GWAS605607_H QTL Report (Homo sapiens) - Rat Genome Database

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QTL: GWAS605607_H (mean arterial pressure QTL GWAS605607 (human)) Homo sapiens

Symbol: GWAS605607_H
Name: mean arterial pressure QTL GWAS605607 (human)
RGD ID: 406956631
Trait: mean arterial pressure
Measurement Type: mean arterial blood pressure   (CMO:0000009)    
pulse pressure   (CMO:0000292)    
LOD Score: Not Available
P Value: 1.0E-9
Variance: Not Available
Position No map positions available.
Population Stats: Not Available

Experimental Data Annotations    Click to see Annotation Detail View

Clinical Measurement
Object SymbolSpeciesTermQualifierEvidenceWithReferenceNotesSourceOriginal Reference(s)
GWAS605607_HHumanmean arterial blood pressure  IAGPrs11642015405850206Based on the EFO term IDGWAS_CATALOGPMID:30487518
GWAS605607_HHumanpulse pressure  IAGPrs11642015405850206Based on the EFO term IDGWAS_CATALOGPMID:38689001

Experimental Factor Annotations    Click to see Annotation Detail View
Object SymbolSpeciesTermQualifierEvidenceWithReferenceNotesSourceOriginal Reference(s)
GWAS605607_HHumanmean arterial pressure  IAGPrs11642015405850206 GWAS_CATALOGPMID:30487518
GWAS605607_HHumanpulse pressure measurement  IAGPrs11642015405850206 GWAS_CATALOGPMID:38689001
Experimental Data Annotations     Click to see Annotation Detail View

Clinical Measurement


References - curated
# Reference Title Reference Citation
1. RGD GWAS Catalog Import Pipeline RGD pipeline to import data from GWAS Catalog and create human variant and QTL records


Position Markers

Peak: (rs11642015) No map positions available.

