GWAS728615_H QTL Report (Homo sapiens) - Rat Genome Database

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QTL: GWAS728615_H (mean arterial pressure QTL GWAS728615 (human)) Homo sapiens

Symbol: GWAS728615_H
Name: mean arterial pressure QTL GWAS728615 (human)
RGD ID: 407079639
Trait: mean arterial pressure
Measurement Type: mean arterial blood pressure   (CMO:0000009)    
LOD Score: Not Available
P Value: 1.0E-44
Variance: Not Available
Human AssemblyChrPosition (strand)SourceJBrowse
GRCh3812111,280,427 - 111,280,428RGD_MAPPER_PIPELINEGRCh38
GRCh3712111,718,231 - 111,718,232RGD_MAPPER_PIPELINEGRCh37
Population Stats: Not Available
JBrowse: View Region in Genome Browser (JBrowse)

Experimental Data Annotations    Click to see Annotation Detail View

Clinical Measurement
Object SymbolSpeciesTermQualifierEvidenceWithReferenceNotesSourceOriginal Reference(s)
GWAS728615_HHumanmean arterial blood pressure  IAGPrs79105258405850206Based on the EFO term IDGWAS_CATALOGPMID:30487518

Experimental Factor Annotations    Click to see Annotation Detail View
Object SymbolSpeciesTermQualifierEvidenceWithReferenceNotesSourceOriginal Reference(s)
GWAS728615_HHumanmean arterial pressure  IAGPrs79105258405850206 GWAS_CATALOGPMID:30487518
Experimental Data Annotations     Click to see Annotation Detail View

Clinical Measurement


References - curated
# Reference Title Reference Citation
1. RGD GWAS Catalog Import Pipeline RGD pipeline to import data from GWAS Catalog and create human variant and QTL records


Genes in Region
The following Genes overlap with this region.    Full Report CSV TAB Printer Analysis Tools
RGD IDSymbolNameChrStartStopSpecies
1314310CUX2cut like homeobox 212111034165111350554Human

Position Markers

Peak: (rs79105258)
Human AssemblyChrPosition (strand)Source
GRCh3812111,280,427 - 111,280,428RGD_MAPPER_PIPELINE

