GWAS651747_H QTL Report (Homo sapiens) - Rat Genome Database

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QTL: GWAS651747_H (eosinophil percentage of leukocytes QTL GWAS651747 (human)) Homo sapiens

Symbol: GWAS651747_H
Name: eosinophil percentage of leukocytes QTL GWAS651747 (human)
RGD ID: 407002771
Trait: eosinophil percentage of leukocytes
Measurement Type: blood eosinophil count to total leukocyte count ratio   (CMO:0000369)    
LOD Score: Not Available
P Value: 2E-307
Variance: Not Available
Human AssemblyChrPosition (strand)SourceJBrowse
GRCh3812111,494,996 - 111,494,997RGD_MAPPER_PIPELINEGRCh38
GRCh3712111,932,800 - 111,932,801RGD_MAPPER_PIPELINEGRCh37
Population Stats: Not Available
JBrowse: View Region in Genome Browser (JBrowse)

Experimental Data Annotations    Click to see Annotation Detail View

Clinical Measurement
Object SymbolSpeciesTermQualifierEvidenceWithReferenceNotesSourceOriginal Reference(s)
GWAS651747_HHumanblood eosinophil count to total leukocyte count ratio  IAGPrs7137828405850206Based on the EFO term IDGWAS_CATALOGPMID:32888494

Experimental Factor Annotations    Click to see Annotation Detail View
Object SymbolSpeciesTermQualifierEvidenceWithReferenceNotesSourceOriginal Reference(s)
GWAS651747_HHumaneosinophil percentage of leukocytes  IAGPrs7137828405850206 GWAS_CATALOGPMID:32888494
Experimental Data Annotations     Click to see Annotation Detail View


References - curated
# Reference Title Reference Citation
1. RGD GWAS Catalog Import Pipeline RGD pipeline to import data from GWAS Catalog and create human variant and QTL records


Genes in Region
The following Genes overlap with this region.    Full Report CSV TAB Printer Analysis Tools
RGD IDSymbolNameChrStartStopSpecies
1347160ATXN2ataxin 212111452214111599673Human

Position Markers

Peak: (rs7137828)
Human AssemblyChrPosition (strand)Source
GRCh3812111,494,996 - 111,494,997RGD_MAPPER_PIPELINE

