 measurement154373568743735688Human
407054096GWAS703072_Hvery low density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement QTL GWAS703072 (human)3e-24very low density lipoprotein cholesterol measurementblood very low density lipoprotein cholesterol level (CMO:0000648)154373568743735688Human
407054615GWAS703591_Hphospholipids in VLDL measurement QTL GWAS703591 (human)6e-14lymphocyte countblood lymphocyte count (CMO:0000031)154373568743735688Human
407411740GWAS1060716_Htriglyceride measurement QTL GWAS1060716 (human)7e-101triglyceride measurementblood triglyceride level (CMO:0000118)154373568743735688Human
407087382GWAS736358_Hcholesterol esters in large HDL measurement QTL GWAS736358 (human)4e-10monocyte percentage of leukocytesblood monocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio (CMO:0000374)154373568743735688Human
407144723GWAS793699_Hphospholipids in VLDL measurement QTL GWAS793699 (human)4e-24chylomicron measurement, very low density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement, lipid measurementblood lipid measurement (CMO:0000050)154373568743735688Human
407060760GWAS709736_Hchylomicron measurement, very low density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement, lipid measurement QTL GWAS709736 (human)5e-20chylomicron measurement, very low density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement, lipid measurementblood lipid measurement (CMO:0000050)154373568743735688Human
407111193GWAS760169_Htriglycerides in large LDL measurement QTL GWAS760169 (human)8e-28triglycerides in large LDL measurement 154373568743735688Human
407126809GWAS775785_Htotal cholesterol in medium VLDL QTL GWAS775785 (human)2e-28total cholesterol in medium VLDL154373568743735688Human
407084061GWAS733037_Htotal cholesterol change measurement, high density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement QTL GWAS733037 (human)3e-10free cholesterol in very large HDL measurement blood high density lipoprotein cholesterol level (CMO:0000052)154373568743735688Human
407029533GWAS678509_Homega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid measurement QTL GWAS678509 (human)2e-16fatty acid measurementblood intermediate density lipoprotein cholesterol level (CMO:0001562)154373568743735688Human
407068450GWAS717426_Hchylomicron measurement, total cholesterol measurement, very low density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement QTL GWAS717426 (human)2e-20very low density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement, cholesteryl esters:total lipids ratioblood very low density lipoprotein cholesterol level (CMO:0000648)154373568743735688Human
407066914GWAS715890_Hchylomicron measurement, very low density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement, phospholipids:total lipids ratio QTL GWAS715890 (human)1e-11sex hormone-binding globulin measurementblood very low density lipoprotein cholesterol level (CMO:0000648)154373568743735688Human
407073825GWAS722801_Htriglycerides to total lipids in small VLDL percentage QTL GWAS722801 (human)4e-22triglycerides to total lipids in small VLDL percentage 154373568743735688Human
407416106GWAS1065082_Hsex hormone-binding globulin measurement QTL GWAS1065082 (human)2e-22sex hormone-binding globulin measurement154373568743735688Human
1559411SCL107_HSerum cholesterol level QTL 107 (human)3.88Lipid leveltriglyceride152654355252543552Human
407126305GWAS775281_Htriglycerides:total lipids ratio, low density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement QTL GWAS775281 (human)1e-22triglycerides:total lipids ratio, low density lipoprotein cholesterol measurementblood low density lipoprotein cholesterol level (CMO:0000053)154373568743735688Human
407126818GWAS775794_Htotal cholesterol measurement, high density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement QTL GWAS775794 (human)9e-10total cholesterol measurement, high density lipoprotein cholesterol measurementblood high density lipoprotein cholesterol level (CMO:0000052)154373568743735688Human
407408416GWAS1057392_Hsex hormone-binding globulin measurement QTL GWAS1057392 (human)5e-24free cholesterol measurement, very low density lipoprotein cholesterol measurementblood very low density lipoprotein cholesterol level (CMO:0000648)154373568743735688Human
407121967GWAS770943_Hvery low density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement QTL GWAS770943 (human)5e-32very low density lipoprotein cholesterol measurementblood very low density lipoprotein cholesterol level (CMO:0000648)154373568743735688Human
407056179GWAS705155_Htotal cholesterol measurement, very low density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement QTL GWAS705155 (human)7e-24total cholesterol measurement, very low density lipoprotein cholesterol measurementblood very low density lipoprotein cholesterol level (CMO:0000648)154373568743735688Human
407087667GWAS736643_Htriglycerides in medium HDL measurement QTL GWAS736643 (human)8e-29total lipids in large VLDL154373568743735688Human
407059761GWAS708737_Hmean corpuscular hemoglobin QTL GWAS708737 (human)4e-19citrate measurementmean corpuscular hemoglobin (CMO:0000290)154373568743735688Human
407230775GWAS879751_Hserum albumin measurement QTL GWAS879751 (human)9e-32serum albumin measurementserum albumin level (CMO:0000550)154373568743735688Human
407415099GWAS1064075_Hchylomicron measurement, total cholesterol measurement, very low density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement QTL GWAS1064075 (human)3e-27chylomicron measurement, total cholesterol measurement, very low density lipoprotein cholesterol measurementblood very low density lipoprotein cholesterol level (CMO:0000648)154373568743735688Human
407069243GWAS718219_Htriglycerides:total lipids ratio, very low density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement QTL GWAS718219 (human)1e-26triglycerides in very large VLDL measurement blood very low density lipoprotein cholesterol level (CMO:0000648)154373568743735688Human
407077691GWAS726667_Htriglyceride measurement QTL GWAS726667 (human)1e-73triglyceride measurementblood triglyceride level (CMO:0000118)154373568743735688Human
407121215GWAS770191_Hfatty acid measurement QTL GWAS770191 (human)3e-25fatty acid measurement154373568743735688Human
407027004GWAS675980_Hsex hormone-binding globulin measurement QTL GWAS675980 (human)4e-32total lipids in small VLDL154373568743735688Human
407410487GWAS1059463_Hcholesteryl ester measurement, very low density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement QTL GWAS1059463 (human)2e-18blood lipid amount (VT:0003949)blood very low density lipoprotein cholesterol level (CMO:0000648)154373568743735688Human
407145668GWAS794644_Hvery low density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement QTL GWAS794644 (human)1e-25very low density lipoprotein cholesterol measurementblood very low density lipoprotein cholesterol level (CMO:0000648)154373568743735688Human
407080643GWAS729619_Hfree cholesterol in large VLDL measurement QTL GWAS729619 (human)7e-30free cholesterol in large VLDL measurement 154373568743735688Human
407142081GWAS791057_Hvery low density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement, cholesterol:total lipids ratio QTL GWAS791057 (human)3e-14very low density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement, cholesterol:total lipids ratioblood very low density lipoprotein cholesterol level (CMO:0000648)154373568743735688Human
407123907GWAS772883_Hsaturated fatty acids measurement QTL GWAS772883 (human)9e-24saturated fatty acids measurement 154373568743735688Human
407087307GWAS736283_Hsex hormone-binding globulin measurement QTL GWAS736283 (human)1e-49sex hormone-binding globulin measurement154373568743735688Human
407207118GWAS856094_Hplatelet crit QTL GWAS856094 (human)3e-66platelet critplateletcrit (CMO:0001349)154373568743735688Human
407068367GWAS717343_Hchylomicron measurement, very low density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement, phospholipid measurement QTL GWAS717343 (human)5e-22cholesterol esters in medium VLDL measurementblood very low density lipoprotein cholesterol level (CMO:0000648)154373568743735688Human
407124169GWAS773145_Hcholesterol:total lipids ratio, high density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement QTL GWAS773145 (human)1e-19cholesterol:total lipids ratio, high density lipoprotein cholesterol measurementblood high density lipoprotein cholesterol level (CMO:0000052)154373568743735688Human
407066323GWAS715299_Htriglyceride measurement, high density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement QTL GWAS715299 (human)1e-24blood lipid amount (VT:0003949)blood very low density lipoprotein cholesterol level (CMO:0000648)154373568743735688Human
407032272GWAS681248_Hfree androgen index QTL GWAS681248 (human)9e-13free androgen index154373568743735688Human
407418586GWAS1067562_Hchylomicron measurement, very low density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement, phospholipid measurement QTL GWAS1067562 (human)4e-28chylomicron measurement, very low density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement, phospholipid measurementblood very low density lipoprotein cholesterol level (CMO:0000648)154373568743735688Human
407084503GWAS733479_Hsex hormone-binding globulin measurement QTL GWAS733479 (human)5e-110sex hormone-binding globulin measurement154373568743735688Human
407120849GWAS769825_Htriglycerides:total lipids ratio, high density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement QTL GWAS769825 (human)8e-22triglycerides:total lipids ratio, high density lipoprotein cholesterol measurementblood high density lipoprotein cholesterol level (CMO:0000052)154373568743735688Human
407135699GWAS784675_Htriglycerides:total lipids ratio, low density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement QTL GWAS784675 (human)3e-12triglycerides:total lipids ratio, low density lipoprotein cholesterol measurementblood low density lipoprotein cholesterol level (CMO:0000053)154373568743735688Human
407414239GWAS1063215_Htriglyceride measurement QTL GWAS1063215 (human)8e-84triglyceride measurementblood triglyceride level (CMO:0000118)154373568743735688Human
407037146GWAS686122_Hpolyunsaturated fatty acids to total fatty acids percentage QTL GWAS686122 (human)5e-14polyunsaturated fatty acids to total fatty acids percentage 154373568743735688Human