QTLs in Region (GRCh38)
The following QTLs overlap with this region.    Full Report CSV TAB Printer Gviewer
RGD IDSymbolNameLODP ValueTraitSub TraitChrStartStopSpecies
406993859GWAS642835_Haspartate aminotransferase measurement QTL GWAS642835 (human)9e-24aspartate aminotransferase measurementblood aspartate aminotransferase activity level (CMO:0000580)12111280427111280428Human
407083970GWAS732946_Hglomerular filtration rate QTL GWAS732946 (human)4e-22glomerular filtration rateglomerular filtration rate (CMO:0000490)12111280427111280428Human
407086786GWAS735762_Hpulse pressure measurement QTL GWAS735762 (human)1e-12pulse pressure measurementpulse pressure (CMO:0000292)12111280427111280428Human
1298449UAE2_HUrinary albumin excretion QTL 2 (human)20.005Urinary albumin excretionurine albumin:creatinine ratio (ACR)12102836889128836889Human
407155405GWAS804381_Hlow density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement QTL GWAS804381 (human)3e-45low density lipoprotein cholesterol measurementblood low density lipoprotein cholesterol level (CMO:0000053)12111280427111280428Human
407083977GWAS732953_Hserum alanine aminotransferase measurement QTL GWAS732953 (human)1e-30serum alanine aminotransferase measurementserum alanine aminotransferase activity level (CMO:0000575)12111280427111280428Human
407152335GWAS801311_Haspartate aminotransferase measurement QTL GWAS801311 (human)3e-55aspartate aminotransferase measurementblood aspartate aminotransferase activity level (CMO:0000580)12111280427111280428Human
407184078GWAS833054_Hcarbohydrate intake measurement QTL GWAS833054 (human)6e-11eating behavior trait (VT:0001431)12111280427111280428Human
406902989GWAS551965_Hhigh density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement QTL GWAS551965 (human)8e-29high density lipoprotein cholesterol measurementblood high density lipoprotein cholesterol level (CMO:0000052)12111280427111280428Human
407079639GWAS728615_Hmean arterial pressure QTL GWAS728615 (human)1e-44mean arterial pressuremean arterial blood pressure (CMO:0000009)12111280427111280428Human
407085783GWAS734759_Hsystolic blood pressure QTL GWAS734759 (human)2e-42systolic blood pressuresystolic blood pressure (CMO:0000004)12111280427111280428Human
407006423GWAS655399_Huric acid measurement QTL GWAS655399 (human)2e-56uric acid measurementblood uric acid level (CMO:0000501)12111280427111280428Human
407083099GWAS732075_Hserum gamma-glutamyl transferase measurement QTL GWAS732075 (human)1e-99serum gamma-glutamyl transferase measurementserum gamma-glutamyltransferase activity level (CMO:0002241)12111280427111280428Human
1643264BW195_HBody weight QTL 195 (human)0.0151Body weightBMI1289897665115897665Human
407083737GWAS732713_Hdiastolic blood pressure QTL GWAS732713 (human)3e-39diastolic blood pressurediastolic blood pressure (CMO:0000005)12111280427111280428Human
406994013GWAS642989_Hhigh density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement QTL GWAS642989 (human)1e-70high density lipoprotein cholesterol measurementblood high density lipoprotein cholesterol level (CMO:0000052)12111280427111280428Human
407148388GWAS797364_Hserum alanine aminotransferase measurement QTL GWAS797364 (human)6e-60serum alanine aminotransferase measurementserum alanine aminotransferase activity level (CMO:0000575)12111280427111280428Human
1643452BW104_HBody weight QTL 104 (human)1.890.005Body fat amountabdominal visceral12102395874128395874Human
1357361BW37_HBody weight QTL 37 (human)4.080.00001Body fat amount12102836889116423339Human
407083370GWAS732346_Huric acid measurement QTL GWAS732346 (human)8e-51uric acid measurementblood uric acid level (CMO:0000501)12111280427111280428Human
407078766GWAS727742_Hdiastolic blood pressure QTL GWAS727742 (human)6e-39diastolic blood pressurediastolic blood pressure (CMO:0000005)12111280427111280428Human
406993133GWAS642109_Hlow density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement QTL GWAS642109 (human)6e-19low density lipoprotein cholesterol measurementblood low density lipoprotein cholesterol level (CMO:0000053)12111280427111280428Human
407346935GWAS995911_Hurate measurement QTL GWAS995911 (human)9e-49urate measurementblood uric acid level (CMO:0000501)12111280427111280428Human
407085041GWAS734017_Hmean corpuscular volume QTL GWAS734017 (human)9e-58mean corpuscular volumemean corpuscular volume (CMO:0000038)12111280427111280428Human
407017329GWAS666305_Hurate measurement QTL GWAS666305 (human)2e-41urate measurementblood uric acid level (CMO:0000501)12111280427111280428Human
407086073GWAS735049_Hmean arterial pressure QTL GWAS735049 (human)9e-47mean arterial pressuremean arterial blood pressure (CMO:0000009)12111280427111280428Human