Additional Information

GWAS QTLs Related by Peak Marker
Data has come from the GWAS Catalog   
The highlighted row represents the current QTL
QTL GWAS Catalog Study Disease Trait Study Size Risk Allele Risk Allele Frequency P Value P Value MLOG Peak Marker Reported Odds Ratio or Beta-coefficient Ontology Accession PubMed
None Available GCST005830 Hand grip strength 334,825 British ancestry individuals T 0.4023 8E-49 48.097 rs11642015 0.004 grip strength measurement (EFO:0006941)
None Available GCST90013693 Type 2 diabetes 40,250 Japanese ancestry cases, 170,615 Japanese ancestry controls T 0.199307382 1E-35 35 rs11642015 1.1362573 PMID:32514122
None Available GCST004904 Body mass index up to 72,390 Japanese ancestry women, up to 85,894 Japanese ancestry men T 0.207 2E-81 80.699 rs11642015 0.081 body mass index (EFO:0004340)
None Available GCST007986 Ease of getting up in the morning 385,949 European ancestry individuals T 0.4041 6E-11 10.222 rs11642015 0.0114 chronotype measurement (EFO:0008328)
None Available GCST007078 Menarche (age at onset) approximately 242,000 European ancestry individuals ? NR 1E-57 57 rs11642015 N/A age at menarche (EFO:0004703)
None Available GCST005986 Blood urea nitrogen levels 139,818 Japanese ancestry individuals ? NR 4E-15 14.398 rs11642015 0.03452 blood urea nitrogen measurement (EFO:0004741)
None Available GCST007706 Mean arterial pressure 130,777 Japanese ancestry individuals T 0.2054 1E-9 9 rs11642015 0.3503 mean arterial pressure (EFO:0006340)
None Available GCST90309342 BMI and adiposity (confirmatory factor analysis Factor 7) 338,590 European ancestry individuals ? NR 2E-133 132.699 rs11642015 N/A body mass index (EFO:0004340)
None Available GCST009121 Body mass index 346,393 European ancestry individuals ? NR 7E-217 216.155 rs11642015 N/A body mass index (EFO:0004340)
None Available GCST009107 Body mass index variance 346,393 European ancestry individuals ? NR 2E-73 72.699 rs11642015 N/A body mass index (EFO:0004340)
None Available GCST007703 Systolic blood pressure 130,777 Japanese ancestry individuals T 0.2054 2E-12 11.699 rs11642015 0.5779 systolic blood pressure (EFO:0006335)
None Available GCST007704 Diastolic blood pressure 130,777 Japanese ancestry individuals T 0.1951 0.000003 5.523 rs11642015 0.2406 diastolic blood pressure (EFO:0006336)
None Available GCST007705 Pulse pressure 130,777 Japanese ancestry individuals T 0.1951 3E-10 9.523 rs11642015 0.3531 pulse pressure measurement (EFO:0005763)
None Available GCST008647 Urinary sodium excretion 446,237 European ancestry individuals C 0.596261 7E-23 22.155 rs11642015 0.0124196 sodium measurement (EFO:0009282)
None Available GCST90018706 Type 2 diabetes 45,383 East Asian ancestry cases, 132,032 East Asian ancestry controls T 0.198682717 6E-27 26.222 rs11642015 0.121951394 PMID:34594039
None Available GCST90018947 Body mass index 359,983 European ancestry individuals, 163,835 East Asian ancestry individuals T NR 9E-290 289.046 rs11642015 0.074 body mass index (EFO:0004340)
None Available GCST006195 Systolic blood pressure x smoking status (current vs non-current) interaction (2df test) 14,607 European ancestry current smokers, 65,935 European ancestry former and never smokers, 5,545 African ancestry current smokers, 21,571 African ancestry former and never smokers, 2,465 Asian ancestry current smokers, 10,973 Asian ancestry former and never smokers, 1,068 Hispanic current smokers, 7,737 Hispanic former and never smokers ? NR 6E-14 13.222 rs11642015 N/A smoking status measurement (EFO:0006527)
systolic blood pressure (EFO:0006335)
None Available GCST006192 Systolic blood pressure x smoking status (ever vs never) interaction (2df test) 43,016 European ancestry ever smokers, 37,535 European ancestry never smokers, 12,693 African ancestry ever smokers, 13,121 African ancestry never smokers, 4,142 Asian ancestry ever smokers, 9,296 Asian ancestry never smokers, 3,228 Hispanic ever smokers, 5,577 Hispanic never smokers ? NR 4E-20 19.398 rs11642015 N/A smoking status measurement (EFO:0006527)
systolic blood pressure (EFO:0006335)
None Available GCST90018727 Body mass index 163,835 East Asian ancestry individuals T 0.203407 2E-85 84.699 rs11642015 0.0773912 body mass index (EFO:0004340)
None Available GCST90018728 Blood urea nitrogen levels 148,767 East Asian ancestry individuals T 0.203526 6E-16 15.222 rs11642015 0.0337251 blood urea nitrogen measurement (EFO:0004741)
None Available GCST90302113 Phospholipids to total lipids ratio in small VLDL 4,435 East Asian ancestry individuals, 11,340 South Asian ancestry individuals, 120,241 European ancestry individuals T 0.4015 2E-11 10.699 rs11642015 0.0271 very low density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement (EFO:0008317)
phospholipids:total lipids ratio (EFO:0020946)
None Available GCST90335162 Systolic blood pressure (BMI unadjusted) 100,453 Chinese Han ancestry individuals T 0.875 3E-12 11.523 rs11642015 1.0374 systolic blood pressure (EFO:0006335)
None Available GCST006190 Diastolic blood pressure x smoking status (ever vs never) interaction (2df test) 43,016 European ancestry ever smokers, 37,535 European ancestry never smokers, 12,693 African ancestry ever smokers, 13,121 African ancestry never smokers, 4,142 Asian ancestry ever smokers, 9,296 Asian ancestry never smokers, 3,228 Hispanic ever smokers, 5,577 Hispanic never smokers ? NR 4E-8 7.398 rs11642015 N/A smoking status measurement (EFO:0006527)
diastolic blood pressure (EFO:0006336)
None Available GCST006190 Diastolic blood pressure x smoking status (ever vs never) interaction (2df test) 43,016 European ancestry ever smokers, 37,535 European ancestry never smokers, 12,693 African ancestry ever smokers, 13,121 African ancestry never smokers, 4,142 Asian ancestry ever smokers, 9,296 Asian ancestry never smokers, 3,228 Hispanic ever smokers, 5,577 Hispanic never smokers ? NR 2E-10 9.699 rs11642015 N/A smoking status measurement (EFO:0006527)