407042522GWAS691498_Hfree cholesterol in small VLDL measurement QTL GWAS691498 (human)4e-33free cholesterol in small VLDL measurement 154373568743735688Human
407043291GWAS692267_Htriglycerides:total lipids ratio, very low density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement QTL GWAS692267 (human)6e-20triglycerides:total lipids ratio, very low density lipoprotein cholesterol measurementblood very low density lipoprotein cholesterol level (CMO:0000648)154373568743735688Human
407159768GWAS808744_Hcholesterol in very small VLDL measurement QTL GWAS808744 (human)2e-09leukocyte quantity (VT:0000217)blood high density lipoprotein cholesterol level (CMO:0000052)154373568743735688Human
407142362GWAS791338_Htotal cholesterol in small VLDL QTL GWAS791338 (human)1e-18total cholesterol in small VLDL154373568743735688Human
407058146GWAS707122_Hplatelet count QTL GWAS707122 (human)3e-87platelet quantity (VT:0003179)platelet count (CMO:0000029)154373568743735688Human
407076578GWAS725554_Htotal blood protein measurement QTL GWAS725554 (human)4e-38total blood protein measurementblood protein measurement (CMO:0000028)154373568743735688Human
407415273GWAS1064249_Hlymphocyte count QTL GWAS1064249 (human)5e-08lymphocyte countblood lymphocyte count (CMO:0000031)154373568743735688Human
407219431GWAS868407_Hplatelet count QTL GWAS868407 (human)6e-60platelet quantity (VT:0003179)platelet count (CMO:0000029)154373568743735688Human
407051744GWAS700720_Htriglyceride measurement, phospholipid measurement QTL GWAS700720 (human)5e-29triglyceride measurement, phospholipid measurementblood triglyceride level (CMO:0000118)154373568743735688Human
407092966GWAS741942_Hcholesteryl esters to total lipids in very large HDL percentage QTL GWAS741942 (human)6e-12cholesteryl esters to total lipids in very large HDL percentage 154373568743735688Human
407088358GWAS737334_Htriglycerides in large VLDL measurement QTL GWAS737334 (human)4e-29triglycerides in large VLDL measurementblood very low density lipoprotein triglyceride level (CMO:0002688)154373568743735688Human
407024362GWAS673338_Hfree cholesterol to total lipids in small LDL percentage QTL GWAS673338 (human)2e-31free cholesterol to total lipids in small LDL percentage 154373568743735688Human
407145452GWAS794428_Htotal lipids in very large VLDL measurement QTL GWAS794428 (human)2e-25serum albumin measurementserum albumin level (CMO:0000550)154373568743735688Human
407090923GWAS739899_Hfree cholesterol in large HDL measurement QTL GWAS739899 (human)9e-11free cholesterol in large HDL measurementblood high density lipoprotein cholesterol level (CMO:0000052)154373568743735688Human
407139308GWAS788284_Htotal cholesterol measurement, very low density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement QTL GWAS788284 (human)3e-22total cholesterol measurement, very low density lipoprotein cholesterol measurementblood very low density lipoprotein cholesterol level (CMO:0000648)154373568743735688Human
407054824GWAS703800_Hchylomicron measurement, very low density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement, free cholesterol:total lipids ratio QTL GWAS703800 (human)2e-13cholesterol:total lipids ratio, high density lipoprotein cholesterol measurementblood high density lipoprotein cholesterol level (CMO:0000052)154373568743735688Human
407048429GWAS697405_Htriglycerides in small VLDL measurement QTL GWAS697405 (human)6e-39triglycerides in small VLDL measurementblood very low density lipoprotein triglyceride level (CMO:0002688)154373568743735688Human
407092205GWAS741181_Hcholesterol to total lipids in small HDL percentage QTL GWAS741181 (human)6e-27chylomicron measurement, very low density lipoprotein cholesterol measurementblood very low density lipoprotein cholesterol level (CMO:0000648)154373568743735688Human
407408870GWAS1057846_Hsex hormone-binding globulin measurement QTL GWAS1057846 (human)3e-08sex hormone-binding globulin measurement154373568743735688Human
407113451GWAS762427_Homega-6:omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid ratio QTL GWAS762427 (human)2e-15milk omega-6 fatty acid amount (VT:0010323)serum albumin level (CMO:0000550)154373568743735688Human
407085810GWAS734786_Htriglyceride measurement, low density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement QTL GWAS734786 (human)5e-26very low density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement, free cholesterol:total lipids ratioblood very low density lipoprotein cholesterol level (CMO:0000648)154373568743735688Human
407139312GWAS788288_Htriglycerides:total lipids ratio, high density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement QTL GWAS788288 (human)3e-23very low density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement, cholesterol:total lipids ratioblood very low density lipoprotein cholesterol level (CMO:0000648)154373568743735688Human
407097845GWAS746821_Hcholesteryl esters to total lipids in small HDL percentage QTL GWAS746821 (human)6e-25cholesteryl esters to total lipids in small HDL percentage 154373568743735688Human
407055604GWAS704580_Htriglyceride measurement, very low density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement QTL GWAS704580 (human)8e-34triglyceride measurement, very low density lipoprotein cholesterol measurementblood very low density lipoprotein cholesterol level (CMO:0000648)154373568743735688Human
407126524GWAS775500_Hfree cholesterol in medium VLDL measurement QTL GWAS775500 (human)1e-34free cholesterol in medium VLDL measurement 154373568743735688Human
407128059GWAS777035_Hfatty acid measurement QTL GWAS777035 (human)4e-21fatty acid measurement154373568743735688Human
407089404GWAS738380_Htriglycerides:total lipids ratio, low density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement QTL GWAS738380 (human)8e-18triglycerides:total lipids ratio, low density lipoprotein cholesterol measurementblood low density lipoprotein cholesterol level (CMO:0000053)154373568743735688Human
407411592GWAS1060568_Htriglyceride measurement QTL GWAS1060568 (human)9e-140triglyceride measurementblood triglyceride level (CMO:0000118)154373568743735688Human
407143303GWAS792279_Hfree cholesterol in very large VLDL measurement QTL GWAS792279 (human)2e-21omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid measurementblood very low density lipoprotein cholesterol level (CMO:0000648)154373568743735688Human
407124096GWAS773072_Hremnant cholesterol measurement QTL GWAS773072 (human)5e-15remnant cholesterol measurement154373568743735688Human
407417740GWAS1066716_Hsex hormone-binding globulin measurement QTL GWAS1066716 (human)4e-08sex hormone-binding globulin measurement154373568743735688Human
407410062GWAS1059038_Hlow density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement, cholesteryl esters:total lipids ratio QTL GWAS1059038 (human)8e-10low density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement, cholesteryl esters:total lipids ratioblood low density lipoprotein cholesterol level (CMO:0000053)154373568743735688Human
407088004GWAS736980_Htriglycerides in IDL measurement QTL GWAS736980 (human)1e-40triglycerides in IDL measurementblood lipoprotein triglyceride level (CMO:0002685)154373568743735688Human
407089033GWAS738009_Hcholesteryl esters to total lipids in medium VLDL percentage QTL GWAS738009 (human)7e-23cholesteryl esters to total lipids in medium VLDL percentage 154373568743735688Human
407041935GWAS690911_Hconcentration of chylomicrons and extremely large VLDL particles measurement QTL GWAS690911 (human)1e-21concentration of chylomicrons and extremely large VLDL particles measurement 154373568743735688Human
407410053GWAS1059029_Hfatty acid measurement QTL GWAS1059029 (human)9e-21fatty acid measurement154373568743735688Human
407023757GWAS672733_Hcholesteryl esters to total lipids in very large VLDL percentage QTL GWAS672733 (human)6e-18cholesteryl esters to total lipids in very large VLDL percentage 154373568743735688Human
407133588GWAS782564_Htriglyceride:HDL cholesterol ratio QTL GWAS782564 (human)1e-63triglyceride:HDL cholesterol ratio154373568743735688Human
407082898GWAS731874_Hesterified cholesterol measurement, high density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement QTL GWAS731874 (human)5e-17esterified cholesterol measurement, high density lipoprotein cholesterol measurementblood high density lipoprotein cholesterol level (CMO:0000052)154373568743735688Human
407142295GWAS791271_Htriglycerides in small LDL measurement QTL GWAS791271 (human)2e-27triglycerides in small LDL measurement 154373568743735688Human
407131031GWAS780007_Htriglyceride:HDL cholesterol ratio QTL GWAS780007 (human)6e-33triglyceride:HDL cholesterol ratio154373568743735688Human
407079575GWAS728551_Hcholesterol to total lipids in small VLDL percentage QTL GWAS728551 (human)3e-19cholesterol to total lipids in small VLDL percentage 154373568743735688Human
407386013GWAS1034989_Hplatelet count QTL GWAS1034989 (human)1e-84platelet quantity (VT:0003179)platelet count (CMO:0000029)154373568743735688Human
407411101GWAS1060077_Hfatty acid measurement QTL GWAS1060077 (human)8e-14fatty acid measurement154373568743735688Human
407384735GWAS1033711_Hmean corpuscular volume QTL GWAS1033711 (human)3e-16serum albumin measurementserum albumin level (CMO:0000550)154373568743735688Human
407121308GWAS770284_Hcholesteryl esters:total lipids ratio, high density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement QTL GWAS770284 (human)3e-18cholesteryl esters:total lipids ratio, high density lipoprotein cholesterol measurementblood high density lipoprotein cholesterol level (CMO:0000052)154373568743735688Human
407412113GWAS1061089_Hdocosahexaenoic acid measurement QTL GWAS1061089 (human)2e-08fatty acid amount (VT:0010046)blood free fatty acids level (CMO:0000117)154373568743735688Human
407029913GWAS678889_Hphospholipids in VLDL measurement QTL GWAS678889 (human)2e-33very low density lipoprotein cholesterol measurementblood very low density lipoprotein cholesterol level (CMO:0000648)154373568743735688Human
407075736GWAS724712_Hfatty acid measurement QTL GWAS724712 (human)7e-26fatty acid measurement154373568743735688Human
407063202GWAS712178_Htotal cholesterol measurement, high density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement QTL GWAS712178 (human)5e-10total cholesterol measurement, high density lipoprotein cholesterol measurementblood high density lipoprotein cholesterol level (CMO:0000052)154373568743735688Human