407153656GWAS802632_Hserum gamma-glutamyl transferase measurement QTL GWAS802632 (human)3e-185serum gamma-glutamyl transferase measurementserum gamma-glutamyltransferase activity level (CMO:0002241)12111280427111280428Human
407083390GWAS732366_Hpartial thromboplastin time QTL GWAS732366 (human)2e-08partial thromboplastin timeactivated partial thromboplastin time (CMO:0000210)12111280427111280428Human
407086211GWAS735187_Hhigh density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement QTL GWAS735187 (human)2e-80high density lipoprotein cholesterol measurementblood high density lipoprotein cholesterol level (CMO:0000052)12111280427111280428Human
406920448GWAS569424_Hcigarettes per day measurement QTL GWAS569424 (human)9e-18cigarettes per day measurement12111280427111280428Human
1559125SPSL2_HSerum P-selectin level QTL 2 (human)2.59Serum P-selectin level1289897665115897665Human
406994310GWAS643286_Hserum gamma-glutamyl transferase measurement QTL GWAS643286 (human)7e-87serum gamma-glutamyl transferase measurementserum gamma-glutamyltransferase activity level (CMO:0002241)12111280427111280428Human
406946693GWAS595669_Huric acid measurement QTL GWAS595669 (human)3e-09epilepsyblood uric acid level (CMO:0000501)12111280427111280428Human
407090053GWAS739029_Hcreatinine measurement QTL GWAS739029 (human)7e-24creatinine measurementblood creatinine measurement (CMO:0000767)12111280427111280428Human
406946574GWAS595550_Hcoffee consumption QTL GWAS595550 (human)0.0000004coffee consumption12111280427111280428Human
406994844GWAS643820_Hserum alanine aminotransferase measurement QTL GWAS643820 (human)2e-27serum alanine aminotransferase measurementserum alanine aminotransferase activity level (CMO:0000575)12111280427111280428Human
1357387BW58_HBody weight QTL 58 (human)2.30.0001Body weightfat free mass after exercise training1289438856115438856Human
406981021GWAS629997_Hcoffee consumption measurement QTL GWAS629997 (human)1e-14pulse pressure measurementpulse pressure (CMO:0000292)12111280427111280428Human
407072930GWAS721906_Hsystolic blood pressure QTL GWAS721906 (human)1e-38systolic blood pressuresystolic blood pressure (CMO:0000004)12111280427111280428Human
407086497GWAS735473_Hlow density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement QTL GWAS735473 (human)3e-20low density lipoprotein cholesterol measurementblood low density lipoprotein cholesterol level (CMO:0000053)12111280427111280428Human
1643258BW205_HBody weight QTL 205 (human)4.080.00001Body fat amountpercent body fat1296630114122630114Human
406978215GWAS627191_Hcoronary artery disease QTL GWAS627191 (human)7e-32coronary artery disease12111280427111280428Human
407085481GWAS734457_Hchloride measurement QTL GWAS734457 (human)4e-14chloride measurementblood chloride level (CMO:0000497)12111280427111280428Human
407242797GWAS891773_Hbody weight QTL GWAS891773 (human)3e-19body mass (VT:0001259)body weight (CMO:0000012)12111280427111280428Human
407089455GWAS738431_Hblood urea nitrogen measurement QTL GWAS738431 (human)1e-25blood urea nitrogen measurementblood urea nitrogen level (CMO:0000049)12111280427111280428Human
407092781GWAS741757_Hglomerular filtration rate QTL GWAS741757 (human)6e-15glomerular filtration rateglomerular filtration rate (CMO:0000490)12111280427111280428Human
407079084GWAS728060_Hhypertension QTL GWAS728060 (human)9e-31hypertension12111280427111280428Human
407082803GWAS731779_Hsodium measurement QTL GWAS731779 (human)1e-09sodium measurementblood sodium level (CMO:0000499)12111280427111280428Human
407088179GWAS737155_Hmean corpuscular hemoglobin QTL GWAS737155 (human)7e-80mean corpuscular hemoglobinmean corpuscular hemoglobin (CMO:0000290)12111280427111280428Human
407087155GWAS736131_Haspartate aminotransferase measurement QTL GWAS736131 (human)1e-26aspartate aminotransferase measurementblood aspartate aminotransferase activity level (CMO:0000580)12111280427111280428Human
407148853GWAS797829_HHbA1c measurement QTL GWAS797829 (human)3e-13HbA1c measurementblood hemoglobin A1c level (CMO:0002786)12111280427111280428Human
407087159GWAS736135_Hmean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration QTL GWAS736135 (human)2e-24mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentrationmean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (CMO:0000291)12111280427111280428Human
407085622GWAS734598_Hglucose measurement QTL GWAS734598 (human)1e-10glucose measurementblood glucose level (CMO:0000046)12111280427111280428Human
407084216GWAS733192_Herythrocyte count QTL GWAS733192 (human)1e-29erythrocyte countred blood cell count (CMO:0000025)12111280427111280428Human
406920383GWAS569359_Hcigarettes per day measurement QTL GWAS569359 (human)5e-17cigarettes per day measurement12111280427111280428Human
1358827MULTSCL22_HMultiple sclerosis susceptibility QTL 22 (human)Multiple sclerosis susceptibility1289897665115897665Human