diastolic blood pressure (EFO:0006336)
None Available GCST006192 Systolic blood pressure x smoking status (ever vs never) interaction (2df test) 43,016 European ancestry ever smokers, 37,535 European ancestry never smokers, 12,693 African ancestry ever smokers, 13,121 African ancestry never smokers, 4,142 Asian ancestry ever smokers, 9,296 Asian ancestry never smokers, 3,228 Hispanic ever smokers, 5,577 Hispanic never smokers ? NR 1E-13 13 rs11642015 N/A smoking status measurement (EFO:0006527)
systolic blood pressure (EFO:0006335)
None Available GCST006195 Systolic blood pressure x smoking status (current vs non-current) interaction (2df test) 14,607 European ancestry current smokers, 65,935 European ancestry former and never smokers, 5,545 African ancestry current smokers, 21,571 African ancestry former and never smokers, 2,465 Asian ancestry current smokers, 10,973 Asian ancestry former and never smokers, 1,068 Hispanic current smokers, 7,737 Hispanic former and never smokers ? NR 1E-20 20 rs11642015 N/A smoking status measurement (EFO:0006527)
systolic blood pressure (EFO:0006335)
None Available GCST006193 Diastolic blood pressure x smoking status (current vs non-current) interaction (2df test) 14,607 European ancestry current smokers, 65,935 European ancestry former and never smokers, 5,545 African ancestry current smokers, 21,571 African ancestry former and never smokers, 2,465 Asian ancestry current smokers, 10,973 Asian ancestry former and never smokers, 1,068 Hispanic current smokers, 7,737 Hispanic former and never smokers ? NR 3E-11 10.523 rs11642015 N/A smoking status measurement (EFO:0006527)
diastolic blood pressure (EFO:0006336)
None Available GCST006193 Diastolic blood pressure x smoking status (current vs non-current) interaction (2df test) 14,607 European ancestry current smokers, 65,935 European ancestry former and never smokers, 5,545 African ancestry current smokers, 21,571 African ancestry former and never smokers, 2,465 Asian ancestry current smokers, 10,973 Asian ancestry former and never smokers, 1,068 Hispanic current smokers, 7,737 Hispanic former and never smokers ? NR 6E-9 8.222 rs11642015 N/A smoking status measurement (EFO:0006527)
diastolic blood pressure (EFO:0006336)
None Available GCST90020232 Body fat percentage 442,278 European ancestry individuals T 0.4 7E-165 164.155 rs11642015 0.041 body fat percentage (EFO:0007800)
None Available GCST90020234 Sex hormone-binding globulin levels 389,354 European ancestry individuals T 0.4 3E-20 19.523 rs11642015 0.018 sex hormone-binding globulin measurement (EFO:0004696)
None Available GCST90020233 High density lipoprotein cholesterol levels 392,965 European ancestry individuals T 0.4 4E-16 15.398 rs11642015 0.014 high density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement (EFO:0004612)
None Available GCST90020236 Alanine aminotransferase levels 429,203 European ancestry individuals T 0.4 8E-20 19.097 rs11642015 0.018 serum alanine aminotransferase measurement (EFO:0004735)
None Available GCST90038594 Metabolic biomarkers (multivariate analysis) 389,354 European ancestry individuals T 0.4 2E-157 156.699 rs11642015 N/A aspartate aminotransferase measurement (EFO:0004736)
serum alanine aminotransferase measurement (EFO:0004735)
low density lipoprotein triglyceride measurement (EFO:0009946)
body fat percentage (EFO:0007800)
None Available GCST90020237 Aspartate aminotransferase levels 424,778 European ancestry individuals T 0.4 7E-7 6.155 rs11642015 0.01 aspartate aminotransferase measurement (EFO:0004736)
None Available GCST90103756 Body fat percentage 21,304 Taiwanese ancestry individuals, 361,194 individuals, 155,961 European ancestry individuals C 0.1259 1E-112 112 rs11642015 0.0406 body fat percentage (EFO:0007800)
None Available GCST90103757 Waist circumference 21,949 Taiwanese ancestry individuals, 361,194 individuals, 224,459 European ancestry individuals C 0.1259 5E-167 166.302 rs11642015 0.0573 waist circumference (EFO:0004342)
None Available GCST90094825 Salami liking 154,673 European ancestry individuals T 0.4051 1E-8 8 rs11642015 0.020811 taste liking measurement (EFO:0010155)
None Available GCST90205219 Abdominal adipose tissue volumes 19,093 European ancestry, East Asian ancestry, South Asian ancestry, African ancestry, NR ancestry females C 0.608 7E-9 8.155 rs11642015 0.059 abdominal adipose tissue measurement (EFO:0803316)
None Available GCST90274223 Heart failure 90,653 European ancestry cases, 1,188,957 European ancestry controls T NR 3E-25 24.523 rs11642015 0.058 heart failure (EFO:0003144)
None Available GCST90243989 Drinks per week 2,965,643 European ancestry, East Asian ancestry, Hispanic or Latin American, African ancestry individuals T 0.38 8E-38 37.097 rs11642015 0.011 alcohol consumption measurement (EFO:0007878)
None Available GCST90301650 Body mass index 441,761 European ancestry individuals C NR 4E-315 314.398 rs11642015 0.0741454 body mass index (EFO:0004340)
None Available GCST90428119 Body mass index 342,566 European ancestry individuals T NR 2E-213 212.699 rs11642015 0.076337 body mass index (EFO:0004340)
None Available GCST90428121 Whole body fat mass (UKB data field 23100) 337,196 European ancestry individuals T NR 3E-163 162.523 rs11642015 0.0654991 fat body mass (EFO:0005409)
None Available GCST90310296 Pulse pressure 1,028,980 European ancestry individuals T NR 1E-9 9 rs11642015 0.1062 pulse pressure measurement (EFO:0005763)
None Available GCST90454454 Metabolic syndrome 24,171 Taiwanese ancestry cases, 83,059 Taiwanese ancestry controls C 0.1332 4E-8 7.398 rs11642015 0.08526 metabolic syndrome (EFO:0000195)
Database Acc Id Source(s)
GWAS Catalog GCST007706 GWAS Catalog
  GCST90310296 GWAS Catalog

RGD Curation Notes
Note Type Note Reference