407061671GWAS710647_Htotal cholesterol measurement, high density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement QTL GWAS710647 (human)5e-12histidine measurementblood amino acid measurement (CMO:0003730)154373568743735688Human
407080870GWAS729846_Hsex hormone-binding globulin measurement QTL GWAS729846 (human)8e-30sex hormone-binding globulin measurement154373568743735688Human
407039652GWAS688628_Htotal lipids in chylomicrons and extremely large VLDL measurement QTL GWAS688628 (human)2e-19lymphocyte countblood lymphocyte count (CMO:0000031)154373568743735688Human
407142306GWAS791282_Hvery low density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement, esterified cholesterol measurement QTL GWAS791282 (human)4e-11very low density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement, esterified cholesterol measurementblood very low density lipoprotein cholesterol level (CMO:0000648)154373568743735688Human
407414434GWAS1063410_Hcalcium measurement QTL GWAS1063410 (human)2e-36calcium measurementblood calcium level (CMO:0000502)154373568743735688Human
407055021GWAS703997_Hfree cholesterol measurement, chylomicron measurement, very low density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement QTL GWAS703997 (human)6e-23free cholesterol measurement, chylomicron measurement, very low density lipoprotein cholesterol measurementblood very low density lipoprotein cholesterol level (CMO:0000648)154373568743735688Human
407406520GWAS1055496_Hplatelet count QTL GWAS1055496 (human)6e-31platelet quantity (VT:0003179)platelet count (CMO:0000029)154373568743735688Human
407058103GWAS707079_Hdocosahexaenoic acid measurement QTL GWAS707079 (human)6e-10fatty acid amount (VT:0010046)blood free fatty acids level (CMO:0000117)154373568743735688Human
407073718GWAS722694_Hfatty acid change measurement QTL GWAS722694 (human)5e-13fatty acid change measurement154373568743735688Human
407382704GWAS1031680_Hmean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration QTL GWAS1031680 (human)2e-26mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentrationmean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (CMO:0000291)154373568743735688Human
407088058GWAS737034_Htotal cholesterol in large VLDL QTL GWAS737034 (human)5e-28total cholesterol in large VLDL154373568743735688Human
407070648GWAS719624_Hapolipoprotein A 1 measurement, apolipoprotein B measurement QTL GWAS719624 (human)3e-21apolipoprotein A 1 measurement, apolipoprotein B measurementblood apoliprotein B level (CMO:0000522)154373568743735688Human
407394998GWAS1043974_Hfamilial hyperlipidemia QTL GWAS1043974 (human)4e-09serum albumin measurementserum albumin level (CMO:0000550)154373568743735688Human

Additional Information

GWAS QTLs Related by Peak Marker
Data has come from the GWAS Catalog   
The highlighted row represents the current QTL
QTL GWAS Catalog Study Disease Trait Study Size Risk Allele Risk Allele Frequency P Value P Value MLOG Peak Marker Reported Odds Ratio or Beta-coefficient Ontology Accession PubMed
GWAS593589_H GCST90250252 Zinc-alpha-2-glycoprotein levels 10,708 European ancestry individuals T 0.97 1E-15 15 rs139974673 0.324 zinc-alpha-2-glycoprotein measurement (EFO:0802228)
None Available GCST90002372 Red cell distribution width 563,352 African American or Afro-Caribbean, African ancestry, European ancestry, East Asian ancestry, Hispanic or Latin American and South Asian ancestry individuals T 0.97464 2E-17 16.699 rs139974673 N/A Red cell distribution width (EFO:0009188)
GWAS672733_H GCST90269683 Cholesteryl esters to total lipids in very large VLDL percentage (UKB data field 23586) 87,620 European ancestry individuals C 0.025771 6E-18 17.222 rs139974673 0.1241 cholesteryl esters to total lipids in very large VLDL percentage (EFO:0022258)
GWAS672973_H GCST90269685 Triglycerides to total lipids in very large VLDL percentage (UKB data field 23588) 87,620 European ancestry individuals C 0.025771 4E-12 11.398 rs139974673 0.100834 triglycerides to total lipids in very large VLDL percentage (EFO:0022340)
GWAS673338_H GCST90269724 Free cholesterol to total lipids in small LDL percentage (UKB data field 23627) 88,329 European ancestry individuals C 0.0257288 2E-31 30.699 rs139974673 0.169544 free cholesterol to total lipids in small LDL percentage (EFO:0022286)
GWAS675980_H GCST90239822 Sex hormone-binding globulin levels 188,443 British ancestry women ? NR 4E-32 31.398 rs139974673 0.114623 sex hormone-binding globulin measurement (EFO:0004696)
GWAS676538_H GCST90239819 Total testosterone levels 176,212 British ancestry men ? NR 5E-35 34.302 rs139974673 0.127257 testosterone measurement (EFO:0004908)
GWAS678509_H GCST90269541 Omega-3 fatty acids levels (UKB data field 23444) 88,268 European ancestry individuals C 0.0257296 2E-16 15.699 rs139974673 0.118807 omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid measurement (EFO:0010119)
GWAS678804_H GCST90302119 Total phosphoglycerides levels 4,435 East Asian ancestry individuals, 11,340 South Asian ancestry individuals, 120,241 European ancestry individuals T 0.9736 7E-11 10.155 rs139974673 0.094 phosphoglycerides measurement (EFO:0022291)
GWAS678889_H GCST90302112 Phospholipids in small VLDL 4,435 East Asian ancestry individuals, 11,340 South Asian ancestry individuals, 120,241 European ancestry individuals T 0.9737 2E-33 32.699 rs139974673 0.1731 phospholipids in VLDL measurement (EFO:0022301)
None Available GCST90302111 Concentration of small VLDL particles 4,435 East Asian ancestry individuals, 11,340 South Asian ancestry individuals, 120,241 European ancestry individuals T 0.9737 2E-33 32.699 rs139974673 0.1731 very low density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement (EFO:0008317)
GWAS681248_H GCST90239824 Free androgen index 158,208 British ancestry women ? NR 9E-13 12.046 rs139974673 0.0784579 free androgen index (EFO:0007005)
GWAS683203_H GCST90302118 Total fatty acids 4,435 East Asian ancestry individuals, 11,340 South Asian ancestry individuals, 120,241 European ancestry individuals T 0.9737 1E-23 23 rs139974673 0.1445 fatty acid measurement (EFO:0005110)
GWAS685244_H GCST90269549 Omega-6 fatty acids to total fatty acids percentage (UKB data field 23452) 88,268 European ancestry individuals C 0.0257296 4E-23 22.398 rs139974673 0.142772 omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acid measurement (EFO:0005680)
GWAS686122_H GCST90269550 Polyunsaturated fatty acids to total fatty acids percentage (UKB data field 23453) 88,268 European ancestry individuals C 0.0257296 5E-14 13.302 rs139974673 0.10869 polyunsaturated fatty acids to total fatty acids percentage (EFO:0022303)
GWAS688628_H GCST90269579 Total lipids in chylomicrons and extremely large VLDL (UKB data field 23482) 88,329 European ancestry individuals C 0.0257288 2E-19 18.699 rs139974673 0.130809 total lipids in chylomicrons and extremely large VLDL measurement (EFO:0022306)
GWAS688978_H GCST90269584 Triglycerides in chylomicrons and extremely large VLDL (UKB data field 23487) 88,329 European ancestry individuals C 0.0257288 3E-17 16.523 rs139974673 0.122482 triglycerides in chylomicrons and extremely large VLDL measurement (EFO:0022316)
None Available GCST90269583 Free cholesterol in chylomicrons and extremely large VLDL (UKB data field 23486) 88,329 European ancestry individuals C 0.0257288 1E-23 23 rs139974673 0.145007 free cholesterol in chylomicrons and extremely large VLDL measurement (EFO:0022263)
GWAS690911_H GCST90269578 Concentration of chylomicrons and extremely large VLDL particles (UKB data field 23481) 88,329 European ancestry individuals C 0.0257288 1E-21 21 rs139974673 0.138167 concentration of chylomicrons and extremely large VLDL particles measurement (EFO:0022260)
None Available GCST90302107 Cholesteryl esters to total lipids ratio in small VLDL 4,435 East Asian ancestry individuals, 11,340 South Asian ancestry individuals, 120,241 European ancestry individuals T 0.9736 2E-16 15.699 rs139974673 0.1193 very low density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement (EFO:0008317)
cholesteryl esters:total lipids ratio (EFO:0020944)
GWAS691498_H GCST90302108 Free cholesterol in small VLDL 4,435 East Asian ancestry individuals, 11,340 South Asian ancestry individuals, 120,241 European ancestry individuals T 0.9737 4E-33 32.398 rs139974673 0.172 free cholesterol in small VLDL measurement (EFO:0022272)
None Available GCST90302110 Total lipids in small VLDL 4,435 East Asian ancestry individuals, 11,340 South Asian ancestry individuals, 120,241 European ancestry individuals T 0.9737 4E-32 31.398 rs139974673 0.1694 total lipids in small VLDL (EFO:0022148)
GWAS692267_H GCST90302115 Triglycerides to total lipids ratio in small VLDL 4,435 East Asian ancestry individuals, 11,340 South Asian ancestry individuals, 120,241 European ancestry individuals T 0.9737 6E-20 19.222 rs139974673 0.1315 triglycerides:total lipids ratio (EFO:0020947)
very low density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement (EFO:0008317)
GWAS697405_H GCST90302114 Triglycerides in small VLDL 4,435 East Asian ancestry individuals, 11,340 South Asian ancestry individuals, 120,241 European ancestry individuals T 0.9737 6E-39 38.222 rs139974673 0.1877 triglycerides in small VLDL measurement (EFO:0022145)
GWAS700720_H GCST90302116 Ratio of triglycerides to phosphoglycerides 4,435 East Asian ancestry individuals, 11,340 South Asian ancestry individuals, 120,241 European ancestry individuals T 0.9736 5E-29 28.302 rs139974673 0.163 triglyceride measurement (EFO:0004530)
phospholipid measurement (EFO:0004639)
GWAS702553_H GCST90302156 Total lipids in very small VLDL 4,435 East Asian ancestry individuals, 11,340 South Asian ancestry individuals, 120,241 European ancestry individuals T 0.9737 5E-21 20.302 rs139974673 0.1349 total lipids in very small VLDL measurement (EFO:0022156)
None Available GCST90302164 Cholesteryl ester levels in chylomicrons and extremely large VLDL 4,435 East Asian ancestry individuals, 11,340 South Asian ancestry individuals, 120,241 European ancestry individuals T 0.9736 3E-17 16.523 rs139974673 0.1226 cholesteryl ester measurement (EFO:0010351)
chylomicron measurement (EFO:0008596)
very low density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement (EFO:0008317)
GWAS703072_H GCST90302157 Concentration of very small VLDL particles 4,435 East Asian ancestry individuals, 11,340 South Asian ancestry individuals, 120,241 European ancestry individuals T 0.9737 3E-24 23.523 rs139974673 0.1455 very low density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement (EFO:0008317)