Additional Information

GWAS QTLs Related by Peak Marker
Data has come from the GWAS Catalog   
The highlighted row represents the current QTL
QTL GWAS Catalog Study Disease Trait Study Size Risk Allele Risk Allele Frequency P Value P Value MLOG Peak Marker Reported Odds Ratio or Beta-coefficient Ontology Accession PubMed
GWAS551965_H GCST90134519 HDL cholesterol levels 58,701 Korean ancestry individuals A NR 8E-29 28.097 rs79105258 1.06 high density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement (EFO:0004612)
GWAS569359_H GCST009405 Smoking behaviour (cigarettes smoked per day) 72,655 Japanese ancestry individuals A 0.257 5E-17 16.302 rs79105258 0.055 cigarettes per day measurement (EFO:0006525)
GWAS569424_H GCST009407 Smoking behaviour (cigarettes smoked per day) 58,784 Japanese ancestry males A 0.257 9E-18 17.046 rs79105258 0.062 cigarettes per day measurement (EFO:0006525)
GWAS595550_H GCST011158 Coffee consumption 6,080 Korean ancestry cases, 1,788 Korean ancestry controls A NR 4E-7 6.398 rs79105258 1.338 coffee consumption (EFO:0004330)
GWAS595669_H GCST010512 Serum uric acid levels 6,881 Korean ancestry individuals A 0.1795 3E-9 8.523 rs79105258 0.1367 uric acid measurement (EFO:0004761)
GWAS627191_H GCST010480 Coronary artery disease 15,302 Japanese ancestry cases, 36,140 Japanese ancestry controls A 0.26 7E-32 31.155 rs79105258 1.31 coronary artery disease (EFO:0001645)
GWAS629997_H GCST008487 Coffee consumption 6,264 Japanese ancestry individuals A 0.283 1E-14 14 rs79105258 0.173 coffee consumption measurement (EFO:0006781)
GWAS642109_H GCST011347 Low density lipoprotein cholesterol levels 76,081 European ancestry individuals, 127,395 Japanese ancestry individuals ? NR 6E-19 18.222 rs79105258 0.0598 low density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement (EFO:0004611)
GWAS642835_H GCST011351 Aspartate aminotransferase levels 76,081 European ancestry individuals, 127,395 Japanese ancestry individuals ? NR 9E-24 23.046 rs79105258 0.0498 aspartate aminotransferase measurement (EFO:0004736)
GWAS642989_H GCST011348 High density lipoprotein cholesterol levels 76,081 European ancestry individuals, 127,395 Japanese ancestry individuals ? NR 1E-70 70 rs79105258 0.1239 high density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement (EFO:0004612)
GWAS643286_H GCST011349 Gamma glutamyl transferase levels 76,081 European ancestry individuals, 127,395 Japanese ancestry individuals ? NR 7E-87 86.155 rs79105258 0.1072 serum gamma-glutamyl transferase measurement (EFO:0004532)
GWAS643820_H GCST011352 Alanine aminotransferase levels 76,081 European ancestry individuals, 127,395 Japanese ancestry individuals ? NR 2E-27 26.699 rs79105258 0.0544 serum alanine aminotransferase measurement (EFO:0004735)
None Available GCST012370 Epilepsy 1,823 Japanese ancestry cases, 7,970 Japanese ancestry controls ? NR 3E-9 8.523 rs79105258 0.75 epilepsy (EFO:0000474)
GWAS655399_H GCST007725 Serum uric acid levels 121,745 Japanese ancestry individuals A 0.254 2E-56 55.699 rs79105258 0.078 uric acid measurement (EFO:0004761)
GWAS666305_H GCST008972 Urate levels 288,649 European ancestry individuals, 125,725 East Asian ancestry individuals, 33,671 African American individuals, 9,037 South Asian ancestry individuals, 608 Hispanic individuals A 0.2488 2E-41 40.699 rs79105258 0.0969 urate measurement (EFO:0004531)