QTLs in Region (GRCh38)
The following QTLs overlap with this region.    Full Report CSV TAB Printer Gviewer
RGD IDSymbolNameLODP ValueTraitSub TraitChrStartStopSpecies
1298449UAE2_HUrinary albumin excretion QTL 2 (human)20.005Urinary albumin excretionurine albumin:creatinine ratio (ACR)12102836889128836889Human
407368645GWAS1017621_Heosinophil count QTL GWAS1017621 (human)5e-201eosinophil quantity (VT:0002602)blood eosinophil count (CMO:0000033)12111494996111494997Human
407150663GWAS799639_Hlongevity, healthspan, parental longevity QTL GWAS799639 (human)5e-12longevity, healthspan, parental longevity12111494996111494997Human
407287874GWAS936850_HGenetic chronic primary adrenal insufficiency QTL GWAS936850 (human)5e-08Genetic chronic primary adrenal insufficiency12111494996111494997Human
407392973GWAS1041949_Hcoronary artery disease, factor VII measurement QTL GWAS1041949 (human)3e-21coronary artery disease, factor VII measurement12111494996111494997Human
407361986GWAS1010962_Hsystolic blood pressure QTL GWAS1010962 (human)5e-78systolic blood pressuresystolic blood pressure (CMO:0000004)12111494996111494997Human
406899526GWAS548502_Hsystolic blood pressure QTL GWAS548502 (human)3e-23systolic blood pressuresystolic blood pressure (CMO:0000004)12111494996111494997Human
407071688GWAS720664_Hmean arterial pressure, alcohol drinking QTL GWAS720664 (human)2e-19free cholesterol in very large HDL measurement mean arterial blood pressure (CMO:0000009)12111494996111494997Human
407002446GWAS651422_Hhematocrit QTL GWAS651422 (human)1e-241hematocrithematocrit (CMO:0000037)12111494996111494997Human
407378905GWAS1027881_Hserum albumin measurement QTL GWAS1027881 (human)3e-10open-angle glaucomaserum albumin level (CMO:0000550)12111494996111494997Human
1643264BW195_HBody weight QTL 195 (human)0.0151Body weightBMI1289897665115897665Human
407072986GWAS721962_Hparental longevity QTL GWAS721962 (human)3e-14parental longevity12111494996111494997Human
407356903GWAS1005879_Htotal cholesterol measurement, high density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement QTL GWAS1005879 (human)7e-18total cholesterol measurement, high density lipoprotein cholesterol measurementblood high density lipoprotein cholesterol level (CMO:0000052)12111494996111494997Human
407024355GWAS673331_Hcoronary artery disease QTL GWAS673331 (human)4e-27coronary artery disease12111494996111494997Human
407356902GWAS1005878_Hesterified cholesterol measurement, high density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement QTL GWAS1005878 (human)1e-16esterified cholesterol measurement, high density lipoprotein cholesterol measurementblood high density lipoprotein cholesterol level (CMO:0000052)12111494996111494997Human
407363428GWAS1012404_Hmonocyte measurement QTL GWAS1012404 (human)3e-16monocyte measurement12111494996111494997Human
1643452BW104_HBody weight QTL 104 (human)1.890.005Body fat amountabdominal visceral12102395874128395874Human
1357361BW37_HBody weight QTL 37 (human)4.080.00001Body fat amount12102836889116423339Human
407362018GWAS1010994_Hlean body mass QTL GWAS1010994 (human)1e-18body lean mass (VT:0010483)total body lean mass (CMO:0003950)12111494996111494997Human
406899181GWAS548157_Hdiastolic blood pressure QTL GWAS548157 (human)4e-18diastolic blood pressurediastolic blood pressure (CMO:0000005)12111494996111494997Human
406908013GWAS556989_Hsystemic juvenile idiopathic arthritis, polyarticular juvenile idiopathic arthritis, rheumatoid factor negative, oligoarticular juvenile idiopathic arthritis QTL GWAS556989 (human)2e-09open-angle glaucoma12111494996111494997Human
407215221GWAS864197_Hlactate measurement QTL GWAS864197 (human)2e-26lactate measurementblood lactate level (CMO:0001303)12111494996111494997Human
406917621GWAS566597_Hallergic disease QTL GWAS566597 (human)2e-10glucose measurementblood glucose level (CMO:0000046)12111494996111494997Human
407391740GWAS1040716_Hfactor XI measurement, coronary artery disease QTL GWAS1040716 (human)1e-21factor XI measurement, coronary artery disease12111494996111494997Human
406899189GWAS548165_Hdiastolic blood pressure QTL GWAS548165 (human)7e-15diastolic blood pressurediastolic blood pressure (CMO:0000005)12111494996111494997Human
406899193GWAS548169_Hdiastolic blood pressure QTL GWAS548169 (human)0.000004diastolic blood pressurediastolic blood pressure (CMO:0000005)12111494996111494997Human