GWAS703591_H GCST90302158 Phospholipids in very small VLDL 4,435 East Asian ancestry individuals, 11,340 South Asian ancestry individuals, 120,241 European ancestry individuals T 0.9737 6E-14 13.222 rs139974673 0.1078 phospholipids in VLDL measurement (EFO:0022301)
GWAS703800_H GCST90302167 Free cholesterol to total lipids ratio in chylomicrons and extremely large VLDL 4,435 East Asian ancestry individuals, 11,340 South Asian ancestry individuals, 110,896 European ancestry individuals T 0.9736 2E-13 12.699 rs139974673 0.1142 chylomicron measurement (EFO:0008596)
very low density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement (EFO:0008317)
free cholesterol:total lipids ratio (EFO:0020945)
GWAS703997_H GCST90302166 Free cholesterol levels in chylomicrons and extremely large VLDL 4,435 East Asian ancestry individuals, 11,340 South Asian ancestry individuals, 120,241 European ancestry individuals T 0.9737 6E-23 22.222 rs139974673 0.1417 free cholesterol measurement (EFO:0008591)
chylomicron measurement (EFO:0008596)
very low density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement (EFO:0008317)
GWAS704580_H GCST90302125 Triglyceride levels in VLDL 4,435 East Asian ancestry individuals, 11,340 South Asian ancestry individuals, 120,241 European ancestry individuals T 0.9737 8E-34 33.097 rs139974673 0.1744 triglyceride measurement (EFO:0004530)
very low density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement (EFO:0008317)
GWAS705155_H GCST90302123 Total cholesterol levels in VLDL 4,435 East Asian ancestry individuals, 11,340 South Asian ancestry individuals, 120,241 European ancestry individuals T 0.9737 7E-24 23.155 rs139974673 0.1446 total cholesterol measurement (EFO:0004574)
very low density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement (EFO:0008317)
GWAS705439_H GCST90302124 Mean diameter of VLDL particles 4,435 East Asian ancestry individuals, 11,340 South Asian ancestry individuals, 120,241 European ancestry individuals T 0.9736 6E-21 20.222 rs139974673 0.1364 very low density lipoprotein particle size measurement (EFO:0008594)
None Available GCST90002388 Lymphocyte count 408,112 British individuals C 0.0255880000000001 6E-14 13.222 rs139974673 0.05262562 lymphocyte count (EFO:0004587)
GWAS706253_H GCST90301953 Diacylglycerol levels 74,743 Non-Finnish European ancestry individuals T 0.9724 1E-13 13 rs139974673 0.133 diglyceride measurement (EFO:0010223)
GWAS707079_H GCST90301955 Docosahexaenoic acid (22:6) levels 4,435 East Asian ancestry individuals, 11,340 South Asian ancestry individuals, 120,241 European ancestry individuals T 0.9736 6E-10 9.222 rs139974673 0.0902 docosahexaenoic acid measurement (EFO:0007761)
GWAS707122_H GCST90002357 Platelet count 542,827 European ancestry individuals C 0.026277 3E-87 86.523 rs139974673 0.114751 platelet count (EFO:0004309)
GWAS708737_H GCST90002390 Mean corpuscular hemoglobin 408,112 British individuals C 0.025585 4E-19 18.398 rs139974673 0.062593564 mean corpuscular hemoglobin (EFO:0004527)
GWAS709284_H GCST90301949 Citrate levels 11,340 South Asian ancestry individuals, 72,076 European ancestry individuals T 0.9738 1E-10 10 rs139974673 0.1331 citrate measurement (EFO:0010114)
GWAS709576_H GCST90302169 Concentration of chylomicrons and extremely large VLDL particles 4,435 East Asian ancestry individuals, 11,340 South Asian ancestry individuals, 120,241 European ancestry individuals T 0.9736 7E-20 19.155 rs139974673 0.1327 chylomicron measurement (EFO:0008596)
very low density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement (EFO:0008317)
GWAS709736_H GCST90302168 Total lipid levels in chylomicrons and extremely large VLDL 4,435 East Asian ancestry individuals, 11,340 South Asian ancestry individuals, 120,241 European ancestry individuals T 0.9736 5E-20 19.302 rs139974673 0.1333 chylomicron measurement (EFO:0008596)
very low density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement (EFO:0008317)
lipid measurement (EFO:0004529)
GWAS710647_H GCST90301969 Total cholesterol in HDL2 4,435 East Asian ancestry individuals, 11,340 South Asian ancestry individuals, 120,241 European ancestry individuals T 0.9736 5E-12 11.302 rs139974673 0.1014 total cholesterol measurement (EFO:0004574)
high density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement (EFO:0004612)
GWAS711857_H GCST90301968 Glycoprotein acetylation 4,435 East Asian ancestry individuals, 11,340 South Asian ancestry individuals, 113,034 European ancestry individuals T 0.9734 9E-15 14.046 rs139974673 0.1122 glycoprotein measurement (EFO:0004555)
GWAS712178_H GCST90301971 Total cholesterol levels in HDL 4,435 East Asian ancestry individuals, 11,340 South Asian ancestry individuals, 120,241 European ancestry individuals T 0.9737 5E-10 9.302 rs139974673 0.0913 total cholesterol measurement (EFO:0004574)
high density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement (EFO:0004612)
GWAS715154_H GCST90301972 Mean diameter of HDL particles 4,435 East Asian ancestry individuals, 11,340 South Asian ancestry individuals, 120,241 European ancestry individuals T 0.9736 2E-10 9.699 rs139974673 0.0938 high density lipoprotein particle size measurement (EFO:0008592)
GWAS715299_H GCST90301973 Triglyceride levels in HDL 4,435 East Asian ancestry individuals, 11,340 South Asian ancestry individuals, 120,241 European ancestry individuals T 0.9737 1E-24 24 rs139974673 0.1475 triglyceride measurement (EFO:0004530)
high density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement (EFO:0004612)
GWAS715890_H GCST90302171 Phospholipids to total lipids ratio in chylomicrons and extremely large VLDL 4,435 East Asian ancestry individuals, 11,340 South Asian ancestry individuals, 110,896 European ancestry individuals T 0.9736 1E-11 11 rs139974673 0.1041 chylomicron measurement (EFO:0008596)
very low density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement (EFO:0008317)
phospholipids:total lipids ratio (EFO:0020946)
None Available GCST90302172 Triglyceride levels in chylomicrons and extremely large VLDL 4,435 East Asian ancestry individuals, 11,340 South Asian ancestry individuals, 120,241 European ancestry individuals T 0.9736 2E-19 18.699 rs139974673 0.1308 chylomicron measurement (EFO:0008596)
triglyceride measurement (EFO:0004530)
very low density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement (EFO:0008317)
GWAS716474_H GCST90301974 Histidine levels 4,435 East Asian ancestry individuals, 11,340 South Asian ancestry individuals, 120,241 European ancestry individuals T 0.9737 6E-17 16.222 rs139974673 0.1218 histidine measurement (EFO:0009769)
GWAS716882_H GCST90302160 Triglycerides in very small VLDL 4,435 East Asian ancestry individuals, 11,340 South Asian ancestry individuals, 120,241 European ancestry individuals T 0.9737 1E-47 47 rs139974673 0.2082 triglycerides in very small VLDL measurement (EFO:0022144)
GWAS717343_H GCST90302170 Phospholipid levels in chylomicrons and extremely large VLDL 4,435 East Asian ancestry individuals, 11,340 South Asian ancestry individuals, 120,241 European ancestry individuals T 0.9736 5E-22 21.302 rs139974673 0.14 chylomicron measurement (EFO:0008596)
very low density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement (EFO:0008317)
phospholipid measurement (EFO:0004639)
GWAS717426_H GCST90302162 Total cholesterol levels in chylomicrons and extremely large VLDL 4,435 East Asian ancestry individuals, 11,340 South Asian ancestry individuals, 120,241 European ancestry individuals T 0.9736 2E-20 19.699 rs139974673 0.1346 chylomicron measurement (EFO:0008596)
total cholesterol measurement (EFO:0004574)
very low density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement (EFO:0008317)
GWAS718219_H GCST90302161 Triglycerides to total lipids ratio in very small VLDL 4,435 East Asian ancestry individuals, 11,340 South Asian ancestry individuals, 120,241 European ancestry individuals T 0.9737 1E-26 26 rs139974673 0.1525 triglycerides:total lipids ratio (EFO:0020947)
very low density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement (EFO:0008317)
GWAS718241_H GCST010244 Triglyceride levels 441,016 European ancestry individuals T 0.973868 2E-115 114.699 rs139974673 0.142694 triglyceride measurement (EFO:0004530)
GWAS719624_H GCST90301947 Ratio of apolipoprotein B to apolipoprotein A1 levels 4,435 East Asian ancestry individuals, 11,340 South Asian ancestry individuals, 120,241 European ancestry individuals T 0.9737 3E-21 20.523 rs139974673 0.1357 apolipoprotein A 1 measurement (EFO:0004614)
apolipoprotein B measurement (EFO:0004615)
None Available GCST90301946 Apolipoprotein B levels 4,435 East Asian ancestry individuals, 11,340 South Asian ancestry individuals, 120,241 European ancestry individuals T 0.9737 6E-17 16.222 rs139974673 0.12 apolipoprotein B measurement (EFO:0004615)
GWAS722694_H GCST90301958 Estimated description of fatty acid chain length not actual carbon number 74,743 Non-Finnish European ancestry individuals T 0.9726 5E-13 12.302 rs139974673 0.1265 fatty acid change measurement (EFO:0020875)
GWAS722801_H GCST90269700 Triglycerides to total lipids in small VLDL percentage (UKB data field 23603) 88,329 European ancestry individuals C 0.0257288 4E-22 21.398 rs139974673 0.140674 triglycerides to total lipids in small VLDL percentage (EFO:0022338)
None Available GCST90269682 Cholesterol to total lipids in very large VLDL percentage (UKB data field 23585) 87,620 European ancestry individuals C 0.025771 2E-16 15.699 rs139974673 0.118457 cholesterol to total lipids in very large VLDL percentage (EFO:0022244)
GWAS724712_H GCST90301962 Ratio of omega-6 fatty acids to total fatty acids 4,435 East Asian ancestry individuals, 11,340 South Asian ancestry individuals, 110,896 European ancestry individuals T 0.974 7E-26 25.155 rs139974673 0.1627 fatty acid measurement (EFO:0005110)
GWAS725554_H GCST90018976 Serum total protein levels 314,921 European ancestry individuals, 133,321 East Asian ancestry individuals C NR 4E-38 37.398 rs139974673 0.1038 total blood protein measurement (EFO:0004536)
GWAS726667_H GCST010173 Triglyceride levels 324,694 British ancestry individuals ? NR 1E-73 73 rs139974673 0.1526 triglyceride measurement (EFO:0004530)
GWAS726882_H GCST90245747 X-24309 levels 14,296 European ancestry individuals T 0.9725 6E-13 12.222 rs139974673 0.22415572 X-24309 measurement (EFO:0800872)