GWAS721906_H GCST007703 Systolic blood pressure 130,777 Japanese ancestry individuals A 0.2515 1E-38 38 rs79105258 1.0576 systolic blood pressure (EFO:0006335)
GWAS727742_H GCST007704 Diastolic blood pressure 130,777 Japanese ancestry individuals A 0.2519 6E-39 38.222 rs79105258 0.6699 diastolic blood pressure (EFO:0006336)
GWAS728060_H GCST007707 Hypertension 22,566 Japanese ancestry cases, 28,226 Japanese ancestry controls A 0.2526 9E-31 30.046 rs79105258 0.1707 hypertension (EFO:0000537)
GWAS728615_H GCST007706 Mean arterial pressure 130,777 Japanese ancestry individuals A 0.2516 1E-44 44 rs79105258 0.8023 mean arterial pressure (EFO:0006340)
None Available GCST007705 Pulse pressure 130,777 Japanese ancestry individuals A 0.2518 1E-14 14 rs79105258 0.498 pulse pressure measurement (EFO:0005763)
GWAS731779_H GCST006032 Sodium levels 127,304 Japanese ancestry individuals ? NR 1E-9 9 rs79105258 0.02995 sodium measurement (EFO:0009282)
GWAS732075_H GCST006019 Gamma glutamyl transferase levels 118,309 Japanese ancestry individuals ? NR 1E-99 99 rs79105258 0.1072 serum gamma-glutamyl transferase measurement (EFO:0004532)
GWAS732346_H GCST005983 Serum uric acid levels 109,029 Japanese ancestry individuals ? NR 8E-51 50.097 rs79105258 0.07856 uric acid measurement (EFO:0004761)
GWAS732366_H GCST006018 Activated partial thromboplastin time 37,767 Japanese ancestry individuals ? NR 2E-8 7.699 rs79105258 0.0517 partial thromboplastin time (EFO:0004310)
GWAS732713_H GCST005978 Diastolic blood pressure 136,615 Japanese ancestry individuals ? NR 3E-39 38.523 rs79105258 0.062 diastolic blood pressure (EFO:0006336)
GWAS732946_H GCST005984 Glomerular filtration rate 143,658 Japanese ancestry individuals ? NR 4E-22 21.398 rs79105258 0.04508 glomerular filtration rate (EFO:0005208)
GWAS732953_H GCST005998 Alanine transaminase levels 134,182 Japanese ancestry individuals ? NR 1E-30 30 rs79105258 0.05442 serum alanine aminotransferase measurement (EFO:0004735)
GWAS733192_H GCST005996 Red blood cell count 108,794 Japanese ancestry individuals ? NR 1E-29 29 rs79105258 0.05973 erythrocyte count (EFO:0004305)
GWAS734017_H GCST006011 Mean corpuscular volume 108,256 Japanese ancestry individuals ? NR 9E-58 57.046 rs79105258 0.08474 mean corpuscular volume (EFO:0004526)
GWAS734457_H GCST006030 Chloride levels 126,402 Japanese ancestry individuals ? NR 4E-14 13.398 rs79105258 0.03765 chloride measurement (EFO:0009284)
GWAS734598_H GCST006002 Blood sugar levels 93,146 Japanese ancestry individuals ? NR 1E-10 10 rs79105258 0.03723 glucose measurement (EFO:0004468)
GWAS734759_H GCST005979 Systolic blood pressure 136,597 Japanese ancestry individuals ? NR 2E-42 41.699 rs79105258 0.06463 systolic blood pressure (EFO:0006335)
GWAS735049_H GCST006010 Mean arterial pressure 136,482 Japanese ancestry individuals ? NR 9E-47 46.046 rs79105258 0.06847 mean arterial pressure (EFO:0006340)
GWAS735187_H GCST006005 High density lipoprotein cholesterol levels 70,657 Japanese ancestry individuals ? NR 2E-80 79.699 rs79105258 0.1239 high density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement (EFO:0004612)