406994683GWAS643659_Hsystolic blood pressure QTL GWAS643659 (human)9e-56systolic blood pressuresystolic blood pressure (CMO:0000004)12111494996111494997Human
407366265GWAS1015241_Hpappalysin‐1 measurement QTL GWAS1015241 (human)4e-11pappalysin‐1 measurement12111494996111494997Human
1559125SPSL2_HSerum P-selectin level QTL 2 (human)2.59Serum P-selectin level1289897665115897665Human
407005568GWAS654544_Hlymphocyte count QTL GWAS654544 (human)3e-496lymphocyte countblood lymphocyte count (CMO:0000031)12111494996111494997Human
407000710GWAS649686_Hhematocrit QTL GWAS649686 (human)3e-243hematocrithematocrit (CMO:0000037)12111494996111494997Human
407274637GWAS923613_Hred blood cell density measurement QTL GWAS923613 (human)3e-129red blood cell density measurement12111494996111494997Human
407417479GWAS1066455_Hdiastolic blood pressure QTL GWAS1066455 (human)7e-182diastolic blood pressurediastolic blood pressure (CMO:0000005)12111494996111494997Human
407002771GWAS651747_Heosinophil percentage of leukocytes QTL GWAS651747 (human)2e-307eosinophil percentage of leukocytesblood eosinophil count to total leukocyte count ratio (CMO:0000369)12111494996111494997Human
407002768GWAS651744_Hhemoglobin measurement QTL GWAS651744 (human)4e-273hemoglobin measurementhemoglobin measurement (CMO:0000508)12111494996111494997Human
407368724GWAS1017700_Hspleen volume QTL GWAS1017700 (human)3e-83spleen volume12111494996111494997Human
407002774GWAS651750_Hhemoglobin measurement QTL GWAS651750 (human)2e-272hemoglobin measurementhemoglobin measurement (CMO:0000508)12111494996111494997Human
406902170GWAS551146_Hdiastolic blood pressure QTL GWAS551146 (human)1e-63diastolic blood pressurediastolic blood pressure (CMO:0000005)12111494996111494997Human
407198616GWAS847592_Hprotein measurement QTL GWAS847592 (human)6e-15protein measurement12111494996111494997Human
1357387BW58_HBody weight QTL 58 (human)2.30.0001Body weightfat free mass after exercise training1289438856115438856Human
407353752GWAS1002728_Hlactate measurement QTL GWAS1002728 (human)1e-24lactate measurementblood lactate level (CMO:0001303)12111494996111494997Human
407056931GWAS705907_Hdiastolic blood pressure, alcohol consumption measurement QTL GWAS705907 (human)4e-24diastolic blood pressure, alcohol consumption measurementethanol drink intake rate (CMO:0001407)12111494996111494997Human
407393578GWAS1042554_Hvon Willebrand factor measurement, coronary artery disease QTL GWAS1042554 (human)1e-22von Willebrand factor measurement, coronary artery disease12111494996111494997Human
1643258BW205_HBody weight QTL 205 (human)4.080.00001Body fat amountpercent body fat1296630114122630114Human
407399084GWAS1048060_Heosinophil count QTL GWAS1048060 (human)4e-137eosinophil quantity (VT:0002602)blood eosinophil count (CMO:0000033)12111494996111494997Human
406886950GWAS535926_Hopen-angle glaucoma QTL GWAS535926 (human)9e-10open-angle glaucoma12111494996111494997Human
407198627GWAS847603_Hinterleukin-23 measurement QTL GWAS847603 (human)2e-15interleukin-23 measurement12111494996111494997Human
407073194GWAS722170_Hparental longevity QTL GWAS722170 (human)0.0000002parental longevity12111494996111494997Human
407359406GWAS1008382_Hfree cholesterol:total lipids ratio, high density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement QTL GWAS1008382 (human)2e-14free cholesterol:total lipids ratio, high density lipoprotein cholesterol measurementblood high density lipoprotein cholesterol level (CMO:0000052)12111494996111494997Human
407352236GWAS1001212_Hopen-angle glaucoma QTL GWAS1001212 (human)6e-18open-angle glaucoma12111494996111494997Human
407073199GWAS722175_Hparental longevity QTL GWAS722175 (human)3e-12neuronal growth regulator 1 measurement12111494996111494997Human
407317544GWAS966520_Hred blood cell density measurement QTL GWAS966520 (human)6e-127red blood cell density measurement12111494996111494997Human
407352246GWAS1001222_Hopen-angle glaucoma QTL GWAS1001222 (human)5e-18open-angle glaucoma12111494996111494997Human
407072820GWAS721796_Hparental longevity QTL GWAS721796 (human)3e-08parental longevity12111494996111494997Human
406894268GWAS543244_Hsystolic blood pressure QTL GWAS543244 (human)0.000003parental longevitysystolic blood pressure (CMO:0000004)12111494996111494997Human
1358827MULTSCL22_HMultiple sclerosis susceptibility QTL 22 (human)Multiple sclerosis susceptibility1289897665115897665Human