GWAS728007_H GCST90302024 Free cholesterol to total lipids ratio in large VLDL 4,435 East Asian ancestry individuals, 11,340 South Asian ancestry individuals, 110,896 European ancestry individuals T 0.9734 2E-11 10.699 rs139974673 0.1053 very low density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement (EFO:0008317)
free cholesterol:total lipids ratio (EFO:0020945)
GWAS728230_H GCST90302021 Cholesterol esters in large VLDL 4,435 East Asian ancestry individuals, 11,340 South Asian ancestry individuals, 120,241 European ancestry individuals T 0.9737 4E-26 25.398 rs139974673 0.1521 cholesterol esters in large VLDL measurement (EFO:0022170)
GWAS728551_H GCST90269697 Cholesterol to total lipids in small VLDL percentage (UKB data field 23600) 88,329 European ancestry individuals C 0.0257288 3E-19 18.523 rs139974673 0.131325 cholesterol to total lipids in small VLDL percentage (EFO:0022242)
None Available GCST90269698 Cholesteryl esters to total lipids in small VLDL percentage (UKB data field 23601) 88,329 European ancestry individuals C 0.0257288 7E-11 10.155 rs139974673 0.0967046 cholesteryl esters to total lipids in small VLDL percentage (EFO:0022256)
GWAS729619_H GCST90302023 Free cholesterol in large VLDL 4,435 East Asian ancestry individuals, 11,340 South Asian ancestry individuals, 120,241 European ancestry individuals T 0.9736 7E-30 29.155 rs139974673 0.1649 free cholesterol in large VLDL measurement (EFO:0022265)
GWAS729846_H GCST90012107 Sex hormone-binding globulin levels 189,473 European ancestry women T 0.974365 8E-30 29.097 rs139974673 0.0481421 sex hormone-binding globulin measurement (EFO:0004696)
GWAS731874_H GCST90302032 Total cholesterol to total lipids ratio in medium HDL 4,435 East Asian ancestry individuals, 11,340 South Asian ancestry individuals, 120,241 European ancestry individuals T 0.9736 5E-17 16.302 rs139974673 0.1232 esterified cholesterol measurement (EFO:0008589)
high density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement (EFO:0004612)
GWAS732575_H GCST90302006 Triglycerides to total lipids ratio in large HDL 4,435 East Asian ancestry individuals, 11,340 South Asian ancestry individuals, 120,241 European ancestry individuals T 0.9737 1E-14 14 rs139974673 0.1113 triglycerides:total lipids ratio (EFO:0020947)
high density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement (EFO:0004612)
None Available GCST90302034 Cholesteryl esters to total lipids ratio in medium HDL 4,435 East Asian ancestry individuals, 11,340 South Asian ancestry individuals, 120,241 European ancestry individuals T 0.9736 2E-19 18.699 rs139974673 0.1323 cholesteryl esters:total lipids ratio (EFO:0020944)
high density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement (EFO:0004612)
GWAS733037_H GCST90301995 Total cholesterol in large HDL 4,435 East Asian ancestry individuals, 11,340 South Asian ancestry individuals, 120,241 European ancestry individuals T 0.9737 3E-10 9.523 rs139974673 0.0929 total cholesterol change measurement (EFO:0007806)
high density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement (EFO:0004612)
None Available GCST90301986 Triglycerides to total lipids ratio in IDL 4,435 East Asian ancestry individuals, 11,340 South Asian ancestry individuals, 120,241 European ancestry individuals T 0.9737 1E-24 24 rs139974673 0.1447 triglycerides:total lipids ratio (EFO:0020947)
intermediate density lipoprotein measurement (EFO:0008595)
GWAS733479_H GCST90012108 Sex hormone-binding globulin levels adjusted for BMI 180,094 European ancestry men T 0.974734 5E-110 109.302 rs139974673 0.0783027 sex hormone-binding globulin measurement (EFO:0004696)
GWAS733881_H GCST90012109 Sex hormone-binding globulin levels 180,726 European ancestry men T 0.974734 3E-84 83.523 rs139974673 0.07389 sex hormone-binding globulin measurement (EFO:0004696)
GWAS734786_H GCST90301993 Triglyceride levels in LDL 4,435 East Asian ancestry individuals, 11,340 South Asian ancestry individuals, 120,241 European ancestry individuals T 0.9737 5E-26 25.302 rs139974673 0.1517 triglyceride measurement (EFO:0004530)
low density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement (EFO:0004611)
None Available GCST90301996 Total cholesterol to total lipids ratio in large HDL 4,435 East Asian ancestry individuals, 11,340 South Asian ancestry individuals, 120,241 European ancestry individuals T 0.9736 2E-13 12.699 rs139974673 0.1096 cholesterol:total lipids ratio (EFO:0020943)
high density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement (EFO:0004612)
GWAS736283_H GCST90012106 Sex hormone-binding globulin levels adjusted for BMI 188,908 European ancestry women T 0.974365 1E-49 49 rs139974673 0.0537154 sex hormone-binding globulin measurement (EFO:0004696)
GWAS736358_H GCST90301997 Cholesterol esters in large HDL 4,435 East Asian ancestry individuals, 11,340 South Asian ancestry individuals, 120,241 European ancestry individuals T 0.9737 4E-10 9.398 rs139974673 0.0918 cholesterol esters in large HDL measurement (EFO:0022159)
GWAS736643_H GCST90302041 Triglycerides in medium HDL 4,435 East Asian ancestry individuals, 11,340 South Asian ancestry individuals, 120,241 European ancestry individuals T 0.9737 8E-29 28.097 rs139974673 0.1602 triglycerides in medium HDL measurement (EFO:0022321)
GWAS736980_H GCST90301985 Triglycerides in IDL 4,435 East Asian ancestry individuals, 11,340 South Asian ancestry individuals, 120,241 European ancestry individuals T 0.9737 1E-40 40 rs139974673 0.1915 triglycerides in IDL measurement (EFO:0022149)
GWAS737034_H GCST90302019 Total Cholesterol in large VLDL 4,435 East Asian ancestry individuals, 11,340 South Asian ancestry individuals, 120,241 European ancestry individuals T 0.9737 5E-28 27.302 rs139974673 0.1578 total cholesterol in large VLDL (EFO:0022177)
None Available GCST90302027 Phospholipids in large VLDL 4,435 East Asian ancestry individuals, 11,340 South Asian ancestry individuals, 120,241 European ancestry individuals T 0.9737 8E-29 28.097 rs139974673 0.1603 phospholipids in VLDL measurement (EFO:0022301)
GWAS737334_H GCST90302029 Triglycerides in large VLDL 4,435 East Asian ancestry individuals, 11,340 South Asian ancestry individuals, 120,241 European ancestry individuals T 0.9736 4E-29 28.398 rs139974673 0.163 triglycerides in large VLDL measurement (EFO:0022178)
GWAS738009_H GCST90269693 Cholesteryl esters to total lipids in medium VLDL percentage (UKB data field 23596) 88,329 European ancestry individuals C 0.0257288 7E-23 22.155 rs139974673 0.139306 cholesteryl esters to total lipids in medium VLDL percentage (EFO:0022253)
GWAS738380_H GCST90302018 Triglycerides to total lipids ratio in large LDL 4,435 East Asian ancestry individuals, 11,340 South Asian ancestry individuals, 120,241 European ancestry individuals T 0.9737 8E-18 17.097 rs139974673 0.1215 triglycerides:total lipids ratio (EFO:0020947)
low density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement (EFO:0004611)
GWAS738744_H GCST90301980 Free cholesterol to total lipids ratio in IDL 4,435 East Asian ancestry individuals, 11,340 South Asian ancestry individuals, 120,241 European ancestry individuals T 0.9736 5E-18 17.302 rs139974673 0.127 free cholesterol:total lipids ratio (EFO:0020945)
intermediate density lipoprotein measurement (EFO:0008595)
GWAS739021_H GCST90301989 Ratio of 18:2 linoleic acid to total fatty acids 4,435 East Asian ancestry individuals, 11,340 South Asian ancestry individuals, 120,241 European ancestry individuals T 0.9736 6E-29 28.222 rs139974673 0.1648 fatty acid measurement (EFO:0005110)
linoleic acid measurement (EFO:0006807)
None Available GCST90302000 Free cholesterol to total lipids ratio in large HDL 4,435 East Asian ancestry individuals, 11,340 South Asian ancestry individuals, 120,241 European ancestry individuals T 0.9737 2E-11 10.699 rs139974673 0.098 free cholesterol:total lipids ratio (EFO:0020945)
high density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement (EFO:0004612)
None Available GCST90301984 Phospholipids to total lipids ratio in IDL 4,435 East Asian ancestry individuals, 11,340 South Asian ancestry individuals, 120,241 European ancestry individuals T 0.9736 1E-15 15 rs139974673 0.1174 phospholipids:total lipids ratio (EFO:0020946)
intermediate density lipoprotein measurement (EFO:0008595)
GWAS739899_H GCST90301999 Free cholesterol in large HDL 4,435 East Asian ancestry individuals, 11,340 South Asian ancestry individuals, 120,241 European ancestry individuals T 0.9737 9E-11 10.046 rs139974673 0.0952 free cholesterol in large HDL measurement (EFO:0022157)
GWAS741018_H GCST90302026 Concentration of large VLDL particles 4,435 East Asian ancestry individuals, 11,340 South Asian ancestry individuals, 120,241 European ancestry individuals T 0.9737 1E-28 28 rs139974673 0.16 very low density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement (EFO:0008317)
GWAS741181_H GCST90269742 Cholesterol to total lipids in small HDL percentage (UKB data field 23645) 88,329 European ancestry individuals C 0.0257288 6E-27 26.222 rs139974673 0.158722 cholesterol to total lipids in small HDL percentage (EFO:0022240)
GWAS741942_H GCST90269728 Cholesteryl esters to total lipids in very large HDL percentage (UKB data field 23631) 88,307 European ancestry individuals C 0.0257352 6E-12 11.222 rs139974673 0.102128 cholesteryl esters to total lipids in very large HDL percentage (EFO:0022257)
GWAS742231_H GCST90302012 Free cholesterol to total lipids ratio in large LDL 4,435 East Asian ancestry individuals, 11,340 South Asian ancestry individuals, 120,241 European ancestry individuals T 0.9736 3E-32 31.523 rs139974673 0.173 low density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement (EFO:0004611)
free cholesterol:total lipids ratio (EFO:0020945)
None Available GCST90302025 Total lipids in large VLDL 4,435 East Asian ancestry individuals, 11,340 South Asian ancestry individuals, 120,241 European ancestry individuals T 0.9737 8E-29 28.097 rs139974673 0.1603 total lipids in large VLDL (EFO:0022175)
GWAS746821_H GCST90269743 Cholesteryl esters to total lipids in small HDL percentage (UKB data field 23646) 88,329 European ancestry individuals C 0.0257288 6E-25 24.222 rs139974673 0.151532 cholesteryl esters to total lipids in small HDL percentage (EFO:0022254)