GWAS735473_H GCST006004 Low density lipoprotein cholesterol levels 72,866 Japanese ancestry individuals ? NR 3E-20 19.523 rs79105258 0.05977 low density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement (EFO:0004611)
GWAS735762_H GCST006009 Pulse pressure 136,249 Japanese ancestry individuals ? NR 1E-12 12 rs79105258 0.0334 pulse pressure measurement (EFO:0005763)
GWAS736131_H GCST005999 Aspartate aminotransferase levels 134,154 Japanese ancestry individuals ? NR 1E-26 26 rs79105258 0.04981 aspartate aminotransferase measurement (EFO:0004736)
GWAS736135_H GCST005992 Mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 108,728 Japanese ancestry individuals ? NR 2E-24 23.699 rs79105258 0.05405 mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (EFO:0004528)
GWAS737155_H GCST005993 Mean corpuscular hemoglobin 108,054 Japanese ancestry individuals ? NR 7E-80 79.155 rs79105258 0.1001 mean corpuscular hemoglobin (EFO:0004527)
GWAS738431_H GCST005986 Blood urea nitrogen levels 139,818 Japanese ancestry individuals ? NR 1E-25 25 rs79105258 0.04625 blood urea nitrogen measurement (EFO:0004741)
GWAS739029_H GCST005985 Creatinine levels 142,097 Japanese ancestry individuals ? NR 7E-24 23.155 rs79105258 0.04589 creatinine measurement (EFO:0004518)
GWAS741757_H GCST007344 Estimated glomerular filtration rate 134,070 European ancestry individuals, 143,658 East Asian ancestry individuals, 26,344 Hispanic or Latino ancestry individuals, 8,224 African American individuals A 0.23 6E-15 14.222 rs79105258 1.263 glomerular filtration rate (EFO:0005208)
GWAS797364_H GCST90244009 Alanine aminotransferase levels 288,127 East Asian ancestry individuals A 0.1796 6E-60 59.222 rs79105258 0.0594 serum alanine aminotransferase measurement (EFO:0004735)
GWAS797829_H GCST90244004 Hemoglobin A1c levels 288,127 East Asian ancestry individuals A 0.1796 3E-13 12.523 rs79105258 0.0431 HbA1c measurement (EFO:0004541)
GWAS801311_H GCST90244010 Aspartate aminotransferase levels 288,127 East Asian ancestry individuals A 0.1796 3E-55 54.523 rs79105258 0.0566 aspartate aminotransferase measurement (EFO:0004736)
GWAS802632_H GCST90244011 Gamma glutamyl transferase levels 288,127 East Asian ancestry individuals A 0.1796 3E-185 184.523 rs79105258 0.1112 serum gamma-glutamyl transferase measurement (EFO:0004532)
GWAS804381_H GCST90244006 LDL cholesterol levels 288,127 East Asian ancestry individuals A 0.1796 3E-45 44.523 rs79105258 0.0591 low density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement (EFO:0004611)
GWAS833054_H GCST90102255 Low-carbohydrate diet (LCD) score 6,332 East Asian ancestry male individuals A 0.281 6E-11 10.222 rs79105258 1.091 carbohydrate intake measurement (EFO:0010811)
GWAS891773_H GCST011971 Weight 2,603 Korean ancestry males, 2,869 Korean ancestry females C 0.158 3E-19 18.523 rs79105258 0.01 body weight (EFO:0004338)
GWAS995911_H GCST90319905 Serum urate levels 219,768 East Asian ancestry individuals A NR 9E-49 48.046 rs79105258 0.0662 urate measurement (EFO:0004531)
None Available GCST90435268 Colorectal cancer 15,714 European ancestry cases, 621,182 European ancestry controls, 7,062 East Asian ancestry cases, 195,745 East Asian ancestry controls A NR 1E-12 12 rs79105258 0.1467 PMID:38872215
Database Acc Id Source(s)
GWAS Catalog GCST007706 GWAS Catalog

RGD Curation Notes
Note Type Note Reference