Additional Information

GWAS QTLs Related by Peak Marker
Data has come from the GWAS Catalog   
The highlighted row represents the current QTL
QTL GWAS Catalog Study Disease Trait Study Size Risk Allele Risk Allele Frequency P Value P Value MLOG Peak Marker Reported Odds Ratio or Beta-coefficient Ontology Accession PubMed
GWAS535926_H GCST003342 Glaucoma (primary open-angle) 3,853 European ancestry cases, 33,480 European ancestry controls T 0.5 9E-10 9.046 rs7137828 1.17 open-angle glaucoma (EFO:0004190)
GWAS543244_H GCST007095 Systolic blood pressure 80,792 European ancestry individuals, 8,231 Latino individuals, 3,058 African American individuals, 7,243 East Asian ancestry individuals, 461 South Asian ancestry individuals C NR 0.000003 5.523 rs7137828 0.266 systolic blood pressure (EFO:0006335)
GWAS548157_H GCST007098 Diastolic blood pressure 80,792 European ancestry individuals, 8,231 Latino individuals, 3,058 African American individuals, 7,243 East Asian ancestry individuals, 461 South Asian ancestry individuals C NR 4E-18 17.398 rs7137828 0.32 diastolic blood pressure (EFO:0006336)
GWAS548165_H GCST007098 Diastolic blood pressure 80,792 European ancestry individuals, 8,231 Latino individuals, 3,058 African American individuals, 7,243 East Asian ancestry individuals, 461 South Asian ancestry individuals C NR 7E-15 14.155 rs7137828 0.304 diastolic blood pressure (EFO:0006336)
GWAS548169_H GCST007098 Diastolic blood pressure 80,792 European ancestry individuals, 8,231 Latino individuals, 3,058 African American individuals, 7,243 East Asian ancestry individuals, 461 South Asian ancestry individuals C NR 0.000004 5.398 rs7137828 0.613 diastolic blood pressure (EFO:0006336)
GWAS548502_H GCST007099 Systolic blood pressure 295,529 European ancestry individuals, 8,231 Latino individuals, 3,058 African American individuals, 2,029 African British individuals, 7,701 East Asian ancestry individuals, 2,735 South Asian ancestry individuals, 1,979 mixed and unknown ancestry individuals C NR 3E-23 22.523 rs7137828 0.389 systolic blood pressure (EFO:0006335)
GWAS551146_H GCST007094 Diastolic blood pressure 295,529 European ancestry individuals, 8,231 Latino individuals, 3,058 African American individuals, 2,029 African British individuals, 7,701 East Asian ancestry individuals, 2,735 South Asian ancestry individuals, 1,979 mixed and unknown ancestry individuals C NR 1E-63 63 rs7137828 0.403 diastolic blood pressure (EFO:0006336)
GWAS556989_H GCST005528 Juvenile idiopathic arthritis (oligoarticular or rheumatoid factor-negative polyarticular) 2,816 European ancestry cases, 13,056 European ancestry controls C 0.49 2E-9 8.699 rs7137828 1.2 systemic juvenile idiopathic arthritis (EFO:1001999)
polyarticular juvenile idiopathic arthritis, rheumatoid factor negative (EFO:1002020)
oligoarticular juvenile idiopathic arthritis (EFO:1002019)
GWAS566597_H GCST005038 Allergic disease (asthma, hay fever or eczema) 180,129 European ancestry cases, 180,709 European ancestry controls T 0.54 2E-10 9.699 rs7137828 1.033 PMID:29083406
GWAS643659_H GCST007087 Systolic blood pressure approximately 422,000 European ancestry individuals ? NR 9E-56 55.046 rs7137828 N/A systolic blood pressure (EFO:0006335)
GWAS649686_H GCST90002304 Hematocrit 562,259 European ancestry individuals T 0.51642 3E-243 242.523 rs7137828 0.061464 hematocrit (EFO:0004348)