GWAS749667_H GCST90269722 Cholesterol to total lipids in small LDL percentage (UKB data field 23625) 88,329 European ancestry individuals C 0.0257288 1E-12 12 rs139974673 0.106524 cholesterol to total lipids in small LDL percentage (EFO:0022241)
GWAS760169_H GCST90302017 Triglycerides in large LDL 4,435 East Asian ancestry individuals, 11,340 South Asian ancestry individuals, 120,241 European ancestry individuals T 0.9737 8E-28 27.097 rs139974673 0.157 triglycerides in large LDL measurement (EFO:0022319)
GWAS762427_H GCST90269556 Omega-6 fatty acids to omega-3 fatty acids ratio (UKB data field 23459) 88,268 European ancestry individuals C 0.0257296 2E-15 14.699 rs139974673 0.114997 omega-6:omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid ratio (EFO:0010732)
None Available GCST90269576 Albumin levels (UKB data field 23479) 88,315 European ancestry individuals C 0.0257329 2E-15 14.699 rs139974673 0.117999 serum albumin measurement (EFO:0004535)
None Available GCST90269570 Citrate levels (UKB data field 23473) 88,318 European ancestry individuals C 0.025732 4E-19 18.398 rs139974673 0.130626 citrate measurement (EFO:0010114)
None Available GCST90302065 Phospholipids in medium VLDL 4,435 East Asian ancestry individuals, 11,340 South Asian ancestry individuals, 120,241 European ancestry individuals T 0.9737 3E-32 31.523 rs139974673 0.1698 phospholipids in VLDL measurement (EFO:0022301)
GWAS769825_H GCST90302042 Triglycerides to total lipids ratio in medium HDL 4,435 East Asian ancestry individuals, 11,340 South Asian ancestry individuals, 120,241 European ancestry individuals T 0.9737 8E-22 21.097 rs139974673 0.1365 triglycerides:total lipids ratio (EFO:0020947)
high density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement (EFO:0004612)
GWAS770191_H GCST90302072 Ratio of polyunsaturated fatty acids to total fatty acids 4,435 East Asian ancestry individuals, 11,340 South Asian ancestry individuals, 120,241 European ancestry individuals T 0.9736 3E-25 24.523 rs139974673 0.1518 fatty acid measurement (EFO:0005110)
GWAS770201_H GCST90302076 Serum total triglyceride levels 4,435 East Asian ancestry individuals, 11,340 South Asian ancestry individuals, 120,241 European ancestry individuals T 0.9737 8E-38 37.097 rs139974673 0.1848 triglyceride measurement (EFO:0004530)
GWAS770284_H GCST90302082 Cholesteryl esters to total lipids ratio in small HDL 4,435 East Asian ancestry individuals, 11,340 South Asian ancestry individuals, 120,241 European ancestry individuals T 0.9736 3E-18 17.523 rs139974673 0.1279 cholesteryl esters:total lipids ratio (EFO:0020944)
high density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement (EFO:0004612)
GWAS770943_H GCST90302064 Concentration of medium VLDL particles 4,435 East Asian ancestry individuals, 11,340 South Asian ancestry individuals, 120,241 European ancestry individuals T 0.9736 5E-32 31.302 rs139974673 0.1711 very low density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement (EFO:0008317)
GWAS772883_H GCST90302077 Saturated fatty acids 4,435 East Asian ancestry individuals, 11,340 South Asian ancestry individuals, 120,241 European ancestry individuals T 0.9737 9E-24 23.046 rs139974673 0.1452 saturated fatty acids measurement (EFO:0022304)
GWAS773072_H GCST90302074 Remnant cholesterol (non-HDL, non-LDL -cholesterol) 4,435 East Asian ancestry individuals, 11,340 South Asian ancestry individuals, 120,241 European ancestry individuals T 0.9737 5E-15 14.302 rs139974673 0.1122 remnant cholesterol measurement (EFO:0010815)
GWAS773145_H GCST90302080 Total cholesterol to total lipids ratio in small HDL 4,435 East Asian ancestry individuals, 11,340 South Asian ancestry individuals, 120,241 European ancestry individuals T 0.9736 1E-19 19 rs139974673 0.133 cholesterol:total lipids ratio (EFO:0020943)
high density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement (EFO:0004612)
None Available GCST90302067 Triglycerides in medium VLDL 4,435 East Asian ancestry individuals, 11,340 South Asian ancestry individuals, 120,241 European ancestry individuals T 0.9736 3E-32 31.523 rs139974673 0.1717 triglycerides in medium VLDL measurement (EFO:0022155)
GWAS774314_H GCST90302090 Triglycerides to total lipids ratio in small HDL 4,435 East Asian ancestry individuals, 11,340 South Asian ancestry individuals, 120,241 European ancestry individuals T 0.9737 9E-25 24.046 rs139974673 0.1456 triglycerides:total lipids ratio (EFO:0020947)
high density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement (EFO:0004612)
GWAS775281_H GCST90302102 Triglycerides to total lipids ratio in small LDL 4,435 East Asian ancestry individuals, 11,340 South Asian ancestry individuals, 120,241 European ancestry individuals T 0.9737 1E-22 22 rs139974673 0.1397 triglycerides:total lipids ratio (EFO:0020947)
low density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement (EFO:0004611)
GWAS775500_H GCST90302061 Free cholesterol in medium VLDL 4,435 East Asian ancestry individuals, 11,340 South Asian ancestry individuals, 120,241 European ancestry individuals T 0.9736 1E-34 34 rs139974673 0.1782 free cholesterol in medium VLDL measurement (EFO:0022269)
GWAS775785_H GCST90302057 Total cholesterol in medium VLDL 4,435 East Asian ancestry individuals, 11,340 South Asian ancestry individuals, 120,241 European ancestry individuals T 0.9736 2E-28 27.699 rs139974673 0.1605 total cholesterol in medium VLDL (EFO:0022162)
GWAS775794_H GCST90302126 Total cholesterol levels in very large HDL 4,435 East Asian ancestry individuals, 11,340 South Asian ancestry individuals, 120,241 European ancestry individuals T 0.9736 9E-10 9.046 rs139974673 0.0899 total cholesterol measurement (EFO:0004574)
high density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement (EFO:0004612)
GWAS777035_H GCST90302056 Ratio of monounsaturated fatty acids to total fatty acids 4,435 East Asian ancestry individuals, 11,340 South Asian ancestry individuals, 120,241 European ancestry individuals T 0.9736 4E-21 20.398 rs139974673 0.1362 fatty acid measurement (EFO:0005110)
None Available GCST90302062 Free cholesterol to total lipids ratio in medium VLDL 4,435 East Asian ancestry individuals, 11,340 South Asian ancestry individuals, 120,241 European ancestry individuals T 0.9736 5E-26 25.302 rs139974673 0.1506 very low density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement (EFO:0008317)
free cholesterol:total lipids ratio (EFO:0020945)
GWAS778323_H GCST90302089 Triglycerides in small HDL 4,435 East Asian ancestry individuals, 11,340 South Asian ancestry individuals, 120,241 European ancestry individuals T 0.9737 1E-30 30 rs139974673 0.1657 triglycerides in small HDL measurement (EFO:0022158)
GWAS779955_H GCST90295949 Triglyceride to HDL cholesterol ratio 402,398 European ancestry individuals C 0.0261 3E-88 87.523 rs139974673 0.1965 triglyceride:HDL cholesterol ratio (EFO:0007929)
GWAS780007_H GCST90295950 Triglyceride to HDL cholesterol ratio 185,749 European ancestry individuals C 0.0259 6E-33 32.222 rs139974673 0.143 triglyceride:HDL cholesterol ratio (EFO:0007929)
None Available GCST90302130 Free cholesterol in very large HDL 4,435 East Asian ancestry individuals, 11,340 South Asian ancestry individuals, 120,241 European ancestry individuals T 0.9736 3E-10 9.523 rs139974673 0.0936 free cholesterol in very large HDL measurement (EFO:0022273)
GWAS782564_H GCST90295951 Triglyceride to HDL cholesterol ratio 216,649 European ancestry individuals C 0.0262 1E-63 63 rs139974673 0.1915 triglyceride:HDL cholesterol ratio (EFO:0007929)
GWAS783530_H GCST90302055 Monounsaturated fatty acids (16:1, 18:1) levels 4,435 East Asian ancestry individuals, 11,340 South Asian ancestry individuals, 120,241 European ancestry individuals T 0.9737 3E-30 29.523 rs139974673 0.1653 fatty acid measurement (EFO:0005110)
None Available GCST90302132 Total lipids in very large HDL 4,435 East Asian ancestry individuals, 11,340 South Asian ancestry individuals, 120,241 European ancestry individuals T 0.9736 1E-11 11 rs139974673 0.0993 total lipids in very large HDL measurement (EFO:0022312)
GWAS784675_H GCST90302054 Triglycerides to total lipids ratio in medium LDL 4,435 East Asian ancestry individuals, 11,340 South Asian ancestry individuals, 120,241 European ancestry individuals T 0.9736 3E-12 11.523 rs139974673 0.102 triglycerides:total lipids ratio (EFO:0020947)
low density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement (EFO:0004611)
None Available GCST90302059 Cholesterol esters in medium VLDL 4,435 East Asian ancestry individuals, 11,340 South Asian ancestry individuals, 120,241 European ancestry individuals T 0.9737 5E-22 21.302 rs139974673 0.1385 cholesterol esters in medium VLDL measurement (EFO:0022182)
GWAS786366_H GCST90302063 Total lipids in medium VLDL 4,435 East Asian ancestry individuals, 11,340 South Asian ancestry individuals, 120,241 European ancestry individuals T 0.9736 8E-32 31.097 rs139974673 0.1705 total lipids in medium VLDL (EFO:0022153)
None Available GCST90302134 Phospholipids in very large HDL 4,435 East Asian ancestry individuals, 11,340 South Asian ancestry individuals, 120,241 European ancestry individuals T 0.9736 2E-14 13.699 rs139974673 0.1133 phospholipids in very large HDL measurement (EFO:0022298)
None Available GCST90302053 Triglycerides in medium LDL 4,435 East Asian ancestry individuals, 11,340 South Asian ancestry individuals, 120,241 European ancestry individuals T 0.9737 2E-19 18.699 rs139974673 0.1297 triglycerides in medium LDL measurement (EFO:0022322)
None Available GCST90302140 Cholesterol esters in very large VLDL 4,435 East Asian ancestry individuals, 11,340 South Asian ancestry individuals, 120,241 European ancestry individuals T 0.9736 4E-23 22.398 rs139974673 0.1438 very low density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement (EFO:0008317)
esterified cholesterol measurement (EFO:0008589)
GWAS788284_H GCST90302138 Total cholesterol in very large VLDL 4,435 East Asian ancestry individuals, 11,340 South Asian ancestry individuals, 120,241 European ancestry individuals T 0.9737 3E-22 21.523 rs139974673 0.1394 total cholesterol measurement (EFO:0004574)
very low density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement (EFO:0008317)
GWAS788288_H GCST90302137 Triglycerides to total lipids ratio in very large HDL 4,435 East Asian ancestry individuals, 11,340 South Asian ancestry individuals, 120,241 European ancestry individuals T 0.9735 3E-23 22.523 rs139974673 0.1435 triglycerides:total lipids ratio (EFO:0020947)
high density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement (EFO:0004612)
None Available GCST007070 White blood cell count approximately 444,000 European ancestry individuals ? NR 2E-10 9.699 rs139974673 N/A leukocyte count (EFO:0004308)
GWAS791057_H GCST90302105 Total cholesterol to total lipids ratio in small VLDL 4,435 East Asian ancestry individuals, 11,340 South Asian ancestry individuals, 120,241 European ancestry individuals T 0.9736 3E-14 13.523 rs139974673 0.1105 very low density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement (EFO:0008317)
cholesterol:total lipids ratio (EFO:0020943)
GWAS791271_H GCST90302101 Triglycerides in small LDL 4,435 East Asian ancestry individuals, 11,340 South Asian ancestry individuals, 120,241 European ancestry individuals T 0.9737 2E-27 26.699 rs139974673 0.1563 triglycerides in small LDL measurement (EFO:0022323)
GWAS791282_H GCST90302106 Cholesterol esters in small VLDL 4,435 East Asian ancestry individuals, 11,340 South Asian ancestry individuals, 120,241 European ancestry individuals T 0.9737 4E-11 10.398 rs139974673 0.0949 very low density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement (EFO:0008317)
esterified cholesterol measurement (EFO:0008589)
GWAS791338_H GCST90302104 Total cholesterol in small VLDL 4,435 East Asian ancestry individuals, 11,340 South Asian ancestry individuals, 120,241 European ancestry individuals T 0.9737 1E-18 18 rs139974673 0.1266 total cholesterol in small VLDL (EFO:0022171)
GWAS792279_H GCST90302142 Free cholesterol in very large VLDL 4,435 East Asian ancestry individuals, 11,340 South Asian ancestry individuals, 120,241 European ancestry individuals T 0.9737 2E-21 20.699 rs139974673 0.137 free cholesterol in very large VLDL measurement (EFO:0022274)
GWAS793699_H GCST90302146 Phospholipids in very large VLDL 4,435 East Asian ancestry individuals, 11,340 South Asian ancestry individuals, 120,241 European ancestry individuals T 0.9736 4E-24 23.398 rs139974673 0.1473 phospholipids in VLDL measurement (EFO:0022301)
None Available GCST90302148 Triglycerides in very large VLDL 4,435 East Asian ancestry individuals, 11,340 South Asian ancestry individuals, 120,241 European ancestry individuals T 0.9736 1E-26 26 rs139974673 0.1555 triglycerides in very large VLDL measurement (EFO:0022325)
GWAS794428_H GCST90302144 Total lipids in very large VLDL 4,435 East Asian ancestry individuals, 11,340 South Asian ancestry individuals, 120,241 European ancestry individuals T 0.9736 2E-25 24.699 rs139974673 0.1518 total lipids in very large VLDL measurement (EFO:0022313)
GWAS794644_H GCST90302145 Concentration of very large VLDL particles 4,435 East Asian ancestry individuals, 11,340 South Asian ancestry individuals, 120,241 European ancestry individuals T 0.9736 1E-25 25 rs139974673 0.1522 very low density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement (EFO:0008317)
None Available GCST90302151 Total cholesterol to total lipids ratio in very small VLDL 4,435 East Asian ancestry individuals, 11,340 South Asian ancestry individuals, 120,241 European ancestry individuals T 0.9736 3E-23 22.523 rs139974673 0.144 very low density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement (EFO:0008317)
cholesterol:total lipids ratio (EFO:0020943)
None Available GCST90302153 Cholesteryl esters to total lipids ratio in very small VLDL 4,435 East Asian ancestry individuals, 11,340 South Asian ancestry individuals, 120,241 European ancestry individuals T 0.9736 2E-20 19.699 rs139974673 0.1343 very low density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement (EFO:0008317)
cholesteryl esters:total lipids ratio (EFO:0020944)
GWAS808744_H GCST90302150 Total cholesterol in very small VLDL 4,435 East Asian ancestry individuals, 11,340 South Asian ancestry individuals, 120,241 European ancestry individuals T 0.9737 2E-9 8.699 rs139974673 0.0864 cholesterol in very small VLDL measurement (EFO:0022231)
None Available GCST90302154 Free cholesterol in very small VLDL 4,435 East Asian ancestry individuals, 11,340 South Asian ancestry individuals, 120,241 European ancestry individuals T 0.9737 2E-14 13.699 rs139974673 0.1102 free cholesterol in very small VLDL measurement (EFO:0022275)
None Available GCST90435481 Triglyceride to HDL cholesterol ratio 382,129 individuals C 0.026 6E-76 75.222 rs139974673 0.14 triglyceride:HDL cholesterol ratio (EFO:0007929)
GWAS856094_H GCST90002400 Plateletcrit 408,112 British individuals C 0.025605 3E-66 65.523 rs139974673 0.12321971 platelet crit (EFO:0007985)
None Available GCST90002407 White blood cell count 408,112 British individuals C 0.0255840000000001 2E-9 8.699 rs139974673 0.041895587 leukocyte count (EFO:0004308)
GWAS868269_H GCST90012111 Sex hormone-binding globulin levels 370,125 European ancestry individuals T 0.974544 2E-96 95.699 rs139974673 0.0609208 sex hormone-binding globulin measurement (EFO:0004696)
GWAS868407_H GCST90002402 Platelet count 408,112 British individuals C 0.025603 6E-60 59.222 rs139974673 0.116825484 platelet count (EFO:0004309)
GWAS869978_H GCST90012110 Sex hormone-binding globulin levels adjusted for BMI 368,929 European ancestry individuals T 0.974544 5E-147 146.302 rs139974673 0.0656366 sex hormone-binding globulin measurement (EFO:0004696)
None Available GCST90027080 Albumin levels 158,000 British ancestry women C 0.03 2E-25 24.699 rs139974673 0.4 serum albumin measurement (EFO:0004535)
GWAS879751_H GCST90027079 Albumin levels 148,248 British ancestry men C 0.02 9E-32 31.046 rs139974673 0.47 serum albumin measurement (EFO:0004535)
None Available GCST004609 Monocyte percentage of white cells 170,494 European ancestry individuals C 0.026 4E-10 9.398 rs139974673 0.07087201 monocyte percentage of leukocytes (EFO:0007989)
None Available GCST009602 Metabolic syndrome 291,107 European ancestry individuals C 0.0251253 1E-15 15 rs139974673 0.160596 metabolic syndrome (EFO:0000195)
GWAS1031680_H GCST90002322 Mean corpuscular hemoglobin 486,823 European ancestry individuals C 0.025962 2E-26 25.699 rs139974673 0.064694 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (EFO:0004528)
None Available GCST90002326 Mean corpuscular hemoglobin 630,125 African American or Afro-Caribbean, African ancestry, European ancestry, East Asian ancestry, Hispanic or Latin American and South Asian ancestry individuals C 0.0251527 1E-24 24 rs139974673 N/A mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (EFO:0004528)
GWAS1033711_H GCST90002338 Mean corpuscular volume 696,882 African American or Afro-Caribbean, African ancestry, European ancestry, East Asian ancestry, Hispanic or Latin American and South Asian ancestry individuals C 0.0253398 3E-16 15.523 rs139974673 N/A mean corpuscular volume (EFO:0004526)
None Available GCST90002378 White blood cell count 746,667 African American or Afro-Caribbean, African ancestry, European ancestry, East Asian ancestry, Hispanic or Latin American and South Asian ancestry individuals C 0.0255251 4E-12 11.398 rs139974673 N/A myeloid white cell count (EFO:0007988)
None Available GCST90002320 Lymphocyte count 643,370 African American or Afro-Caribbean, African ancestry, European ancestry, East Asian ancestry, Hispanic or Latin American and South Asian ancestry individuals C 0.025286 6E-17 16.222 rs139974673 N/A lymphocyte count (EFO:0004587)
None Available GCST90002316 Lymphocyte count 524,923 European ancestry individuals C 0.026033 2E-19 18.699 rs139974673 0.054097 lymphocyte count (EFO:0004587)
GWAS1034989_H GCST90002361 Platelet count 721,201 African American or Afro-Caribbean, African ancestry, European ancestry, East Asian ancestry, Hispanic or Latin American and South Asian ancestry individuals C 0.0255129 1E-84 84 rs139974673 N/A platelet count (EFO:0004309)
GWAS1036698_H GCST004630 Mean corpuscular hemoglobin 172,332 European ancestry individuals C 0.0261 8E-11 10.097 rs139974673 0.07306267 mean corpuscular hemoglobin (EFO:0004527)
GWAS1041828_H GCST90104006 Familial combined hyperlipidemia defined by Consensus criteria 39,961 British ancestry cases, 309,261 British ancestry controls T 0.974933 3E-13 12.523 rs139974673 0.173048 PMID:34906840
GWAS1043974_H GCST90104005 Familial combined hyperlipidemia defined by Dutch criteria 17,485 British ancestry cases, 331,737 British ancestry controls T 0.974933 4E-9 8.398 rs139974673 0.199348 PMID:34906840
None Available GCST90239667 Non-HDL cholesterol levels 40,963 South Asian ancestry individuals, 48,057 Hispanic individuals, 99,432 Admixed African or African ancestry individuals, 146,492 East Asian ancestry individuals, 1,320,016 European ancestry individuals ? NR 2E-11 10.699 rs139974673 N/A non-high density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement (EFO:0005689)
GWAS1046954_H GCST90239670 Non-HDL cholesterol levels 1,320,016 European ancestry individuals C 0.0257035 5E-11 10.302 rs139974673 0.0399609 non-high density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement (EFO:0005689)
GWAS1046962_H GCST90179149 Triglyceride levels (MTAG) 361,194 European ancestry individuals T NR 3E-67 66.523 rs139974673 0.13758 triglyceride measurement (EFO:0004530)
None Available GCST90179148 Low-density lipoprotein levels (MTAG) 361,194 European ancestry individuals T NR 2E-17 16.699 rs139974673 0.03788 low density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement (EFO:0004611)
None Available GCST90002374 White blood cell count 562,243 European ancestry individuals C 0.026259 2E-14 13.699 rs139974673 0.044688 myeloid white cell count (EFO:0007988)
None Available GCST90016666 Liver volume 32,860 European ancestry individuals ? NR 5E-21 20.302 rs139974673 0.214 liver volume (EFO:0600048)
GWAS1055496_H GCST90056183 Platelet count 235,256 European ancestry individuals T 0.974 6E-31 30.222 rs139974673 N/A platelet count (EFO:0004309)
None Available GCST90027082 Albumin levels 36,203 British ancestry pre-menopausal women C 0.03 4E-9 8.398 rs139974673 0.47 serum albumin measurement (EFO:0004535)
GWAS1057392_H GCST90027091 Sex hormone-binding globulin levels 148,248 British ancestry men C 0.02 5E-24 23.302 rs139974673 2.55 sex hormone-binding globulin measurement (EFO:0004696)
GWAS1057846_H GCST90027092 Sex hormone-binding globulin levels 158,000 British ancestry women C 0.03 3E-8 7.523 rs139974673 2.42 sex hormone-binding globulin measurement (EFO:0004696)
None Available GCST90027081 Albumin levels 104,632 British ancestry post-menopausal women C 0.02 3E-16 15.523 rs139974673 0.38 serum albumin measurement (EFO:0004535)