GWAS651422_H GCST90002308 Hematocrit 737,823 African American or Afro-Caribbean, African ancestry, European ancestry, East Asian ancestry, Hispanic or Latin American and South Asian ancestry individuals T 0.533958 1E-241 241 rs7137828 N/A hematocrit (EFO:0004348)
GWAS651744_H GCST90002310 Hemoglobin concentration 563,946 European ancestry individuals T 0.516238 4E-273 272.398 rs7137828 0.064984 hemoglobin measurement (EFO:0004509)
GWAS651747_H GCST90002382 Eosinophil percentage of white cells 408,112 British individuals T 0.51759 2E-307 306.699 rs7137828 0.08334227 eosinophil percentage of leukocytes (EFO:0007991)
GWAS651750_H GCST90002314 Hemoglobin concentration 746,431 African American or Afro-Caribbean, African ancestry, European ancestry, East Asian ancestry, Hispanic or Latin American and South Asian ancestry individuals T 0.533736 2E-272 271.699 rs7137828 N/A hemoglobin measurement (EFO:0004509)
GWAS654544_H GCST90002316 Lymphocyte count 524,923 European ancestry individuals T 0.516698 3E-496 495.523 rs7137828 0.090212 lymphocyte count (EFO:0004587)
GWAS673331_H GCST005195 Coronary artery disease up to 122,733 cases, up to 424,528 controls T 0.5535 4E-27 26.398 rs7137828 0.0643 coronary artery disease (EFO:0001645)
GWAS705907_H GCST006169 Diastolic blood pressure x alcohol consumption (light vs heavy) interaction (2df test) 12,758 European ancestry heavy drinkers, 1,326 African American or Afro-Caribbean heavy drinkers, 648 Asian ancestry heavy drinkers, 364 Hispanic or Latin American heavy drinkers, 43,947 European ancestry light drinkers, 8,239 African American or Afro-Caribbean light drinkers, 1,141 Asian ancestry light drinkers, 4,448 Hispanic or Latin American light drinkers T 0.51 4E-24 23.398 rs7137828 N/A diastolic blood pressure (EFO:0006336)
alcohol consumption measurement (EFO:0007878)
GWAS720664_H GCST006167 Mean arterial pressure x alcohol consumption interaction (2df test) 91,110 European ancestry drinkers and non-drinkers, 21,416 African American or Afro-Caribbean drinkers and non-drinkers, 12,365 Asian ancestry drinkers and non-drinkers, 8,470 Hispanic or Latin American drinkers and non-drinkers T 0.53 2E-19 18.699 rs7137828 N/A mean arterial pressure (EFO:0006340)
alcohol drinking (EFO:0004329)
GWAS721796_H GCST006702 Parental longevity (combined parental age at death) 208,118 British ancestry individuals C NR 3E-8 7.523 rs7137828 N/A parental longevity (EFO:0007796)
None Available GCST006698 Parental longevity (both parents in top 10%) 7,182 cases, 79,767 controls C NR 0.000003 5.523 rs7137828 N/A parental longevity (EFO:0007796)
GWAS721962_H GCST006697 Parental longevity (combined parental attained age, Martingale residuals) 389,166 British ancestry individuals C 0.483 3E-14 13.523 rs7137828 0.017 parental longevity (EFO:0007796)
GWAS722170_H GCST006696 Parental longevity (mother's attained age) 412,937 British ancestry individuals C NR 2E-7 6.699 rs7137828 N/A parental longevity (EFO:0007796)
GWAS722175_H GCST006701 Parental longevity (father's attained age) 415,311 British ancestry individuals C NR 3E-12 11.523 rs7137828 N/A parental longevity (EFO:0007796)
GWAS799639_H GCST011100 Aging traits (healthspan, parental lifespan or longevity) (multivariate analysis) at least 837,415 European ancestry individuals T 0.5167 5E-12 11.302 rs7137828 N/A longevity (EFO:0004300)
healthspan (EFO:0009762)
parental longevity (EFO:0007796)
GWAS847592_H GCST90248030 Interleukin-12 subunit beta levels 10,708 European ancestry individuals T 0.53 6E-15 14.222 rs7137828 0.105 protein measurement (EFO:0004747)
GWAS847603_H GCST90248061 Interleukin-23 levels 10,708 European ancestry individuals T 0.53 2E-15 14.699 rs7137828 0.106 interleukin-23 measurement (EFO:0020501)
None Available GCST90248636 Neuronal growth regulator 1 levels 10,708 European ancestry individuals T 0.53 3E-12 11.523 rs7137828 0.095 neuronal growth regulator 1 measurement (EFO:0021932)
GWAS864197_H GCST90269568 Lactate levels (UKB data field 23471) 88,119 European ancestry individuals C 0.485544 2E-26 25.699 rs7137828 0.0489288 lactate measurement (EFO:0007745)
GWAS923613_H GCST90002363 Red blood cell count 545,203 European ancestry individuals T 0.516713 3E-129 128.523 rs7137828 0.04467 red blood cell density measurement (EFO:0007978)
GWAS936850_H GCST90011871 Addison's disease 1,223 European ancestry cases, 4,097 European ancestry controls C 0.46 5E-8 7.302 rs7137828 1.3 PMID:33574239
GWAS966520_H GCST90002367 Red blood cell count 727,624 African American or Afro-Caribbean, African ancestry, European ancestry, East Asian ancestry, Hispanic or Latin American and South Asian ancestry individuals T 0.534191 6E-127 126.222 rs7137828 N/A red blood cell density measurement (EFO:0007978)
None Available GCST90011770 Glaucoma (primary open-angle) 23,963 European ancestry cases, 306,942 European ancestry controls, 6,935 East Asian ancestry cases, 39,588 East Asian ancestry controls, 3,281 Sub-Saharan African ancestry cases, 2,791 Sub-Saharan African ancestry controls T NR 2E-9 8.699 rs7137828 0.043 open-angle glaucoma (EFO:0004190)
GWAS1001212_H GCST90310210 Primary open angle glaucoma (MTAG) at least 29,241 European ancestry cases, at least 350,181 European ancestry controls (MTAG boosted by vertical cup-to-disc ratio and intraocular pressure samples) T NR 6E-18 17.222 rs7137828 0.075553484 open-angle glaucoma (EFO:0004190)
GWAS1001222_H GCST90310211 Primary open angle glaucoma (multi-trait analysis) at least 29,241 European ancestry cases, at least 350,181 European ancestry controls (MTAG boosted by vertical cup-to-disc ratio and intraocular pressure samples), 6,935 Asian ancestry cases, 39,588 Asian ancestry controls, 3,281 African ancestry cases, 2,791 African ancestry controls T NR 5E-18 17.302 rs7137828 0.0756 open-angle glaucoma (EFO:0004190)
None Available GCST90092819 Glucose levels 114,870 European ancestry individuals C 0.484109 2E-10 9.699 rs7137828 0.0260567 glucose measurement (EFO:0004468)
GWAS1002728_H GCST90092882 Lactate levels 114,806 European ancestry individuals C 0.484118 1E-24 24 rs7137828 0.042408 lactate measurement (EFO:0007745)
GWAS1005878_H GCST90302128 Cholesterol esters in very large HDL 4,435 East Asian ancestry individuals, 11,340 South Asian ancestry individuals, 120,241 European ancestry individuals T 0.5468 1E-16 16 rs7137828 0.0338 esterified cholesterol measurement (EFO:0008589)
high density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement (EFO:0004612)
GWAS1005879_H GCST90302126 Total cholesterol levels in very large HDL 4,435 East Asian ancestry individuals, 11,340 South Asian ancestry individuals, 120,241 European ancestry individuals T 0.5469 7E-18 17.155 rs7137828 0.0351 total cholesterol measurement (EFO:0004574)
high density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement (EFO:0004612)
None Available GCST90302130 Free cholesterol in very large HDL 4,435 East Asian ancestry individuals, 11,340 South Asian ancestry individuals, 120,241 European ancestry individuals T 0.547 2E-19 18.699 rs7137828 0.0369 free cholesterol in very large HDL measurement (EFO:0022273)