GWAS1059029_H GCST90092934 Ratio of omega-6 fatty acids to omega-3 fatty acids 115,006 European ancestry individuals T 0.974084 9E-21 20.046 rs139974673 0.117068 fatty acid measurement (EFO:0005110)
None Available GCST90092935 Ratio of omega-6 fatty acids to total fatty acids 115,006 European ancestry individuals T 0.974084 1E-28 28 rs139974673 0.138506 fatty acid measurement (EFO:0005110)
GWAS1059038_H GCST90092907 Cholesteryl esters to total lipids ratio in medium LDL 115,082 European ancestry individuals T 0.974088 8E-10 9.097 rs139974673 0.0795214 low density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement (EFO:0004611)
cholesteryl esters:total lipids ratio (EFO:0020944)
None Available GCST90092854 Triglyceride levels in large HDL 115,082 European ancestry individuals T 0.974088 2E-9 8.699 rs139974673 0.0742917 triglyceride measurement (EFO:0004530)
high density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement (EFO:0004612)
GWAS1059463_H GCST90092870 Cholesteryl ester levels in large VLDL 115,082 European ancestry individuals T 0.974088 2E-18 17.699 rs139974673 0.112828 cholesteryl ester measurement (EFO:0010351)
very low density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement (EFO:0008317)
None Available GCST90092931 Omega-3 fatty acid levels 115,006 European ancestry individuals T 0.974084 2E-21 20.699 rs139974673 0.118563 omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid measurement (EFO:0010119)
None Available GCST90092987 Total fatty acid levels 115,006 European ancestry individuals T 0.974084 2E-15 14.699 rs139974673 0.10206 fatty acid measurement (EFO:0005110)
None Available GCST90092932 Ratio of omega-3 fatty acids to total fatty acids 115,006 European ancestry individuals T 0.974084 2E-11 10.699 rs139974673 0.083441 fatty acid measurement (EFO:0005110)
GWAS1060077_H GCST90092980 Saturated fatty acid levels 115,006 European ancestry individuals T 0.974084 8E-14 13.097 rs139974673 0.0958836 fatty acid measurement (EFO:0005110)
GWAS1060240_H GCST90092923 Concentration of medium VLDL particles 115,082 European ancestry individuals T 0.974088 1E-8 8 rs139974673 0.0741159 very low density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement (EFO:0008317)
GWAS1060568_H GCST90239664 Triglyceride levels 1,320,016 European ancestry individuals C 0.0264603 9E-140 139.046 rs139974673 0.13397 triglyceride measurement (EFO:0004530)
GWAS1060716_H GCST90244680 Triglyceride levels in non-type 2 diabetes 402,944 European ancestry individuals ? NR 7E-101 100.155 rs139974673 N/A triglyceride measurement (EFO:0004530)
GWAS1060948_H GCST90133362 Total omega-3 fatty acid levels 114,999 European ancestry individuals T 0.97 3E-20 19.523 rs139974673 0.118 omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid measurement (EFO:0010119)
GWAS1061089_H GCST90133361 Circulating docosahexaenoic acid levels 114,999 European ancestry individuals T 0.97 2E-8 7.699 rs139974673 0.071 docosahexaenoic acid measurement (EFO:0007761)
GWAS1061800_H GCST90239661 Triglyceride levels 40,963 South Asian ancestry individuals, 48,057 Hispanic individuals, 99,432 Admixed African or African ancestry individuals, 146,492 East Asian ancestry individuals, 1,320,016 European ancestry individuals ? NR 2E-203 202.699 rs139974673 N/A triglyceride measurement (EFO:0004530)
None Available GCST90301976 Total cholesterol to total lipids ratio in IDL 4,435 East Asian ancestry individuals, 11,340 South Asian ancestry individuals, 120,241 European ancestry individuals T 0.9736 2E-16 15.699 rs139974673 0.1172 cholesterol:total lipids ratio (EFO:0020943)
intermediate density lipoprotein measurement (EFO:0008595)
None Available GCST90002404 Red cell distribution width 408,112 British individuals C 0.025595 2E-14 13.699 rs139974673 0.053842288 Red cell distribution width (EFO:0009188)
GWAS1063215_H GCST90018975 Triglycerides 343,992 European ancestry individuals, 111,667 East Asian ancestry individuals C NR 8E-84 83.097 rs139974673 0.1444 triglyceride measurement (EFO:0004530)
GWAS1063410_H GCST90018951 Calcium levels 315,153 European ancestry individuals, 83,980 East Asian ancestry individuals C NR 2E-36 35.699 rs139974673 0.1002 calcium measurement (EFO:0004838)
None Available GCST90092996 VLDL cholesterol levels 115,082 European ancestry individuals T 0.974088 2E-10 9.699 rs139974673 0.0830056 very low density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement (EFO:0008317)
GWAS1064075_H GCST90093040 Cholesterol levels in chylomicrons and extremely large VLDL 115,082 European ancestry individuals T 0.974088 3E-27 26.523 rs139974673 0.135513 chylomicron measurement (EFO:0008596)
total cholesterol measurement (EFO:0004574)
very low density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement (EFO:0008317)
GWAS1064249_H GCST90018962 Lymphocyte count 349,856 European ancestry individuals, 95,717 East Asian ancestry individuals C NR 5E-8 7.302 rs139974673 0.0417 lymphocyte count (EFO:0004587)
GWAS1064598_H GCST90018969 Platelet count 350,474 European ancestry individuals, 148,623 East Asian ancestry individuals C NR 1E-45 45 rs139974673 0.1051 platelet count (EFO:0004309)
None Available GCST90093047 Concentration of chylomicrons and extremely large VLDL particles 115,082 European ancestry individuals T 0.974088 6E-27 26.222 rs139974673 0.134541 chylomicron measurement (EFO:0008596)
very low density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement (EFO:0008317)
None Available GCST90093000 Concentration of VLDL particles 115,082 European ancestry individuals T 0.974088 3E-17 16.523 rs139974673 0.109138 very low density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement (EFO:0008317)
None Available GCST90093050 Triglyceride levels in chylomicrons and extremely large VLDL 115,082 European ancestry individuals T 0.974088 2E-21 20.699 rs139974673 0.119139 chylomicron measurement (EFO:0008596)
triglyceride measurement (EFO:0004530)
very low density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement (EFO:0008317)
GWAS1065082_H GCST90104273 Sex hormone-binding globulin levels 196,901 European ancestry individuals C 0.0251532 2E-22 21.699 rs139974673 0.0972415 sex hormone-binding globulin measurement (EFO:0004696)
None Available GCST90092807 Albumin levels 115,064 European ancestry individuals T 0.974084 6E-21 20.222 rs139974673 0.121485 serum albumin measurement (EFO:0004535)
None Available GCST90104277 Sex hormone-binding globulin levels in postmenopausal women 92,911 European ancestry individuals C 0.0251532 1E-11 11 rs139974673 0.0986543 sex hormone-binding globulin measurement (EFO:0004696)
None Available GCST90092941 Ratio of polyunsaturated fatty acids to total fatty acids 115,006 European ancestry individuals T 0.974084 2E-16 15.699 rs139974673 0.102576 fatty acid measurement (EFO:0005110)
None Available GCST90092816 Docosahexaenoic acid levels 115,006 European ancestry individuals T 0.974084 1E-8 8 rs139974673 0.0706679 docosahexaenoic acid measurement (EFO:0007761)
GWAS1066716_H GCST90104281 Sex hormone-binding globulin levels in premenopausal women 43,477 European ancestry individuals C 0.0251532 4E-8 7.398 rs139974673 0.115457 sex hormone-binding globulin measurement (EFO:0004696)
GWAS1066947_H GCST90093044 Free cholesterol levels in chylomicrons and extremely large VLDL 115,082 European ancestry individuals T 0.974088 3E-29 28.523 rs139974673 0.140793 free cholesterol measurement (EFO:0008591)
chylomicron measurement (EFO:0008596)
very low density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement (EFO:0008317)
None Available GCST90093020 Free cholesterol levels in very large VLDL 115,082 European ancestry individuals T 0.974088 5E-24 23.302 rs139974673 0.127425 free cholesterol measurement (EFO:0008591)
very low density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement (EFO:0008317)
None Available GCST90093046 Total lipid levels in chylomicrons and extremely large VLDL 115,082 European ancestry individuals T 0.974088 4E-24 23.398 rs139974673 0.126954 chylomicron measurement (EFO:0008596)
very low density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement (EFO:0008317)
lipid measurement (EFO:0004529)
None Available GCST90092830 Histidine levels 114,897 European ancestry individuals T 0.974076 5E-12 11.302 rs139974673 0.0900258 histidine measurement (EFO:0009769)
GWAS1067562_H GCST90093048 Phospholipid levels in chylomicrons and extremely large VLDL 115,082 European ancestry individuals T 0.974088 4E-28 27.398 rs139974673 0.137138 chylomicron measurement (EFO:0008596)
very low density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement (EFO:0008317)
phospholipid measurement (EFO:0004639)
GWAS1067928_H GCST90093036 Phospholipid levels in very small VLDL 115,082 European ancestry individuals T 0.974088 3E-15 14.523 rs139974673 0.100688 very low density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement (EFO:0008317)
phospholipid measurement (EFO:0004639)
None Available GCST90104297 Sex hormone-binding globulin levels 4,522 African ancestry individuals, 196,901 European ancestry individuals ? NR 2E-22 21.699 rs139974673 9.746 sex hormone-binding globulin measurement (EFO:0004696)
None Available GCST90093035 Concentration of very small VLDL particles 115,082 European ancestry individuals T 0.974088 1E-8 8 rs139974673 0.0732214 very low density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement (EFO:0008317)
None Available GCST90092998 Free cholesterol levels in VLDL 115,082 European ancestry individuals T 0.974088 1E-15 15 rs139974673 0.103299 free cholesterol measurement (EFO:0008591)
very low density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement (EFO:0008317)
None Available GCST90093034 Total lipid levels in very small VLDL 115,082 European ancestry individuals T 0.974088 2E-11 10.699 rs139974673 0.0849452 very low density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement (EFO:0008317)
lipid measurement (EFO:0004529)
None Available GCST90093042 Cholesteryl ester levels in chylomicrons and extremely large VLDL 115,082 European ancestry individuals T 0.974088 1E-24 24 rs139974673 0.128731 cholesteryl ester measurement (EFO:0010351)
chylomicron measurement (EFO:0008596)
very low density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement (EFO:0008317)
Database Acc Id Source(s)
GWAS Catalog GCST90269743 GWAS Catalog

RGD Curation Notes
Note Type Note Reference