GWAS1008382_H GCST90302131 Free cholesterol to total lipids ratio in very large HDL 4,435 East Asian ancestry individuals, 11,340 South Asian ancestry individuals, 120,241 European ancestry individuals T 0.5458 2E-14 13.699 rs7137828 0.0312 free cholesterol:total lipids ratio (EFO:0020945)
high density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement (EFO:0004612)
GWAS1010962_H GCST90310294 Systolic blood pressure 1,028,980 European ancestry individuals T NR 5E-78 77.302 rs7137828 0.4524 systolic blood pressure (EFO:0006335)
GWAS1010994_H GCST90428120 Whole body fat free mass (UKB data field 23101) 337,739 European ancestry individuals T NR 1E-18 18 rs7137828 0.0116159 lean body mass (EFO:0004995)
GWAS1012404_H GCST90281240 Monocyte side scatter 39,608 European ancestry individuals T 0.5172 3E-16 15.523 rs7137828 0.0563919 monocyte measurement (EFO:0803547)
GWAS1015241_H GCST90012036 Pappalysin-1 levels 21,758 European ancestry individuals T 0.53 4E-11 10.398 rs7137828 0.0685 pappalysin‐1 measurement (EFO:0010618)
GWAS1017621_H GCST90056180 Eosinophil counts 234,763 European ancestry individuals C 0.485 5E-201 200.302 rs7137828 N/A eosinophil count (EFO:0004842)
GWAS1017700_H GCST90016667 Spleen volume 32,860 European ancestry individuals ? NR 3E-83 82.523 rs7137828 0.133 spleen volume (EFO:0600047)
GWAS1027881_H GCST90027079 Albumin levels 148,248 British ancestry men T 0.52 3E-10 9.523 rs7137828 0.08 serum albumin measurement (EFO:0004535)
None Available GCST90399470 Glaucoma (primary open-angle) 21,839 European, African, Central/South Asian, East Asian or Hispanic cases, 1,237,201 European, African, Central/South Asian, East Asian or Hispanic controls, 15,229 European ancestry cases, 177,473 European ancestry controls, 9,257 African ancestry cases, 17,038 African ancestry controls ? NR 3E-10 9.523 rs7137828 0.065545 open-angle glaucoma (EFO:0004190)
GWAS1040716_H GCST90129545 Coronary artery disease or factor XI levels (pleiotropy) 172,122 European, South Asian or East Asian CAD cases, 566,864 European, South Asian or East Asian CAD controls, 16,169 European ancestry individuals with measurements ? NR 1E-21 21 rs7137828 N/A factor XI measurement (EFO:0004694)
coronary artery disease (EFO:0001645)
GWAS1041949_H GCST90129542 Coronary artery disease or factor VII levels (pleiotropy) 172,122 European, South Asian or East Asian CAD cases, 566,864 European, South Asian or East Asian CAD controls, 27,495 European or African American individuals with measurements ? NR 3E-21 20.523 rs7137828 N/A coronary artery disease (EFO:0001645)
factor VII measurement (EFO:0004619)
GWAS1042554_H GCST90129544 Coronary artery disease or von Willebrand factor levels (pleiotropy) 172,122 European, South Asian or East Asian CAD cases, 566,864 European, South Asian or East Asian CAD controls, 46,354 European, African American or Hispanic individuals with measurements ? NR 1E-22 22 rs7137828 N/A von Willebrand factor measurement (EFO:0004629)
coronary artery disease (EFO:0001645)
GWAS1048060_H GCST90134621 Eosinophil counts 365,954 British ancestry individuals C 0.464 4E-137 136.398 rs7137828 0.092 eosinophil count (EFO:0004842)
GWAS1066455_H GCST90310295 Diastolic blood pressure 1,028,980 European ancestry individuals T NR 7E-182 181.155 rs7137828 0.4348 diastolic blood pressure (EFO:0006336)
Database Acc Id Source(s)
GWAS Catalog GCST90002382 GWAS Catalog

RGD Curation Notes
Note Type Note Reference